
Otto's blog


Cool Cars in Ichinomiya #10

Cool Cars in Ichinomiya #10
From a distance, these look like old-style American jeeps, but when you look more closely you can see the Mitsubishi logo on the front. Otherwise they`re almost the same. Mitsubishi produced them under license from American automobile manufacturer Willys from 1953 to 1998 - a long time!

Even though these ones are not original U.S. versions, they`re still pretty cool, especially the old grey one above - can you see? It has a huge shovel (scoop) attached to the front - excellent! Very handy for clearing snow, building big sandcastles, cleaning up kids` toys, re-arranging furniture... What else can you think of?

I didn`t realise I needed a car like this until I saw this one.


FC Gifu Game

FC Gifu Game
On Sunday I took Owen to see an F.C.Gifu game. He really enjoyed it, but I`m not sure he understands the rules properly yet:

Me: Come on... Come on...! GOAL! Gifu scored!
Owen: Yatta! (Yay!)


Me: Argh! They scored!
Owen: Yatta! (Yay!)

The final score was 1-1. This is the third time I`ve been to see F.C.Gifu play but the first time I`ve seen them score a goal. They`re not a very good team but I enjoy going; the atmosphere is pretty good & they have tasty hamburgers there.


Gift & Challenge!

Gift & Challenge!
I`m not just a teacher at Teragoya. I am also the designated `Teragoya Handyman`, which means I have to fix things which are broken or damaged. I am the natural choice for this position because I`m good at fixing things ...and I`m often the person responsible for breaking & damaging those things in the first place!

The husband of one of our staff, Yumi, knows this, so he bought this tool set for me as a gift. What a nice guy!

But what is the item I have circled? What`s it for? Challenge!


Answer is in comments!


Japan v Australia Women`s Football

Japan v Australia Women`s Fo...
Today the women`s football teams of Japan & Australia played a 2012 London Olympics qualifier. Japan won 1-0.

Australia played well for the first 15 minutes but then seemed to run out of ideas. They were missing a good passer-playmaker like Japan`s captain, Sawa. She`s a good player!


Fuji Finepix Underwater Photo

Fuji Finepix Underwater Photo
I bought my Fuji Finepix XP camera a couple of years ago. I use it as a regular day-to-day camera, but it`s waterproof, so I can also use it underwater. I took the above photo when I went snorkelling at Mihama beach during Obon holidays. As you can see, the water was quite clear, but even when the water is clear, it`s pretty tricky (difficult) to take underwater pictures - the fish move, the water moves, you move, and you have to come up for air all the time! It`s kind of frustrating, but also fun.
#アウトドア #動物


Sony Cybershot Panorama Shots

Sony Cybershot Panorama Shots
My friend Christoph`s new camera is a Sony Cybershot. It has a really cool 180 degree (?) panorama shot feature. He took the above pictures using it.

Top: Mihama Beach, Fukui Prefecture
Middle: Soupon Turtle Ramen Restaurant, in front of Ichinomiya Station
Bottom: F.C.Gifu versus JEF United at Nagaragawa Stadium

Have you been to any of these places? If you like camping illegally, eating turtle, or watching your team lose, I recommend them!


Swiss Chris Quizz

Swiss Chris Quizz
My good friend Christoph from Switzerland came to visit me during Obon holidays. How much can you guess about him? Let`s find out!

Christoph used to be:
a) my student
b) my sharemate (we shared the same house)
c) thinner
d) all of the above

Christoph came to Japan:
a) for a holiday
b) to meet me
c) to meet Japanese girls
d) all of the above

Christoph is good at speaking:
a) English
b) about business
c) to Japanese girls
d) all of the above

Chris doesn`t like:
a) raw squid
b) Japanese summer
c) exercise
d) all of the above

Of course, the answer to all of the above questions is... `all of the above`!

It was great to see him again. I hope he had a good time.


Typhoon #12

Typhoon #12

Today Teragoya schools were closed because of a passing typhoon. As I write, the centre is near Okayama, about 300km west of Ichinomiya/Nagoya. There is a lot of rain in that area, but not so much around here. It`s very windy here though. The streets near my house are covered in leaves.

Now I have a new category in my list: 災害 - natural disasters!

Take care.


Updated Categories

I`ve added new categories to a lot of my old posts, so here is the updated Categories list:

ブログ - blog
音楽 - music
グルメ - food
趣味 - hobbies
スポーツ - sports
車・バイク - cars + bikes
旅行 - travel
芸術・アート - art
アウトドア - outdoor
パーティー - parties
レシピ - recipes

I`ve put my `One Man`s Trash` series (stuff I`ve collected, made, repaired, or recycled) in the `Hobbies` category.



Sorry I haven`t posted anything on my blog recently.

But how about looking at my old posts? If you`re interested in a certain topic, you can use the `Categories` section on the right side of the page, down the bottom.

Here are English translations:


ブログ - blog
スポーツ - sports
車・バイク - cars + bikes
芸術・アート - art
アウトドア - outdoor
パーティー - parties
レシピ - recipes

Unfortunately, I haven`t decided a category for some things (like my `One Man`s Trash` series) yet, so they are just included in the `blog` category, with most of my posts.

And remember, you can write a comment for my old posts too!



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