
Sake for the holiday season

By Yuji Matsumoto

While restaurants serve a lot of wine and champagne during the holidays, it’s unfortunately still uncommon to see sake served during the holidays. However, when considering the compatibility with the food served, sake is truly the winner in my opinion. Enjoyed in a wide range of emperatures, hot sake is perfect to warm both the heart and mind. A small change in presentation enhances the enjoyable experience of drinking sake.

First, let’s start with the glass. Let’s put aside the usual small sake glass and use white wine glasses to enhance the luxurious appearance on the dinner table.

Also, let’s use the white wine cooler to keep the sake chilled. For those who prefer sparkling wine like champagne, I highly recommend serving sake in a fruit glass. Also, I recommend trying flavored sake that is commonly enjoyed during the holidays. For those who prefer hot sake, I recommend the sake set with bottles heated with candles, sold in local stores. These sake sets goes great together with western dishware.

I recommend chilled kimoto sake for assorted cheese plates, and sparkling wine with caviar and other appetizers. For those who don’t enjoy much alcohol, I recommend flavored (lyche, apple, and yuzu-flavored) sake.










홀리데이 시즌의 니혼슈

이 시기에는 레스토랑에서 와인이나 샴페인을 많이 소개하곤 하는데, 니혼슈(일본 전통술, 청주류)가 이러한 주류에 다소 밀리는 것 같아 안타깝습니다.
그러나 음식과의 궁합을 생각한다면 니혼슈가 좀 더 나은 것 같습니다. 더군다나 온도를 다양하게 선택할 수 있어서, 추울 때는 간자케(따뜻하게 데운 술)를 마시면 몸을 따뜻하게 해줘서 기분도 좋아집니다.
조금만 연출한다면 더욱 멋지게 니혼슈를 즐길 수 있습니다.
우선, 유리잔을 준비해 봅시다. 평소에 사용하는 작은 술잔이 아니라 화이트 와인잔을 사용하면 식탁에 고급스러움을 더할 수 있습니다. 그리고 화이트 와인용 쿨러로 니혼슈를 차갑게 유지하는데 이용해보면 좋습니다. 샴페인같은 발포주를 좋아한다면 플룻잔에 담아보는 것도 재미있습니다. 그리고 역시 이 시기에 많이 찾으시는 과일맛 주류도 한 번 도전해 보셨으면 합니다. 간자케를 좋아하시는 분들은 양초로 따뜻하게 마실 수 있도록 만들어진 세트 제품을 추천합니다. 이 세트라면 서양식 식탁과도 잘 어울릴 것입니다.
모듬 치즈에는 차가운 기모토계의 주류를, 캐비어 등의 애피타이저에는 스파클링 주류를. 술이 약하신 분들에게는 과일맛 (리치, 사과, 유자) 주류를 추천한다.


※이 기사는 기계 번역을 이용하여 한국어로 번역되었습니다. 앞으로 참고하겠사오니 alljapannews@gmail.com으로 연락주시기 바랍니다.


#alljapannews #holiday #sake


Replicating the worldview of the 1920’s in Japan, this bar proudly presents its lineup of not only its drinks, but also its meals.

Replicating the... Replicating the... Replicating the... Replicating the... Replicating the... Replicating the... Replicating the... Replicating the...
By Aya Ota

In a street corner of the West Village where old buildings provide a classy ambience, you will find a richly thick wooden door. Once you step in, there is a space which gives you both nostalgic and new feelings at the same time. You feel as if you have gone back to a different era. This is “Bar Moga”, a cocktail bar which has replicated the images of 1920’s Japan.

“Moga” is short for modern girls. In the 1920’s in Japan (from the Taisho era to the early Showa era), brand-new cultures and fashions were being born one after another under the influences of the Western cultures. Young women at that time, who were leading the world of fashion, were called “Moga”. This bar which has replicated a unique and classic, yet also modern worldview of that time has been well received by New Yorkers, and is being visited by a lot of customers every day. The word, “Moga”, also symbolizes a better status for women in society, so many women, and women groups like to visit this bar.

The most popular items in this bar are its original cocktails. Those unique, and full-of-character cocktails contain Japan-made whiskey and shochu brands, and are accentuated by Japanese ingredients such as yuzu, shiso, shichimi, and yuzu-kosho. Those cocktails also have names such as “Naomi”, “Princess Mononoke”, “Kunoichi”, etc., to give Japan-like impacts. Many customers order Japanese whisky and sake brands. As for sake, “Iki na Onna (Tedorigawa Daiginjo)” brand is especially popular. They provide short and effective translations to Japanese sake brands that they carry, and the translation, “Lady Luck”, is extremely well-received.

