By Ryuji Takahashi
“All Nippon Product Fair,” titled traveling through Japan in three days, was organized by the Central Federation of Societies of Commerce and Industry, and held over three days in the Ikebukuro district of Tokyo in the Sunshine City building complex from November 19-21.
This product fair held one day longer than last year after the state-of-emergency declaration was divided into three sections. The food court sold food products, Japanese sake and beer; the souvenir section like tourist spots sold crafts and processed foods, and the farm booth sold agricultural and processed products. Many products are sold only in their production region, thus visitors packed the exhibition booths. Approximately twenty sake breweries exhibited sake products at the food court, where the Ginjosai Ambassador Award 2021 was held concurrently to rank each sake product divided into Ginjo and Junmai categories. Each sake brewery invited customers passing by to sample their sake products for only 100 JPY per cup in a vigorous PR effort to compete for the Gold Prize.
As a result, the Gold Prize for the Junmai category was awarded to Tokubestu Junmai by Nanbu Bijin, the Silver Prize to Kimoto Junmai by Kunimare Brewery, and the Bronze Prize to Junmai Dry of Hananomai Brewery.
For the Ginjo Category, the Gold Prize was awarded to Junmai Daiginjo of Tada Tada (Takeuchi Brewery), the Silver Prize to Daiginjo of Nanbu Bijin, and the Bronze Prize to Junmai Ginjo of Kunimare Brewery.
In this manner, real-time feedback received onsite from real consumers was helpful to sake producers as well.
Most importantly, many booths in the food court served delicious foods enticing sake drinkers. Prices dropped on the last day with enthusiastic pitches to sell off the remaining food products, encouraging potential buyers to loosen their purse strings, another thrill of attending product fairs. Every few hundred meters, exhibitors offered fifty percent off, leaving no choice to shoppers but to buy. My paper bag was filled with spare ribs, chicken karaage (deep-fried), dim sum, etc. It was interesting to see booths advertising voluminous meat products on large posters, banner flags, and various other mediums lined with customers. Desserts were sold concurrently along with a project that ranked Japanese sweets from nationwide. Confectionaries exhibited products from nationwide in an effort to ignite the next new dessert boom.
The top ranking dessert for 2021 was the baked kolone from Okinawa prefecture. The “Okinawa Nama Kolone” is an original kolone pastry filled with a cream made from an Okinawan fruit. Other renowned confectionaries from each prefecture lined the booths with enticing confections, an impressive line-up that hinted at a possibility of a future boom. More visitors attended this lively product fair than the previous year. With the threat of the coronavirus completely eliminated, I anticipate a new boom based on this exhibition.
By Yuji Maatsumoto
I was blessed with an opportunity to attend a lecture targeting salesmen for a wholesaler of Japanese food products in the U.S. The attendees handle various Japanese food products including sake. The theme of the lecture was not so much about the consumer’s question of “Which sake to buy,” but centered more on how to get chefs / restaurant owners, not limited to Japanese cuisine by non-Japanese restaurant owners / chefs, to purchase sake?
First, it’s important to determine what type of cuisine is served, targeting whom.
The beverage is narrowed down with the understanding that depending on the cuisine served, the sake to be offered will change accordingly.
Secondly, check to see the prices of popular and top-selling wines for that restaurant.
To start, it’s important to start with a price set that’s appropriate for their target audience.
Thirdly, have the staff understand it’s appropriate to serve sake in wine glasses.
Fourth, the servers discussed how to explain the characteristics of each sake brand, and how to determine the compatibility of each brand with the cuisine.
Unfortunately, sake still has not become widespread to the point that shelving them in stores will be enough to sell the brand on its own. The reality is, sake is still a product to be sampled by customers following recommendations by servers. Until now, sake was mostly consumed in Japanese restaurants. In the future, we’d like to anticipate sake sales to non-Japanese restaurants as well.
By Kosuke Kuji
The widespread novel coronavirus depleted supplies of rubbing alcohol across Japan early in the pandemic and created a supply shortage.
