- ハッシュタグ「#pspinc」の検索結果1621件
March 2, 2020
Seattle Times
Just 6 weeks ago, I took a picture because I saw this headline. As you can see, we have had our second death from Coronavirus in the US on March 2. Who would thought just in 6 seeks, we has over 22,000 deaths in the US.
I really hope we will see the slow down in the infection rate and death. Take care everyone.
By the way, if you need any Internet related help, whether you are our customer or not, please contact me. It's not a tome to think business. it is a time to help each other.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
1404 140th Place NE, Bellevue, WA 98007 USA
425-957-0808 x1610 (Office)
Pompom and Tiny ... You guys please wait little longer.
You have better chance of getting COVID-19 and die than hitting the jackpot on lottery. First time in my life, I feel like there is a chance of me contracting this and die from it. The sad part is from the day you first show your symptom, you may only have 2 weeks (if not less) to die. And you man not be Abe to communicate with anyone one you are hospitalized.
I am not ready for that. Is anyone ready for that? Do I have to get ready? What are the things I need to do? How about people working at my company? Hmm...
I am not ready. I have not even started to be ready.
It may not be much but Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. has been purchase lunches from local businesses.
Today's lunch was Tacos Party Plate from Taqueria El Rinconsito of Bellevue. It was a hit among our people. We will try other things again.
It is not too difficult any more.
CDC Recommends Wearing Masks!
I agree!
You need to laugh at COVID-19 sometime.
We are all in this together ... Having smile on your face cannot hurt anyone.
The Port Island Line, commonly known as Port Liner.
New Transit Yurikamome, formally the Tokyo Waterfront New Transit Waterfront Line.
The picture above is The Port Island Line, commonly known as Port Liner. There are many innovations on this transportation system, Here are some of them.
(1) It is totally operated unmanned. (There is no driver or conductor on board)
(2) It runs on the track not rail. There are rubber tiers. (Less Noise and Smoother Rode)
(3) Automatic Windows Dimming ... When it pass near the building, windows dime to assure privacy.
This is an alternative to light rail. It can be modified to run on the street instead of traditional rail only system. I think it may have been the better system than the light rain we are building in Seattle area.
What is Port Liner?
The Port Island Line, commonly known as Port Liner is an urban automated guideway transit system in Kobe, Japan, operated by Kobe New Transit. Opened in 1981, the Port Liner was one of the world's first driverless urban transit systems, followed closely by the VAL system used on the Lille Metro, which opened in 1983.
Source: Wikipedia
What is Yurikamome
New Transit Yurikamome, formally the Tokyo Waterfront New Transit Waterfront Line, is an automated guideway transit service operated by Yurikamome, Inc., connecting Shimbashi to Toyosu, via the artificial island of Odaiba in Tokyo, Japan, a market in which it competes with the Rinkai Line.
Source: Wikipedia
One of the phenomenon in Japan is the fact that people wear masks even before COVID-19 Pandemic, There are several reasons why people in Japan wear masks. Here are some of the reasons:
(1) Air Pollution
(2) Allergy
(3) Cold (Not to infect others.)
(4) No Need for Make-Up
(5) Looks Cute
(6) Hide Identify (For Celebrities)
(7) Hide Facial Expressions
(8) Fashion
Because of this, Jaoan may be experiencing one of the slowest Pandemic development. Unfortunately, people cannot wear masks when they drink or eat, That also may be the reason when there are clusters of infections at bars and Karaoke in Tokyo.
We had assorted Jimmy John's sandwiches.
I like their sandwiches.
No Feaver
I walked around Highland Park this morning.
I am checking my temperature every morning and try to exercise (walk) if I can in the morning. I am starting to wear masks the I meet people. This is a scaredy time.
Keep up the good work, Washington.
Washington State, where I live and work is going a fantastic job containing the spread of Coronavirus. Let's keep it up.
You are lady know
(1) Wash your hand and Gargle often.
(2) Avoid contact with others.
(3) Stay home if you can.
(4) Check your temperature.
(5) Sanitize.
Take care. Together, we will beat this this.
Why do you think bot Taiwan and Japan seem to controlling Coronavirus better than the rest of the world. Here are what some people are saying.
No handshake nor hugging
Both are Island Counties
Better Medical Care
Effective National Insurance
Hot Bath
Hot Tea
Wearing Masks
We do not know what is going t happen to those two countries as far as Coronavirus is concerned. I hope they remain this way and the rest of the world get better soon.
I found this NHK special interesting.
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