This place is unique because, although being a drink bar, it also offers a very comprehensive food menu. Its concept is “Yoshoku comfort food”. For Japanese people, the place gives a nostalgic feel, which makes you reminisce of your childhood, and for Americans, it offers a new unknown genre. Takanori Akiyama, Executive Chef of “All Blue” Group which runs the restaurant, and Shintaro Eleazar Okuda, Chef de Cuisine, created many authentic Yoshoku menu items after multiple trials and errors.

The “Omu Rice ($18), their signature dish, is superb. When you slice into its top, soft-cooked egg omelet slowly runs out, and coats the chicken rice underneath. The house-made Demi-glace sauce has been created to offer the same quality and taste of Japan’s long-lasting Yoshoku restaurants. The chicken rice is flavored with the house Demi-Glace sauce with a touch of house ketchup, and the taste is loved by people of all ages. “Moga Mini Rice Burgers ($14)” is so surprisingly authentically made. Cooked rice mixed with potato starch is formed into the shape of buns, and Kobe beef, flavored with sweet and spicy teriyaki sauce is sandwiched between the buns. Shiso accentuates the burger, and gives it a refreshing taste. Sakura-buta pork is used for the katsu on the“Katsu Sando ($16)”, and they are the only restaurant in the East Coast that uses it. The thickly-sliced pork coated with raw panko, and fried slowly, is very tender, and the juice from the meat flows out and fills your mouth when you bite into it. The house miso katsu sauce that is a mixture of 5 different misos including Nagoya Haccho miso, has been cooked for 4 hours, and coats the fried pork katsu which is sandwiched between Japanese sandwich bread slices.

Every food menu item is addictingly delicious, and makes you want to order the same thing over and over again, but also want to try a different dish at the same time, making you suffer from the dilemma.

Some American customers ask whether they serve sushi, but they end up being satisfied once their concept is explained, and taste the food. They originally planned to serve a 70/30 drink/food percentage ratio, but the food menu is so popular, and now accounts for almost 40%.  

They pursue the Japan-like service as well. They want every customer to be sitting down, so sometimes, you have to wait outside. It is also nice that the jazz music they play in the restaurant is not loud, so you can talk comfortably.
I bet everybody mysteriously feels nostalgic, and comfortable in this stylish bar. I strongly suggest that you visit this place, and enjoy the non-routine and out-of-ordinary time.

『Bar Moga』

古い建物が並び趣あるウェストヴィレッジの街の一角、重厚感ある木の扉を押して足を踏み入れると、懐かしさと新しさを同時に感じるような空間が広がる。まるで違う時代にタイムスリップしたかのようだ。ここは、日本の1920年代をイメージしたカクテルバー『Bar Moga』だ。


 同店の一番人気はオリジナル・カクテルだ。日本産ウィスキーや焼酎を取り入れ、柚や紫蘇、七味や柚胡椒など和食材でアクセントを付けた個性あふれる内容だ。ネーミングも『Naomi』『Princess Mononoke』『Kunoichi』など日本らしさを印象づけている。日本産ウィスキーや日本酒を飲む客も多く、特に日本酒は『いきな女(手取川大吟醸)』が好まれる。同店では日本酒銘柄に気の利いた短い英訳を付けているが、「Lady Luck」という英語名が好評なようだ。

 同店はバーでありながら、食事メニューが充実しているのが特徴的だ。コンセプトは「日本の洋食」。日本人にとっては子供時代を思い出す懐かしさがあり、米国人客にとっては未知のジャンルだ。同店を運営するレストラングループ『All Blue』で総料理長を務める秋山剛徳氏と、同店の料理長を務める奥田慎太郎エレアザル氏が試行錯誤を重ね、一見カジュアルに見えるが、本格的な洋食メニューの数々を考案した。




Bar Moga
128 W Houston Street
New York, NY 10012
Tel: 929-399-5853
Sun-Thursday: 5PM-12AM
Fri-Sat: 5PM-2AM
#NY #alljapannews #bar #katsu #moga #sake #shochu #オムライス


Enjoy sake more casually

By Yuji Matsumoto

Japanese sake is still a largely unfamiliar beverage to American consumers.
Ninety percent of sake is consumed in restaurants, indicating the unfortunate reality that sake is still far from being casually enjoyed in private homes and parties.

One of the reasons is because the true flavors of sake and how they’re enjoyed is not widely introduced. Therefore, to American diners, sake is still a unique beverage to be enjoyed at local sushi bars. Also, because the prices can be at times higher, products may not be lined visibly on store shelves and information may be lacking on labels, which may be contributing to this issue.

