
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989


Hakata Hakata Hakata
After the morning eeting, we had little time for sight seeing. This is one of the places I visited today. Hakata is an interesting city. I hope we we can Develop some business relationships so I can come back again.
#dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #pspwebdevelopment #valueproposition


Arrived at Hakata

Arrived at Hakata
This is my last destination of this trip.
I arrive at Hakata by air.
I took subways to get to my hotel.
It is already a midnight.
I am going to sleep now.
#dreamersi #marketing #pompomwashere #pspinc #valueproposition


Fake Phishing Mail

Fake Phishing Mail
I received the email deactivation notice ...
This is not sent ny my company ... they are trying bring customers to their hosting. No a good tactics.
#dreamersi #marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


Japanese Convenience Stores

Japanese Convenience Stores
There are three major convenience stores chains in Japana and those are

- Seven Eleven (Seven and I Holdings)
- Family Mart
- Lawson

They all have very similar offerings and product line ups. They are trying to out do with other by offering something different. For instance, this is a picture of Lawson 100 ... Almost everything this store have is 100 yen. It is much like DAISO 100 yen store.

100 yen equal to about $0.92 ... With Japanese sales tax of 8%, everything with tax is 108 yen ... that is about $1.00.
#JapaneseConvenienceStores #marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


In three days, I will be in Tokyo

In three days, I will be in Tokyo In three days, I will be in Tokyo In three days, I will be in Tokyo
My first trip of the year to Japan is coming in two days and in three days I will be standing in Tokyo.
#marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 6

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 6
CRM / Customer Relationship Management
Dear Reader,

When you hear a word CRM, you immediately think it is very expensive and is for large corporations only. But everyone, including yourself, manages your customer information in some ways including email archive and in your head. When I travel to Japan, I usually stay at the same hotel in Tokyo. The doorman at the hotel remember me and when I arrive from the airport he looked at me said “Welcome back Mr. Uchikura. How long are you going to stay with us?”. This was very nice and I really went out of my way to stay at this hotel. This is a CRM at work.

Everyone wants to be treated specially. So, when you are treated differently from others, you feel good. When customers contact you by email or telephone, it helps to know who the customer is, doesn’t it? That is unless you already know who the customer is.

So for me, CRM is not something that is special. It should not be for large companies only. Regardless of the size of the company, if you can know who the customer is, it will help your company provide better service. If you want to try CRM, we've built a very simple CRM that you can use for free. If you are interested in trying it out, please let me know, I will set it up for you.

So the next time, when someone contacts you, you and your staff know who the person is. That will make a huge difference in the impression of the people who contact you. You don’t have to use our CRM but if you do not have CRM for your company, there is no cost for this one. I cannot sell it cheaper than that.

If you have a question about computers and IT … please let me know. If you have a good experience, please share it with me. I would like to learn from you. If you had a bad experience, let me know. I would like to learn that too. I am writing this newsletter to let you know what I know, but at the same time, I really like to know what you know. By you hearing from me, if you come up with a business idea, please share it with me. That is the purpose of my newsletter.

If you do not want to receive this email, please use the unsubscribe link. Your email will be deleted from my contact list immediately. If you want to add someone to this database, please list http://www.uchikura.co to add the email address. Please contact me with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you.
#KenUchikura #Newsletter #marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


A New Cute Girl Visited PSP

A New Cute Girl Visited PSP
We had a visit from very cute girl ... She gave me a kiss.
Her name is Orio.
She is only two month old.
I am looking forward to having her at PSP regularly.
#pompomwashere #pspinc #valueproposition


Problem by Design

Reebok Zig Reebok Zig
I have been wearing pictured shoes for a while in the office. When I meet someone, I will change to the dress shoes. This shoes looked very comfortable and flexible ... I thought it was a great design. Many people complemented as well.

But those shoes have design problem. I am sure designers and manufacturer did not realized when they produced them. The problem is ... this shoes pick up small stones. I always see few small stone in my car and in my office. I was wondering where they came from ... now I know.

Designing a product and using it in the real life is different. This happens a lot in our software development industry.
#bloguru #dreamersi #kiroboto #marketing #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #pspwebdevelopment #valueproposition


The Internet, Reading, and You

The Internet, Reading, and You
When's the last time you read something online that was truly informative or inspiring? If you can't remember, you're not alone. With so many things to read with a simple click, many of us have become 'headline-only' or 'subject-line-only' readers.

Record your article and post it using ClickItAudio.


Integrates audio seamlessly into your website or blog!
Non-invasive, non-intrusive - by embedding a small code snippet into your website or blog you can load our simple audio player button. Push it once to play, and again to pause. It’s that easy to use.
#ClickItAudio #marketing #pspinc #pspwebdevelopment #valueproposition


PSPinc 2019 Kick Off

PSPinc 2019 Kick Off
I treat the company as a startup ... Each one of us is responsible for the future of this company. We have very good people working with us.
#pspinc #valueproposition


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