Therefore, regulations were relaxed on an emergency basis for sake breweries like my own to produce rubbing alcohol, as I wrote before in this series.
I met disabled children requiring lifelong care and their families, who thanked me saying, “thank you for saving lives.” To ensure these families lifelong supplies of rubbing alcohol, I vowed to continue “local production (of rubbing alcohol) for local consumption” to service the approximately 200 patients in Iwate prefecture. As I wrote before, the production of Japanese sake decreased dramatically at the same time, with plenty of leftover sake rice originally allocated for contracted farming.
To continue the production of rubbing alcohol indefinitely requires a license for the authorized production of “spirits.” This license to produce spirits also authorizes the production of gin and vodka, along with distilled, highly concentrated alcohol for which the leftover sake rice can be used. Nanbu Bijin decided to produce craft gin and vodka as a new business during the coronavirus pandemic.
I, along with other Japanese sake breweries, decided to start new businesses in this manner.
酒豪大陸「クラフトジンとウォッカ その1」
Bad pairing refers to the delicious flavor diminished when sake is paired with food.
Depending on the combination, the sake flavor may counter the flavor of the food, generating unpleasant aroma and texture.
In many cases for example, sake may enhance the odor of fish and seafood. On the other hand, we want to avoid combinations where the balance between the sake vs. food flavors are bad and completely overwhelms the flavor of the paired item.
Therefore, let’s confirm the following.
-Does Japanese sake pair well with other foods besides Japanese cuisine?
Japanese sake pairs well not only with Japanese cuisine, but also with various other cuisines such as Western, Chinese, and ethnic cuisines. In addition, Japanese sake also pairs well with food ingredients other than Japanese food products such as butter, cheese, and spices.
- Flavor of sake paired with food is characteristic by sake type.
For each sake type, certain combinations pair well. Depending on the sake classification type, food that pairs well differs according to the flavors and aroma.
For example, mellow sake pairs well with rich foods, pure sake pairs well with foods strong in umami flavor, refreshing sake pairs well with refreshing foods, and aromatic sake pairs well with light foods.
Now, let’s pair specific sake with foods.
The basic approach when selecting sake is whether to pair sake similar in flavor (to the food), or to pair the food with sake completely different in flavor. Combining sake with foods similar in flavor ensures the best compatibility. For example, sweet foods are compatible with sweet sake, while spicy foods are compatible with acidity sake. On the other hand, combining alcohol with a unique, different flavor can generate a new delicious flavor. This type of phenomenon is referred to as ‘marriage’ in the wine world, also slightly more difficult to pair.
By Ryuji Takahashi
The state of emergency is now lifted nationwide, with sake and food events held in various regions.
Meanwhile, “Omi City’s Delicious Specialties and Quality Consumer Goods Fair” was held at the shopping center Viva City Heiwado in Hikone city, Shiga prefecture for twenty-five days starting October 20. This event (food fair) is where locals rediscover delicious foods and beverages of Saga prefecture, while visitors newly discover the local specialties of Saga prefecture, a fun food fair that showcase various food products.
Omi Beef (Japanese Black Wagyu Beef) raised in Saga prefecture is representative of Japan. Omi Beef is said to have sparked Naosuke Ii’s Sakuradamon Incident. One of the top three major Wagyu brands representative of Japan, Omi Beef not affordable for the general consumer’s dinner table is casually sold as processed food in croquettes (beef and mashed potato patties breaded and deep-fried), minced meat cutlet, and curry bread at this food fair. An opportunity to enjoy this beef brand is great news.
Saga prefecture offers essential flavors from Lake Biwa (“Mother Lake”) such as sweetfish, Biwa salmon, Funazushi (fermented sushi). Not to get off topic, funazushi is fermented sushi, significantly different from the general nigiri (hand-pressed) sushi or rolled sushi. Protein in the crucian carp turns into amino acid, releasing a distinct, cheese-like fermentation odor. A divisive food product that people either like or dislike, funazushi is one of the delicacies paired with sake that is representative of Japan.
