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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
We have just updated the Opinion Stand web site.
We are now working with selected customers to test the opinion stand at their locations.
We have the new version of Pinion Stand that we assembled. This may be the stand that we select for distribution. We need to do some more testing.
Kaikaku - Kaizen - Kairyo
Kaikaku - Kaizen - Kairyo
Dear Reader,
Those are the words that are associated with “CHANGE” in the Japanese language. They differ depending on the level of change you intend to do. The first word of all of those words starts with “改”. This kanji character means “CHANGE” and the second character tell you how big the change you are intending to make.
Kaikaku 改革
Kaikaku is the Japanese term for "radical change". In business, Kaikaku is concerned with making fundamental and radical changes. You use this word when you are making a change to the foundation.
Kaizen 改善
Kaizen is the Japanese word for “improvement". You are trying to improve some part of the system, not the entire company or process. This does not apply to a particular part of the product either. The philosophy of Kaizen is one of Toyota’s core values to always improve.
Kairyo 改良
Kairyo means to find something that is not good and making it better. First, you need to identify what is not good and then you make that part better. This applies to the product or parts, not to the people or the system.
Depending on the level of change you want to make, you apply the level of change you want to use. If you are concerned about one aspect of the product or business, you do not have to nuke it (Kaikaku), you just need to change the problem parts (Kairyou).
Japanese products now tend to have better quality because of those CHANGE concepts. Management and people understand and always look for the problem and trying to improve the company by applying the right amount of changes. Every company can always improve, the level of change is based on the problem you have. So, you should always think about at least how to Kairyo.
I will bring an Opinion Stand to Seattle Executives Association meeting tomorrow. This is the first time I will be showing this device outside of the company.
We are working on today, Sunday, to get ready for major system update starting tomorrow. With this update starting tomorrow, we are ready to move over 3,000 corporate wen/email system to the latest version. This is one of the biggest update we have ever done in our 23 year hosting history.
I thank people for working on Sunday!!!
When Japan was known for manufacturing center of the world, Japan did not just copy western products, they made it shorter, smaller, lighter, thinner (Tan Shou Kei Haku). Of course, the final product does the same but they are much shorter, smaller, lighter and thinner which provide cheaper transport cost and fewer parts. That made 'MADE IN JAPAN' more reliable and desirable. That enabled Japan to become the production powerhouse.
But Japan was never good at inventing something new. Products they produced were originated in the US but evolved into the mass production model with better quality in Japan. But in the last 20 years, Japan has been exporting its production capabilities to countries like China and other South Eastern Asian Nations. First Japan thought it was okay as long as they maintain the technology and know-how. But as you now know, most of the key production technologies have been transferred to China.
But China is not applying shorter, smaller, lighter, thinner (Tan Shou Kei Haku) concepts. They are in most cases copies of what they have learned in the past. Now the US is trying to stop the technology trade to China, which will make things interesting. Would Japan ever come back as a production powerhouse? I do not know but they have lost so much already, it might be too late for Japan to come back.
But I think for the software development, Japan may be the hidden treasure of the world. People are talking about how there are not enough engineers in Japan to fill their needs. But I think what they meant is that they cannot find engineers willing to work with less pay with a long commitment. Compare to the US, labor cost for Japanese is less than 1/2. I think there is plenty of engineers when you pay enough and hold them for long long hours. I believe software can be developed in Japan for much cheaper than the US.
If you are interested in joining me to explore software development in Japan, please let me know.
If your customer likes your service, you want to know. At the same time you want to know if your customer is not happy. Do you have a way to measure that?
Take a look at OpinionStand by PSPinc. Please call us for a demo.
Dear web developing professionals. Please try not to sell me your service. I will only work with the companies that use our "domain, web and email" email hosting service for themselves and for their clients. If you do provide hosting service and wants to get out of the hosting service, please let me know. We buy clients and seamlessly move to our hosting environment.
Kenichi Uchikura
425-957-0808 x1610 (Office)
We should be able to start demo Opinion Stand to people starting next week.
We need to update our website as well.
Thank you for all the people made it possible to get this far.
Can anyone build the plane that does never crush?
The answer is "Yes" but plane will be too heavy to fly.
If the plane cannot fly, it will never crush.
Can you build a business that never fail ...
I the same logic, the answer is yes.
But it never takes off.
Failure is always very close to success.
If you do not want fail, you will never succeed.
We must plan to succeed but never forget failure is always an option.
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