- ハッシュタグ「#pspinc」の検索結果2427件
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
People are working long hours to make sure we can deliver the products on time ... This was out dinner last night. People love Ezell's Famous Chicken.
I pay $10.00 for 2TB of iCloud storage.
I think we should build better photo storage software service.
I used to use Aperture software from Apple ... then they stop supporting it. So I had to switch to Photos ... The transfer was not very good and I had to re-enter a lot of text. Now with almost 133,000 photos, Photos is crapping out on me often. Apple is loosing its quality control.
I reported on NE 8th reducing speed from 35 Mph to 25Mph few days ago. It is now reduced to 25Mph.
Well, actually city is doing some construction and lanes are reduces from 4 lanes to 2 lanes. That was the reason for this speed reduction of 10Mph. I understand the reason for this completely. But when it was announced, all they said was "Speed Reduced to 25Mph" with no explanation what so ever.
They should have communicate it better. It is important for any business to communicate better with customers and vendors.
They are running a seminar today.
My father is the head of an organization called Ashiya PC ... their mission is to teach elders how to use PCs so they can communicate better with younger generations.
PSPinc is providing the web hosting for this organization.
This is drive recorder for bikes ... You need to professionally install it but you can record both from and back. 1080 HD cameras can record in the central unit housed under the seat. I thought it was a great design.
I receive a message on Linked In introducing themselves. I check the website and found out they are located next to the hotel I am staying. So I reached out to the company ... Then something went completely wrong.
QR Codes are everywhere.
I have found few things in last two days art COMOPUTEX.
I will do more research when I get back..
This is a really interesting show. I find some things that are not being displayed.
I realized few things about Social Network.
Fist of all, it is impossible to be liked by everyone. At the same time, no matter how bad you are, there will be someone who likes you. So they key is know who you want to be liked and design your post around those people. If you want to sell your products, you need to know who might buy your products.
As you get more popular, you will be hated by some people ... You need to ignore them. Yes, they are like back ground noise. No matter what you do, they will hate you. Look at President Trump ... people will find the way to hate him and say thing like "he has done nothing."
Do not try to convince someone about your way of thinking. There will be people understand your way and there will be people just do not even try understand. Don't waste your time and effort. They will not change.
Don't be discouraged when there is nobody likes you. Keep doing what you are doing, there will be people there for you. If will get nothing when you quit. Just spend little time writing anything. Continuation is more important than one good article. Good luck and keep writing.
There is a tree with sweet smelling flower outside of my office. There are many black bees collecting nectar. I saw one bee unable to fly any more on the ground today. I collected flowers from the tree and lay them all around a bee on the ground. I don't know what happened after that but I felt he was happy.
For that bee, he really was working until he die. If I can make him little more peaceful, I think I am happy. Work hard ... that is why I am here.
Be Positive !!!
You all heard the terms
"The glass is half empty or half full."
How does this apply to the business. I just encounter a good example of this. When we design a new products ... people say
"It will not sell because _______ is missing."
Instead, I would like to hear
"It will sell when of ________ is there."
Both are saying the same thing, but people who are listening them will take tem completely differently. The fist way is not productive at all. But the second way is very assuring. Do you agree?
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