Japanese sake is required to enjoy funazushi and other fish from Lake Biwa (“Mother Lake”). This year, Echi Shuzo introduced previously exhibited mainly their “ TOMITSURU Junmai-Daiginjo Pleasure Omen” awarded the Platinum Prize in Kura Master 2021 held in France; along with “TOMITSURU Tokubetsu-Junmai Chikurin” awarded the Grand Gold Prize.
I previously organized an event that paired culinary flavors from Lake Biwa (“Mother Lake”) in Saga prefecture with sake produced in Aichi prefecture. I recall both Funazushi (fermented sushi) and boiled sweet fish were very compatible with rich sake from Aichi prefecture, rare in Eastern Japan. Sake with fruity or subtle flavors may likely be overshadowed by the strong flavors from Lake Biwa (“Mother Lake”), full of vitality.
Since regional culture and local sake flavors are developed together over a long period of time, local foods are perhaps best rediscovered when consumed with local sake, another recommendation to enjoy food fairs. As the coronavirus pandemic mostly subsided, food fairs will resume in various regions. Since travel across prefectures is now permitted, visiting various regions is surely fun. On the other hand, why not search for delicious local specialties for the first time in a long time?
緊急事態宣言が全国的に解除になり、各地で酒や食のイベントが開催されるようになってきた。そんな中、10月20日から25日の期間、滋賀県彦根市に有るショッピングセンタービバシティ平和堂にて「近江うまいもんええもん市」が開催された。このイベント(物産展)は、地元の人は滋賀県の美味しい食ベ物や飲み物を再発見出来、他県の人は滋賀県の魅力を新発見できる楽しさ満載の物産展である。まず、滋賀県と言えば近江牛である。近江牛とは黒毛和種の和牛が滋賀県内で飼育されたものであり、井伊直弼の桜田門外の変のきっかけになったという俗説があるくらいの日本を代表するブランド牛である。三大和牛の一つとも言われるくらいのブランド牛なので、なかなか庶民の食卓には並びにくいが、この物産展では、コロッケやメンチカツやカレーパンとして気軽に買える加工品として売られていた。少しでもこのブランド牛を味わえるのは嬉しい限りである。そして滋賀県と言えば琵琶湖の味覚である。小鮎・ビワマス・鮒寿司は滋賀県の味覚として欠かせないだろう。少し話が脱線するが、この鮒寿司とは、一般的な寿司屋の握りや巻物の寿司とは大きく違い、どちらかと言えば発酵食品の仲間である。鮒のたんぱく質がアミノ酸へと変化したチーズの様な独特の発酵臭があり、人によって好き嫌いは大きく分かれる食品だが、酒のつまみとしては日本の誇る珍味の一つである。鮒寿司に関わらず、琵琶湖の魚を味わうに必要なのが日本酒である。今回は、以前も紹介した愛知酒造が出店しており、フランスクラマスターのプラチナ賞を受賞した「富鶴 純米大吟醸紫雲」や、同じくフランスクラマスター、プラチナ賞受賞・スペイン国際酒類コンクール、グランドゴールド賞受賞の「富鶴 特別純米竹林」などをメインに販売が行われた。私は以前、滋賀県の琵琶湖の味覚と愛知酒造の酒を合わせるイベントをおこなった事があるが、東日本側には少ない重厚な愛知酒造の酒に鮒寿司や小鮎の甘露煮が非常に合うのを体験している。フルーティな酒や線の細い味わいの酒では琵琶湖の生命力あふれる力強い味覚には負けてしまうだろう。その土地の文化と酒の味わいは長年一緒に育ってきたのであるから、地の物は地の酒で飲むべきだと再認識出来るのも物産展の楽しみ方かもしれない。コロナ禍が収まりつつあり、今後も各地方で物産展が再開されるだろう。県をまたぐ移動が出来るようになり、各地に旅行も良いが、久々に地元のうまいもんええもんを探してみてはどうだろうか。
By Yuji Matsumoto
To be able to taste sake, the most importing to do is to identify and set your own tasting criteria. The criteria are not based on one’s preferences, so one must find the foundation that become the basis for judging various sake. One must have that foundation in place to be able to recognize aroma, acidity, body and umami, that different types of sake have. Knowledge and information that you gather would supplement that to help correctly and fairly assess sake products.