In this issue, I will give you a simple overview of how to select sake.

First, it’s important to decide what menu selections to enjoy the sake with. Similar to how wine enhances the foods you eat, sake is also to be enjoyed during meals.

Meat dishes: Junmai or Junmai Kimoto is recommended (from Kyushu, Tohoku, Kanto, Hokuriku or Nada regions)

Chicken dishes: Ginjo class (from Hiroshima, Niigata, Nada, Hokuriku, and Kanto regions) is recommended

Fish dishes: Ginjo and Daiginjo class (Niigata, Hiroshima, Shikoku, Kyoto regions) are recommended.

Of course, flavoring and preparation methods will influence your choice of sake, but first, it would be interesting to sample sake by region.













#Daiginjo #Ginjo #Junmai #alljapannews #sake


The Most Full-fledged Seminar for Sake Brewers in the U.S.: Part 2

By Kosuke Kuji

I’m a firm believer that brewing delicious sake worldwide will lead to more consumers enjoying Japanese sake. To accomplish this, we must introduce the latest Japanese sake brewing technology, emphasize the meaning and importance of foreign brewers brewing authentic Japanese sake in Japan, where Japanese sake production started; how to prepare sake in small quantities, and other information in demand in the U.S. and worldwide to refine the flavor of sake brewed in foreign countries and generate a wonderful, synergistic effect!

In the wine industry, French wine is not the end-all-be-all, with high-quality wine also produced in California, Chile, Argentina, etc., which helped popularize wine worldwide. Similarly, high-quality Japanese sake produced locally worldwide could also popularize wide-scale consumption of sake at affordable prices, generating sake with additional value from among these sake to create the “Opus One” of Japanese sake worldwide, while simultaneously increasing the value of Japanese sake produced in Japan. I believe this will create a synergistic effect for both sides!

I’m excited to see which one of the brewers overseas who attended this seminar will become the “Opus One” of sake brewers overseas! This seminar is the first step forward, not for immediate results, but towards the future. The results may be evident for five years, maybe ten, but I can’t wait! We Japanese sake brewers must not fall behind either, but continue striving to produce high-quality sake and work hard together to refine our sake brewing technologies!

アメリカで世界初の本格的な醸造セミナー   その2


#alljapannews #brewers #sake #seminar


The Most Full-fledged Seminar for Sake Brewers in the U.S.: Part I

By Kosuke Kuji

I felt for a long time that for Japanese sake to become fully established worldwide, sake must be further refined at the product level by both sake breweries overseas and at the brewery level as well. When I voiced my thought to President Iida of the Rice Polishing Machine Manufacturer Iida Co, Inc., a parent company to Shinnakano Industry Co., Ltd., Mr. Iida agreed and even held the world’s first full-fledged sake brewing technology seminar targeting sake brewers overseas in Sacramento, Calif.

I gathered the latest information on cutting-edge technology currently used in sake production targeting sake brewers in the U.S.

Nearly thirty sake brewers in the U.S. with some gearing up to start sake production soon gathered at the seminar, heated with great passion!
Excluding myself, attendees included Philip Harper, the first foreign national to be certified as a brew master representing “Tamagawa Brewery,” producer of “Nanbu Toji” in Kyoto prefecture; and Junpei Komatsu, Owner of Komatsu Syuzou Co., Ltd., producer of “Hojun” in Oita prefecture.

Those concerned that discussing such topics could leak Japan’s latest brewing technology to the world can be rest assured that different sake breweries using the same production method still cannot produce the same sake flavor.

Furthermore, manuals on Japanese sake technology are often outdated with no information on recent developments, thus we’ve thought of ways to fill in the gap. To be continued in the next issue…

アメリカで世界初の本格的な醸造セミナー その1





#Japanese #alljapannews #brewers #sake #seminar


Take in the big picture

By Yuji Matsumoto

In the past twenty years, Japanese beer, sake and shochu sales have expanded according to the increasing number of Japanese restaurants opening. There is plenty of growth potential for the Japanese restaurant industry in the U.S., which constitutes only two percent of the scale of the U.S. restaurant industry, yet the market share is marginal. From a national perspective however, U.S. supermarkets and liquor shops carrying sake is equal to none.

From the beginning, the successful foreign alcoholic beverage in the U.S. is of course wine. Not limited to French or Italian restaurants, wine selections are also offered in Japanese, Chinese and Mexican restaurants as well. Moreover, supermarkets carry hundreds of wine selections, while there are no stores that don’t carry wine. While it’s difficult to compare sake to wine without considering cultural background and history, it’s important to reference both if the goal is to become the world’s next alcoholic beverage to be consumed with meals. There is still much to learn in setting the profitability, sales & distribution routes and marketing methods. Also, another hard liquor that is not originally found in the U.S. and has proven successful in the market is tequila. Tequila is also a product that’s sure to be found almost 100 percent in any restaurant that serves distilled liquor.

