By Kosuke Kuji
A traditional Japanese ceremony of breaking open the sake barrel was held on stage, followed by the welcome beverage of “Awa sake” served in champagne glasses to approximately 300 Japanese and Italian guests to toast together at once. This sight had me dreaming of “Awa sake,” instead of champagne, being served at a large government-sponsored party, such as the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
In Italy, where sparkling wine originated, I observed the Italian staff showed no sign of hesitation serving Awa sake at an official party sponsored by Japan. There’s no reason why we can’t do the same in Japan.
Not to deny champagne in anyway, but the conventional welcome beverage at past parties was the bubbly alcoholic beverage champagne, without question. At the same time, there is no reason why champagne should be the only beverage choice for foreign dignitaries to give a toast at the Tokyo Olympics. Although “the only beverage option for a toast” in the past was champagne, we now have “Awa sake” as another option, served successfully at a party in Italy to all attendees for a toast without causing any confusion in the operation.
We’d love to recreate this beautiful miracle again in 2020. Since we were successful in Italy, there’s no why we can’t serve Awa sake at an official party again, this time in Japan. Although challenges still remain, this day was a milestone that brought us one day closer to our goal to make Awa sake the “global beverage choice for a toast worldwide.”
世界初!!海外のパーティーでawa酒で乾杯!! パート2
Food and Japanese sake pairing
Especially when it comes to pairing Japanese sake with food, many people likely think, “What’s with the exaggeration…? It doesn’t really matter.”
In this issue, I’d like to pass on to our readers a trick that enhances one’s abilities to pair sake with food.
First, please select three brands of sake with very different properties. The differences in properties are hard to tell without drinking the sake, but first, let’s select the sake according to the information listed on each label.
For example, please select a Junmai Daiginjo, Tokubestu Junmai, and Junmai Kimoto, all produced in different regions like Akita, Niigata, and Hyogo prefectures, etc. Sake produced in the U.S. are reasonably priced, for including a few of these brands in the mix may also be fun. Please be sure to use the same shaped glass for each of the three sake brands. It’s best to store the glasses in the refrigerator for approximately 3 hours and to maintain their temperature at 55 degrees Fahrenheit. (white wine glasses are better)
And now, for the cuisine. There’s no need to stick with Japanese cuisine, for it’s fun to also pair sake with Chinese and Italian (please avoid excessively spicy or strong garlic-flavored dishes) cuisines. Please be careful to compare the balance between the sake and the food upon consumption, the changes detected in the umami flavors, and any changes in the aroma particular to that food, and aftertaste. If these factors in the pairing are satisfying, then it’s safe to say the pairing was a “success.”
일본주와 음식의 페어링
특히 술과 음식 페어링에 대해 많은 사람들이 "뭐 그렇게까지, 별로 관계 없다"고 생각하고 있지는 않을까요?
이번에는 약간의 노력으로 일본주와 요리의 페어링 능력을 높일 수 있는 비결을 알려주고 싶습니다.
우선 최대한 성질이 다른 일본주 3종류를 준비하십시오. 성질의 차이는 실제로 마셔봐야 알 수 있는 것이지만, 일단 라벨에서 확인할 수 있는 정보로 선택해 봅니다.
예를 들어, 쥰마이 다이긴죠, 특별 쥰마이, 쥰마이 키모토처럼 산지가 전혀 다른 것을 찾아 봅니다(아키타, 니가타, 효고 등). 미국에서 만든 일본주도 가격이 저렴하니 이것도 함께 비교해 본다면 재미있을 것입니다.
3종류의 술은 반드시 같은 모양의 유리컵에 담으십시오. 이때 냉장고에 3시간 정도 보관해서 55°F 정도가 되도록 합니다(화이트 와인잔이 더 좋습니다).
그리고 요리는 일본 음식뿐만 아니라 중식, 이탈리아 음식 등 (너무 맵거나 마늘맛이 강한 것은 피합니다.)과 함께 시도해보는 것도 재미있습니다.
주의할 점은 일본주를 마셨을 때 음식과의 조화, 맛의 변화, 그 음식 특유의 향의 변화 뒷맛입니다. 이러한 느낌이 기분이 좋게 느껴진다면 페어링은 "좋다"고 볼 수 있습니다.