So how can one establish that foundation for establishing your own tasting criteria? Here is the quickest and least expensive way of doing it, based on my own experience.
First, buy low-priced sake at a store. Try it every day for 15 days, even if you don’t like it or it’s simply horrible (some people may need 20 days). Do not drink it until it makes you drunk. It’s most important that you drink a certain amount every day, even if it’s just enough to fill an ochoko (tiny sake cup). Do not try other sake while you’re trying one.
Stop for two to three days to rest your liver, then do a tasting of a different sake. You will probably realize that you can profile the sake to surprising details. The differences in acidity, the body, aroma, and umami, as well as aftertaste intensity – you should be able to clearly tell those differences.
By Kosuke Kuji
We made the decision to continue producing rubbing alcohol indefinitely for the most vulnerable - disabled children needing constant medical care. However, as stable supplies of commercial rubbing alcohol are now available in the market, rubbing alcohol produced by sake breweries have fulfilled its purpose. However, I decided to continue producing rubbing alcohol for local consumption to ensure ample supply is continuously available for disabled children in Iwate prefecture.
To continue production long-term, our brewery license was relaxed to allow production of rubbing alcohol as an exception. In the future however, we must obtain a spirit production license, which requires capital for high-concentration alcohol distillery equipment. Everyone objected to investing in equipment for our rubbing alcohol that hardly generates any sales. However, I’m firm in my decision.
Research on alcohol produced using a spirit production license revealed “gin” is an option.
Recently, craft gin such as “KI NO BI” from Kyoto is gaining popularity in Japan and gradually across the world.
Craft gin can be scented with botanicals characteristic of the local community, thus easy to express locality.
Most importantly as sake brewers, we should expand beyond rubbing alcohol to use our Japanese sake brewery to distill gin, while also producing rubbing alcohol on the side. We made the decision to produce craft gin.
Leftover sake rice is used to create the ingredient - Japanese sake – one time, then distilled to highly concentrated alcohol. Sake left over from this will not necessarily be consumed, but reinvented as gin for consumption.
Our craft gin produced from leftover sake rice will also be released in the U.S., so please stay tuned!
酒豪大陸「コロナで余った酒米 その4」
In this issue, let’s discuss the compatibility between sake and Japanese cuisine.
The flavor of sake enhances the flavors of Japanese cuisine and vice versa, a compatible combination that produces a synergistic effect that enhances both flavors.
Complex in flavor, Japanese sake is easy to pair with any cuisine and optimal as an alcoholic beverage to enjoy during meals.
Sake is compatible not only with Japanese cuisine, but various cuisines worldwide such as Italian, French, and Chinese cuisines, complimenting without overpowering distinct, subtle, and strong flavors or aromas.
Therefore, there are no rules for pairing sake like there are in wine. However, some are compatible in flavors while others are not. What are the guidelines to ensure good compatibility between sake and cuisine?
First, sake and cuisine with similar flavors produce a synergistic effect that enhances the umami flavors in both.
In other words, sweet sake pairs well with cuisine with sweet flavors, while refreshing sake pairs well with cuisine with refreshing flavors.
Second, sake and cuisine with different flavors can combine to create a new flavor. The combination produces a new flavor not present when savored individually.
Third, the sake flavor enhances the flavor of the cuisine, or the cuisine enhances the flavor of sake, where one enhances the flavor of the other. On the other hand, sake can inhibit the oily; bitter flavors in some cuisines while enhancing the preservability of the cuisine, another way that sake pairs well with cuisine.
By Ryuji Takahashi
The Kura Master 2021 contest for Japanese sake, Shochu and Awamori was held at the Hôtel de Crillon in Paris on September 20.