Here is another area that leaves much to be learned for the shochu and sake industries. This is only in reference to California (where restaurants offer Soju and Shochu), where some places debate whether to import Soju or not: it’s best to develop a larger market. Also, it’s important to ask why tequila gained such a huge market share. The development of representative cocktails like margaritas and advertisements along with efforts by both the industry and nation has proven effective.

Also, the trademark for tequila is held impressively by Mexico, which means tequila produced outside of Mexico cannot be called tequila. It’s obvious at first glance that considering the nation’s tax revenue and acquisition of foreign currency, the economic benefits are significant.

Since the Japanese sake and shochu industry cannot complete a simple task like the standardization of labels, proposing global strategies is surely a goal for the distant future.



もともと他国のアルコールで米国で成功しているのはもちろんワイン。何もフランス料理店やイタリア料理店に限らず、日本食店、中華料理やメキシカン料理店でもワインは必ず置いてある。ましてはスーパーには何百という品ぞろいがあり、ワインを置いてないところは無い。もちろん、日本酒をワインと比較することには文化的背景や歴史を考慮すると無理があるが、世界の食中酒を目指すなら参考にするべきだ。利益率の設定、販売流通網、マーケティング方法などは見習うべきだ。また、もともと米国になく成功しているハードリカーにテキーラがある。このテキーラも蒸留酒を扱えるレストランなら100%と言っても過言ではなく置いてある商品だ。ここにも焼酎や日本酒の業界が勉強する点がある。加州のみの話(Soju とShochuuの取り扱える店)ではあるが、業界はSojuとして輸入する、しない等、意味のない議論をしているところもあるが、もっと大きな市場開拓に目を向けるべきである。そして、テキーラがなぜこれだけ増えたかを考えるべきだ。マルガリータを代表としたカクテルの開発と宣伝など、業界と国の努力がここに来て功を奏している。また、すごいことにテキーラはメキシコ国が登録商標をもっており、メキシコ以外でテキーラを製造してもテキーラと呼べないのだ。自国の税収、外貨確保を考えると非常に大きな経済効果をもたらしていることは一目瞭然である。

#alljapannews #sake #sommelier


Governor notified of achieving No. 1 in Japan!

By Kosuke Kuji

Hidetoshi Nakata, former professional Japanese soccer player representing Japan, is serving as executive member and judge for the contest “SAKE COMPETITION 2018” that judges the most delicious commercially available sake in the world. During this competition, Japan ranked No. 1 in the Junmai Daiginjo category, and also No. 1 in the Sparkling Sake category (leading the competition in two categories), along with garnering No. 1 in the Sparkling Sake category also in 2017, thus the we went to deliver the good news of our 2 consecutive titles to Takuya Tasso, Governor of Iwate Prefecture; and to Jun Fujiwara, Mayor of Ninohe City, Iwate Prefecture. The Governor stated many supportive comments!

To ensure a bright future for Iwate Prefecture and Ninohe City where depopulation continues, and for Nanbu Bijin will continue to thrive, we will continue striving to actively grow with ongoing efforts to producer higher quality of sake. We will continue our efforts to also help Iwate Prefecture and Ninohe City.

Also, we will continue our efforts to make the No. 1 most delicious commercially available sake widespread across Japan and worldwide to ensure they are enjoyed by all! Thank you for your continued support!


サッカー元日本代表の中田英寿選手が実行委員会や審査委員をしている、世界一おいしい市販酒を決めるコンテスト「SAKE COMPETITION 2018」において、純米大吟醸の部で日本一、スパークリングの部で日本一(2冠達成)、さらにはスパークリングの部は2017年も日本一でしたので、2連覇達成をした報告を岩手県の達増拓也知事に二戸市の藤原 淳市長と一緒にご報告に行ってきました。知事からもたくさんの応援コメントをいただきました。
#SakeCompetition #alljapannews #sake #sparkling


Let’s Toast with Sake & Shochu Cocktails!

By Yuji Matsumoto

It would be a waste to enjoy distilled liquor, honkaku shochu and boutique sake as cocktails. While drinking them straight will not necessarily expand the flavors nor add body, sake with the distinct rice odor can be surprisingly delicious as cocktails when mixed with fruits and / or syrup. I of course highly recommend enjoying mellow and full-bodied distilled liquor such as honkaku shochu on-the-rocks, while continuously distilled shochu, known as white liquor (distilled alcohol used for plum wine, etc.) with no taste or smell, is most suitable as cocktails.
In this issue, we introduce sake and shochu cocktails you can easily make at home.