By Aya Ota
Characteristics of New York City are strongly reflected upon old brick buildings and graffiti on the walls of the Lower East Side. In this town, new hotels, galleries, restaurants, and bars have been appearing one after another in the past few years, and the scene of the town has been rapidly changing. One of them is “Kaikagetsu NYC” that has the Hida-region of Gifu prefecture as their theme, with a brand-new concept.
When you step into the restaurant, being enchanted and led by the elegant swaying paper lanterns hung in the front, its beautiful interior catches your eyes first. You see lamps standing in line like on a street in the space where deep charcoal brown grainy woods, white walls and ceilings are effectively laid out. As you keep walking forward towards the heavy door in the back, you feel like you are walking down the street of the Hida region where old houses stand in line along the streets. A truly relaxing and elegant ambience has been produced there with impressively presented Mino Washi paper and local artifacts, etc.
The dishes served there are dominated by the Hida-region’s local cuisine. Hida beef, a Gifu prefecture specialty, is featured as the main menu item, and they serve a wide variety of both traditional dishes such as “Hida Beef Hoba Yaki” ($60) and “Hida Beef Toban Yaki” ($60), and modern version dishes such as “Hida Beef Curry” ($24) and “Hida Beef Skewers” ($24). The “Hida Beef Nigiri Sushi Sampler” ($35), which is sushi of lightly char-boiled Hida beef, is particularly well received. Variations of possibilities of wagyu beef are exhibited one after another, which surprises and impresses you. As for Japanese sake, it is extremely carefully selected mainly amongst the Hida-region brands. “Tenryou Koshu” Junmai Daiginjo, which has a distinctive aroma, is especially popular, and many customers order it for pairing with Hida beef dishes. There, you can either choose to sit at a table to relax to enjoy a Kaiseki course, or sit at the bar to enjoy sake while having à la carte dishes.
“Their unprecedented unique concept, Hida, and the ingredient, Hida beef, which is very attractive to Americans, must be appealing to New Yorkers,” says Tomoyuki Iwanami, the owner. Mr. Iwanami was born and raised in New York. He has a unique background. He worked in both the music and fashion industries. He was specialized in marketing and branding. The joint effort with Mr. Yasuo Shigeta, CEO, Forrest Fooding, Inc., also his friend of 10 years, who runs 37 various types of restaurants in Japan, started extensive market research about 5 years ago for the main purpose of opening a Japanese fine dining restaurant in New York, which is the center of the world of eatery. What they took most of their time was to look for the location and building. They had their eyes on the Lower East Side since the beginning; however, they felt a special energy and growth potential of this area by seeing the past year’s remarkable changes there, and eventually decided to choose this location. I found out that they had decided on the theme as the Hida region later on. They first determined the condition of the existing real estate candidates, local clientele and their characteristics, etc., and then chose “Kaikagetsu” as their themed restaurant among the running business models of Forrest Fooding Inc.
The strong selling point of “Kaikagetsu NYC” is, no need to say, its particularity about ingredients and cooking style. They brought as many as 3 chefs from Japan, who are experienced and well established in Kaiseki cuisine. Their truly authentic and delicately crafted dishes are very well recognized. The colorful presentation of each dish that makes you feel the present season, looks like a piece of art. Playful arrangements are applied to daily changing ingredients by the chefs, and never bore even the repeating customers. Such strengths of theirs was taken into their branding strategy, and used for choosing the media that are particular about foods and drink, for their advertisements. They also invited concierges of nearby hotels to introduce their concept and dishes so they can recommend the restaurant to the hotel guests. Diligent efforts such as those worked out, and the restaurant has become a place where gourmet customers who want to eat good food, gather despite the location which, you cannot say, is really convenient to reach.
“As a Japanese who was born and raised in New York, I wanted to do something for Japan,” continues Mr. Iwanami. Aside from running the restaurant, he is contributing to the exchange of Japan/US food cultures by hiring novice chefs who are interested in Japanese cuisine, and training them, etc.
I’d really like you to visit this restaurant where you can fully enjoy good old Japanese elegant ambience and local cuisine.
Kaikagetsu NYC
162 Orchard Street
New York, NY 10002
Tel: 646-590-3900
By Kosuke Kuji
The 43rd edition of Japan Week ( organized by the International Friendship Foundation, a non-profit based in Tokyo, was held in Torino, Italy. The welcome reception was held lavishly at the Foyer of Teatro Regio, attended by Japanese and Torino affiliates, totaling approximately 300 guests. Japanese guests dressed in kimonos, while Consul General Amamiya, the Consulate General of Japan in Milan, gave a congratulatory address. The Deputy Mayor and many participants also attended from the Torino side, and the Japanese and Italian attendees intermingled with one another.
