
Otto's blog


Adults Halloween Party

Adults Halloween Party
This year`s adults` halloween party was excellent! Lots of people came, and the costumes were amazing - I was really impressed.

I didn`t wear my refrigerator costume from the kids` halloween party; it was too damaged and I couldn`t be bothered [mendokusai] repairing it. But I think my replacement costume is pretty funny and stupid too, right?

Aaah... I`m a bit embarrassed about it... Nevermind!

Anyway, it was a really fun event. Did you go? If so, I hope you had a good time, and if we chatted, I hope I didn`t say anything too silly to you (I blame Henriette`s delicious cocktails).

If you didn`t go, please join us next time!

You can see more photos from the adults halloween party here .



Kids Halloween Party

Kids Halloween Party
Yes - my costume this year was... a refrigerator-freezer!

There were lots of activities for the kids to do at the party. When they finished each teacher`s activity, they could get a stamp on their card. When they collected all the stamps they could get a prize. As usual, I made a big puzzle. When they finished the puzzle, they had to open the freezer to get the stamp for their card... Some kids were too scared to open the door. Other kids just opened the door, took the stamp and barely looked at me - not scared at all!

Anyway, it was an interesting challenge making my silly costume, and everyone thought it was funny, so I`m satisfied.

Unfortunately I didn`t win the `Best Teacher`s Costume` prize. Stuart (dressed as an American football player) won it this year. Congratulations Stuart!

And thanks everyone who came - 104 kids this year! Our best attendance ever!

You can see more photos of the party here .

* click on the picture to enlarge


Rugby World Cup 2011

Rugby World Cup 2011

By the way, New Zealand won the Rugby World Cup final.

If you care.

Congratulations All Blacks!


Rugby World Cup 2011

Rugby World Cup 2011
Australia lost their semi-final match against New Zealand, so the final this weekend will be New Zealand versus France. France are definitely the underdogs [= they are expected to lose], so I think I might support them if I watch it. Or I might go for a walk. Suddenly I`m not so interested in the rugby world cup anymore...


Halloween Parties

Teragoya`s kids` halloween party is this Sunday afternoon - are you coming? How about the adults` party on Saturday the 23rd?

I`m looking forward to seeing everyone`s costumes. I`ve almost finished mine. As usual, it`s:
- homemade
- strange
- stupid
- funny
- a secret!

For more information on the parties, visit Teragoya`s facebook page:

#暮らし #生活


Rugby World Cup 2011

Rugby World Cup 2011
Have you been watching the rugby world cup? Australia, New Zealand, Wales and France have reached the semi-finals. I`m not a big rugby fan, so I`ve only watched one game so far, but I will try to watch the semi-finals.

Actually, watching professional rugby makes me feel kind of small & weak - the players are huge! I think if I played rugby, I would last about 2 minutes before being taken off on a stretcher. Or 2. And a bucket.


Higanbana - Red Spider Lily

Higanbana - Red Spider Lily

This time every year you can see this flower blooming around Japan, especially beside rivers. The color is almost always bright red, but I was surprised to recently spot a yellow version, and a white version too. Have you ever seen these colors?

In the Japanese name, `higan` is a Buddhist term for the period of seven days around the Spring or Autumn equinox (bana/hana means flower).

Of course you`re thinking, "Wow - it`s pretty. But can I eat it?" Unfortunately the answer is no; they`re poisonous to eat.
#園芸 #花


Cool Cars (not quite) in Ichinomiya #11

Cool Cars (not quite) in Ichino...
This van belongs to the DJ who was at the wedding that I went to last week.

I didn`t talk to him, but I guess his name is Kei Wong (it`s written on the big yellow stickers on the side of his van). That`s interesting, because I have a friend in Nagoya whose name is Wei Kong!

I have no idea what kind of van it is. I`ve never seen one like this before.
But I think it`s interesting & pretty cool. What do you think?


Nagano Wedding Party

Nagano Wedding Party

A week ago I attended the wedding party of an ex-workmate, Noriko, & her husband, David. It was held at a campsite in Nagano, and went on all afternoon and into the night. They booked all the cabins at the site, so everyone could stay the night in them (or tents). What a great idea!

The releasing of Thai-style floating lanterns at sunset was also a nice idea - looks nice doesn`t it?

As you can see, I took Owen with me, & we both had a good time.

Congratulations Noriko & David, & thanks for inviting me!



Typhoon #15

Typhoon #15

Our schools were closed today due to typhoon #15, which is moving up the east coast of Japan. Though it came quite close to Nagoya & Ichinomiya, in the end there wasn`t much rain or wind around here - the conditions on the right side of the typhoon were much worse than here on the left, because typhoons turn anti-clockwise [hidari mawari].

Did you know? In Australia, typhoons are called cyclones, and they turn clockwise [migi mawari]. In the USA, they`re called hurricanes.

If you`re a Wednesday Teragoya student, we apologize for any inconvenience.


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