
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

We Have Moved Our Data Center !!!

Data Center Opening May 2004 Data Center Opening
May 2004
As if last Friday August 17, 2018 As if last Friday
August 17, 2018
We Have Moved Our Data Cent... We Have Moved Our Data Cent... We Have Moved Our Data Cent...
Back in May 2004, we stop our first rack at Fisher Plaza (Currently KOMO Plaza). After 14 years, we moved out all our racks and servers from KOMO Plaza. Our new data center is located at next building with 20 times the fiber.

We were the first customer of the building and when we left, we were the last customer of the floor.
#pspinc #valueproposition


Company BBQ

Company BBQ Company BBQ Company BBQ Company BBQ My birthday is not today. My birthday is not today.
Company BBQ Today ...
#pompomwashere #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Do you know what this marketing campaign is called?

Do you know what this market...
If you buy a list from outside and blast email out to those email addresses you are SPAMMING. There i something you should know about SPAM.

United States

In the United States, most states enacted anti-spam laws during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Many of these have since been pre-empted by the less restrictive CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 ("CAN-SPAM").

Spam is legally permissible according to CAN-SPAM, provided it meets certain criteria: a "truthful" subject line, no forged information in the technical headers or sender address, and other minor requirements. If the spam fails to comply with any of these requirements it is illegal. Aggravated or accelerated penalties apply if the spammer harvested the email addresses using methods described earlier.

A review of the effectiveness of CAN-SPAM in 2005 by the Federal Trade Commission (the agency charged with CAN-SPAM enforcement) stated that the amount of sexually explicit spam had significantly decreased since 2003 and the total volume had begun to level off.[27] Senator Conrad Burns, a principal sponsor, noted that "Enforcement is key regarding the CAN-SPAM legislation." In 2004, less than one percent of spam complied with CAN-SPAM.[28] In contrast to the FTC evaluation, many observers view CAN-SPAM as having failed in its purpose of reducing spam.[

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_spam
#marketing #pompomwashere #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Mouse Pad with Wrong Phone No.

This will be our last mouse pa... This will be our last mouse pad.
I will not make this mistake again.
This just makes me sad that we designed 2018 to 2019 mouse pad with wrong phone number printed.


Something I Learned.

My Swimming Coach My Swimming Coach
I learned from my swimming coach that the way to swim faster is not anything to do with stroke faster or kick more ... It is to reduce drag. It used to take me 13 strokes to go 25 yards ... by just concentrating reducing drag, I was able to reduce that to 10 strokes. That is 25% improvement. I swam faster and smoother by stroking slower.

Do you think there is a lesson to be learned here that can be applied to your business?
#pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Ezell's Famous Chicken at Lenny Wilkens' Golf Tournament

Ezell's Famous Chicken at Len... Ezell's Famous Chicken at Len... Ezell's Famous Chicken at Len... Ezell's Famous Chicken at Len...
Every year, Ezell's Famous Chicken takes care of 130+ hungry people after the Lenny Wilkens' Golf Tournament. Only here, we get to eat shrimp and catfish in addition to fried chickens.
#ezellsfamouschicken #lennywilkens #pspinc


PSPinc Online Marketing Team

PSPinc Online Marketing Team
I went to lunch with PSPinc online marketing team. We now have two new interns from Japanese Universities. Doshisya University and Meiji Gakuin University learning about online marketing.
#marketing #pspinc #uchikuraco


Project Management

Project Management
No project can be managed without setting and knowing the goal. When you know the goal, you must have the target date when the project is complete. And you need to keep track the progress. It is absolutely unacceptable for anyone to say, "we cannot meed the deadline on the lastly of the project".

First you set the goal then you break it down to the smallest steps possible and proceed with review on every step. That is the only way you can manage any project.
#pompomwashere #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Would You Try It Out?

Would You Try It Out?
Dear Web and Internet professionals,

I really would like you to try our Domain, Web and Email platform which already has over 40,000 corporate users. If I give you 1 year 90% off to try it out, would you try this?

#marketing #pompomwashere #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Keeping My Coffee Warm

Keeping My Coffee Warm
I have a YETI post ... I am keeping my coffee I make in the morning warm all day.
#pspinc #uchikuraco


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