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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
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Opinion Stands were used at Japan fair 2019 collecting more than few thousands opinions from the people attend.
Many people select a restaurant to eat based on the "Deals" you get. That is why restaurant apps are so popular. Do you want pot build your restaurant app? Call me. We can talk.
If you have a restaurant app, call me so we may be able to corroborate.
I had 500 people visited my post yesterday.
That is a record.
Wow ... Can I just set there and it washed my body ... I want one.
Setting up and explains what Opinion Stand does at Japan Fair 2019.
Dear Reader,
When I was young, older people always told us, they do not understand what we are thinking and what we enjoy. We are so different from our parents and we were proud of that. But the tide has changed, we are now looking at young people and saying ”I do not understand your values.” I guess it is the same thing what our parents went through.
Until our generation, all businesses wanted to create something young people would buy. We created Walkman, PCs, Tablets, Cellular Phones, Internet and so on. We created something tangible. Something you can touch. Now, the new generation created UBER, Air B&B, Car Sharing and so on. They are basically applications of the things we created. Instead of buying and owning the stuff, people rent what they need when they need them.
Younger people do not get their news from news media. They get it from their friends through the Internet. They do not really communicate well face-to-face, instead, they communicate with social media and text. Younger people are much more socially conscious than my generation. They care about the environment and the world we live in. They are not as protective as my generation. They seem very naive to my generation.
In any sense, it is difficult for my generation to understand millennials. But we need to adopt, try to understand and communicate with those who have different values. It is always a challenge for older people to deal with younger people. But younger people are the future and they will face what we are facing when they get as old as I am. Good luck with that!
Amazon will deliver wherever your FORD is parked.
I guess you give an access to Amazon delivery to your car.
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