By Kosuke Kuji
I wrote in my previous report that I was blessed with a fateful encounter in Kochi prefecture, where the prefectural fish is bonito, one of my favorite foods. Finding high-quality bonito is difficult where I live in Iwate prefecture.
My trip to Kochi prefecture blessed me with the opportunity to savor bonito of the highest quality. The bonito I tasted was so savory, it literally “melted in my mouth.” Just when I was on cloud nine, a colleague pointed out, “Kuji-san, you’re eating frozen bonito.” I was taken aback. What do you mean? There’s no way this delicious bonito was frozen. I was further confused when he asked, “Would you like to try fresh bonito?”
Of course I tried the fresh bonito. If frozen bonito is this delicious, how much better could fresh bonito taste? What if the fresh bonito was so delicious that I end up suffering a heart attack…? I had grand expectations as I tasted the fresh bonito. “Wait, what? The fresh bonito tastes the same as the frozen bonito…”
I thought maybe my sense of taste was off. I tasted all the local sake brewed in Kochi prefecture on site and was able to differentiate the unique flavors of each sake. My tastebuds are fine.
“So, what does this mean?” I asked. My colleague replied, “The frozen bonito you tried was not frozen normally, it was flash-frozen.”
I was then shown the flash-freezing machine, “TŌMIN FROZEN.”
Nevertheless, why does the “normal freezing method” degrade the flavor while “flash-freezing” produces “no difference” in flavor before nor after flash-freezing? The Executive Director of Technician Co., Ltd., developer of TŌMIN FROZEN, answered my question.
酒豪大陸「日本酒のスーパーフローズン その4」