Nigori sake with peach juice
3 oz. Nigori sake
1 oz.  Peach Juice
0.5 oz.  Peach Syrup

Stir the above ingredients with ice and pour into a chilled martini glass.
This pink cocktail is visually appealing to ladies.

Sake pomegranate martini
2 oz. Sake
1 oz. Shochu
1 oz. Pomegranate Juice
0.5 oz. Pomegranate Syrup

Mix the above ingredients with ice into a shaker and shake well. Pour into a chilled martini glass. This distinctly acidic and bitter pomegranate cocktail is for grownups.

Shochu grapefruit mojito
2 oz. Shochu
1 oz. Sake
0.5 oz. Salt-Free Yuzu Juice
3 oz.  Grapefruit Juice
7~8   Mint Leaves
0.5 oz. 
Syrup (2 Sugar : 1 Hot Water. Mix until completely dissolved, then cool to room temperature)

Mix the above ingredients together and mash the mint leaves with a muddler. Mix in ice and pour into a glass with club soda.
This distinct citrus concoction of yuzu, grapefruit and mint leaves is refreshing. Beware for it’s easy to keep drinking.




3oz. にごり酒 
1oz. ピーチジュース
0.5oz. ピーチシロップ


2 oz. 日本酒 
1 oz. 焼酎
1 oz. ザクロジュース
0.5 oz. ザクロシロップ


2oz. 焼酎
1 oz. 日本酒
0.6 oz. 無塩ユズジュース
3 oz. グレープフルーツジュース
7~8  ミント葉
0.5 oz. シロップ(砂糖2に対してお湯1の割合。完全に溶けるまで混ぜ、常温になるまで冷ますこと)

#alljapannews #cocktailst #sake #shochu


Successive Generations of Champion Sake Breweries Sampling Event in Macao

By Kosuke Kuji

The International Wine Challenge (IWC) started the Japanese Sake Division since 2007, with one “Champion Sake” selected every year from around the world. The first champion sake “Kikuhime” from Ishikawa prefecture to the 2017 winner “Nanbu Bijin” all gathered at the high-end casino hotel Winn Palace in Macao.

Also, the Chief Operation Officer of the IWC sake judge & Wine Master Kenichi Ohashi conducted a study training session called the Japanese Sake Master Class and sampling event while a special dinner was served pairing high-end French and Japanese cuisine with the generations of Champion Sake selections. We breweries recognized for our winning Champion Sake attended wearing kimonos to introduce our traditional Japanese sake to affluent attendees from around the world gathered in Macao.

Since there was no previous opportunity for breweries that produced generations of Champion Sake to gather in one place, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce the appeal of Champion Sake – the crown jewel of Japanese sake brands - to the world.

The world awaits Japanese sake! To reach an era where people around the world will toast to Japanese sake, I’d like to take on this mission as one brewery recognized with the honor of having produced Champion Sake, to actively introduce Champion Sake throughout Japan and to the world!





#IWC #Macao #alljapannews #sake


Expectations of non-Japanese restaurants

By Yuji Matsumoto

I was blessed with an opportunity to attend a lecture targeting salesmen for a wholesaler of Japanese food products in the U.S. The attendees handle various Japanese food products including sake. The theme of the lecture was not so much about the consumer’s question of “Which sake to buy,” but centered more on how to get chefs / restaurant owners, not limited to Japanese cuisine by non-Japanese restaurant owners / chefs, to purchase sake?
First, it’s important to determine what type of cuisine is served, targeting whom.

• Seafood
• Steak
• Italian
• Chinese
• Korean
• French

The beverage is narrowed down with the understanding that depending on the cuisine served, the sake to be offered will change accordingly.

Secondly, check to see the prices of popular and top-selling wines for that restaurant.
To start, it’s important to start with a price set that’s appropriate for their target audience.

Thirdly, have the staff understand it’s appropriate to serve sake in wine glasses.

Fourth, the servers discussed how to explain the characteristics of each sake brand, and how to determine the compatibility of each brand with the cuisine.

Unfortunately, sake still has not become widespread to the point that shelving them in stores will be enough to sell the brand on its own. The reality is, sake is still a product to be sampled by customers following recommendations by servers. Until now, sake was mostly consumed in Japanese restaurants. In the future, we’d like to anticipate sake sales to non-Japanese restaurants as well.







#alljapannews #sake


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