- ハッシュタグ「#pspinc」の検索結果2474件
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
I have been thinking about purchasing Facebook Portal for my parents in Japan. I just want to have an easy way for my parents to call me and see me. This product looks promising but, it has a lot more features than I really need.
It would be a good idea to have just an all-in-one simple to use video conferencing system. I wil check and see if I can find it somewhere. If you know of any, please let me know.
2018 is almost over. Did you complete everything you set out to do at the beginning of the year? Are you happy with what you have accomplished? If you are happy, you belong to a very small group of people. Most of us are not happy about what we have accomplished. We still have many things unfinished. But time keeps on ticking. I realize I'm not going to be able to do everything I wanted to do this year. So, I plan to do those next year but I did the same thing last year.
I started Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. in 1987 when I was only 28. That's over 30 years ago. I started exporting English PC software packages to Japan from my apartment. That was my first venture. Then I moved on to software licensing and localization. We created Japanese versions of many software for sale in Japan. This licensing, localization. and publishing replaced our English PC Software package export and became our second venture. This venture was replaced by Internet Domain/Web/Email hosting and Internet Web development in 1996. For the last 12 years, I have been building the company on the Internet business.
Our Japanese business has been blessed with wonderful business partners and friends for the last 30 years. Partners and friends include Softbank, Software International, Software Japan, IDG, BCN, TEC, HITACH, Ascii, Nikkei BP, AX Conferences, Vega, NEC, Mitsubishi PC, Otsuka Corporation, Kokuyo, and Saishunkan just to name a few. Our business model has been to build a business together with our partners. For that reason, we are always looking for new business opportunities with existing and new partners and friends. We are not here to sell you anything. We are here to start and build a business together.
I am publishing this newsletter to see if you are interested in building a business together. I will let you know what I have available to you. I would like to know what you have available for us to sell together. Please feel free to contact me. My email address is ken.uchikura@pspinc.com . I will be happy to visit you and love to have you visit us. Let's get to know each other. I would like to be your resource and I would like to have you as my resource when there is a business opportunity.
If you do not want to receive this email, please use the unsubscribe link. Your email will be deleted from my contact list immediately. If you want to add someone to this database, please list http://www.uchikura.co to add the email address. Please contact me with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you.
Here is the email I sent out to everyone I have met.
Some of the people may not remember me, but I have you on my address book.
Welcome to the first edition of the Uchikura Newsletter. I intend to send out this newsletter on a regular basis and hope it helps inform, inspire, and potentially even make you laugh.
I founded PSPinc over 30 years ago from my apartment building on Mercer Island. PSPinc has grown into a full-service web hosting and design company headquartered in Bellevue.
Previously I had my own newsletter which I sent out every Monday and Thursday as "Weather Report Newsletter" for 10 years , I wrote my 1,000th newsletter on December 24th, 2007. I stopped once our blogging platform, Bloguru , was launched in 2007 but I'm starting one back up again!
If you do not wish to receive this newsletter feel free to unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe button below. We will leave an unsubscribe option in each email so you will be able to unsubscribe anytime.
If you did not receive this email from m today, you are not on my list. You can subscribe to my newsletter at http://www.uchikura.co
Thank you.
I am planning a next Japan trip in the mid January. I usually go to Computer / IT Fair in Japan in February but this year I may pass that responsibility to others. I am planning to go to Japan more often next year.
We had SPAM RICE for lunch today.
Those are what have used.
This SPAM has absolutely nothing to do with SPAM email.
We have created the way for people to report SPAM email to our SPAM filtering system. When you receive SPAM or any other unwanted email, just attach those email and send them to spamcollect@pspinc.com for reporting.
We will be regularly update our SPAM filter based on your reporting. More you report, more SPAMs we can block. Thank you for reporting. The system is now in the beta-testing stage. Please help us collect more SPAM.
I brought some bagels to the office this morning.
Website on iPhone
Responsive Web Design by PSPinc
Website on PC
Responsive Web Design by PSPinc
Did you know over 2/3 of visitors to your website are using smartphones like iPhone and Android pones? Is your website designed for those small screen sizes? If not, people will just leave your website.
The solution is to convert your website to what it is know as Responsive Web Design. By doing so, the website will adjust the font sizes and layout to make it easier to view and navigate on smaller screens.
Also all national companies website are built using Responsive Web Design. Let us take a look at your website and work with you to make it Responsive Web Design.
When it comes to computer, internet and network, people need help. And we really need to consider seriously about customer support as a business. Can we create a better support organization? Can we make it affordable? Can we provide better technical capabilities? How do we do that?
How can this be possible?
People are happy about his website ... I am sure software provers are not!!!
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