Japan was under a state of emergency at the time due to the coronavirus pandemic, so fewer breweries from Japan attended the award ceremony compared to the previous year. However, the award ceremony was live-streamed on YouTube for anyone to view.
The Platinum Prize is awarded to each division, one President’s Prize, and five Jury Prizes are presented on the day of the award ceremony. The President’s Prize was awarded to Sawanoi Junmai Daiginjo by Ozawa Shuzo Co., Ltd. in Tokyo. Echi Shuzo in Saga prefecture, whom I serve as consultant, won the Platinum Award in both the Junmai-Daiginjo and Junmai Divisions and attended the award ceremony in France.
The Echi Shuzo garnered the Jury Prize, an impressive feat. I was proud a small brewery I’ve worked with for several years won a Jury Prize they can now use confidently as a powerful tool in their PR efforts. Echi Shuzo now stands at the starting line to compete on the global stage for the survival of Japanese sake. I’m very happy for Echi Shuzo, and hope this prize is an opportunity for the brewery to reveal a fresh new business concept in their upcoming sake products. On the other hand, the award ceremony held while Japan was under the state of emergency may have appeared odd to viewers who observed the careful precautions enacted during the Tokyo Olympics.
Participants attending the award ceremony were required to show proof of two COVID vaccinations. Award recipients removed their masks to receive their awards by hand with commemorative photos taken in close proximity. Not to say close proximity is bad, however, viewers were watching the award ceremony online. How viewers around the world perceived this award ceremony through their respective culture and way of thinking is unknown. Perhaps, the organizers might have considered the cautious approach taken by Japanese, and why some award recipients refrained from attending the award ceremony in France considering the timing (socio-political climate exercising caution against the coronavirus pandemic).
Some may claim confidence in the countermeasures enacted to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, while others may say the threat of infection to the coronavirus is behind us. However, quarantine is required upon returning to Japan. As the state of emergency declared across Japan was lifted, Japanese sake breweries upon their return from the award ceremony in France faced a delayed start to participate in Sake Day on October 1 and Autumn Sake Sale, etc., as restaurants resumed sales of alcoholic beverages. To ensure their timely start upon return to Japan, perhaps more thorough measures to prevent infection were necessary for the award ceremony in France.
Echi Shuzo, a brewery run by a married couple who attended the award ceremony together, also faced delays in their sales plans upon their return. Although some differences are observed between regions in their respective precautions against the coronavirus pandemic, perhaps, it was too soon to exercise minimal precautions during the award ceremony. Next year, I look forward to and pray the award ceremony will see attendees laugh out loud freely as they enjoy samples and discuss business together.
By Yuji Matsumoto
I often see breweries and wholesale dealers recommending their sake to local American diners at sampling events, saying, “This sake goes with any food,” “We use 100% Yamadanishiki rice,” “This is Junmai Daiginjo,” and “This is a traditional kimoto sake,” etc. However, most people (including myself) don’t understand what those industry jargon means. In other words, “So what are the flavors of sake, and what foods does the sake go well with?” is my question.
While sake fully utilizes processing techniques to create differences in flavor as a product, wine is largely influenced by the flavor of the grapes themselves, more of an agricultural product. In other words, the flavor of sake can be designed to some extent and adjusted (through the selection of rice, grade of rice polishing, fermentation, temperature, storage method, etc.), while wine is largely dependent on the quality of grapes harvested that year. If that’s the case, the best and quickest way to understand sake and to communicate the flavor is to understand the brewery’s objective for the particular brand (design objective). Isn’t it most important to accurately communicate to consumers the brewery’s “philosophy and objective towards the brand’s flavor?” For example, the brewery’s benefits of hard water should be capitalized upon, and the use of XX rice to pursue the ultimate compatibility with meat dishes, how the sake is created using rice YYY to create a uniqueness that won’t be defeated by wine or shochu, etc., to suggest designing sake that proposes a more narrowed-down qualities to customers.
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