During the welcome reception, the “Awa sake” produced by a member sake brewery of both the Nanbubijin Awasake Sparkling and Japan Awasake Association were served to all participants as the welcome toast. Normally, champagne would be served, or Spumante this year, since the event was held in Italy. However, the Japan Awasake Association was behind the effort to serve Awa sake as the welcome toast at the official party!! This is a first, unprecedented feat worldwide!!
世界初!!海外のパーティーでawa酒で乾杯!! その1
公益財団法人国際親善協会が主催する第43回ジャパンウィーク ( がイタリアのトリノで開催されました。ウエルカムレセプションがテアトロ・レッジョ・ロビーで日本とトリノの関係者300名近くが参加して盛大に開催されました。日本側参加者は着物や演武で着る衣装で参加、さらに在ミラノ総領事館の雨宮総領事も参加してご祝辞をいただきました。
Perceptional changes
While sake and food pairing is now the norm, why not try to change your perception in your approach?
While comparisons are made regularly, wine is compared to other wine, sake is compared to other sake, and shochu is compared to other shochu. This is great to compare the subtle differences in flavor with other brands. Why not try a fun food pairing that invokes a mind-blowing reaction like “I never imagined this type of pairing!” from consumers. For example, serve fresh oysters with champagne and sparkling wine together to have consumers compare the delicious flavors of both pairing.
*Try pairing red wine with cheese, along with Kimoto sake, aged sake.
*For salads, try pinot grigio and flavored sake (yuzu, blueberry)
*For sashimi, try pairing with chardonnay, pinot grigio and Daiginjo
*For main meat dishes, try pairing with Junmai sake or red wine
*For fried dishes or creamy pasta, try pairing with Barley shochu and white wine.
Try pairing with these combinations and have your customers sample them.
While these three types of beverages (wine, sake, shochu) differ greatly in brewing method and ingredients, each are no doubt successful in boosting the dishes they’re paired with. By trying these combinations, why not try to find creative ways to bring a moving culinary experience that would invoke reactions like, “What is this!? This is delicious!” from customers?
발상의 전환
최근 술과 음식의 푸드 페어링이 당연시 여겨지는데, 생각을 조금 바꿔보면 어떨까요?
보통 와인은 와인끼리, 일본주는 일본주끼리, 소주는 소주끼리 나란히 비교하곤 하는데 이렇게 하면 분명 미묘한 맛을 비교하기는 좋습니다. 그러나 소비자 관점에서 "이런 건 생각하지도 못했다!"며 분위기를 전환시킬 수 있는 색다르고 즐거운 푸드 페어링을 찾아 보면 어떨까요?
생굴에 샴페인과 스파클링을 함께 제공하고 각각의 맛을 비교해 볼 수 있도록 합니다.
・모듬 치즈에 레드 와인, 기모토 방식의 술, 고주
・샐러드에 피노 그리지오와 과일맛(유자, 블루베리) 술
・생선회에 샤르도네, 피노 그리지오와 다이긴죠(大吟醸)
・메인 육류 요리에 쥰마이슈(純米酒)와 레드 와인
・튀김이나 크림 파스타에는 보리 소주와 화이트 와인
위와 같이 음식과 술을 함께 준비해서 고객이 맛을 즐겨볼 수 있도록 합니다.
와인, 일본주, 소주는 양조 방법이나 원료 등은 전혀 다르지만 모두 음식 맛을 더해주는 술이라는 점은 똑같습니다. 이 술들을 조합해서 소비자가 "와, 이거 정말 맛있다!’ 라며 감동할 수 있도록 기획해보는 것도 재미있지 않을까요?
By Aya Ota
Its unique exterior; walls without windows, which make it impossible to peek in, and the thick and heavy door, both of which remind you of a kura (an old-fashioned Japanese building for storage); catches your eyes. This is “Sakagura East Village” which opened its door in September of 2018. As soon as you step inside, its gracious interior space decorated with plentiful of woods and stones, and a small Japanese garden-like space open up in front of you, and you feel as if you suddenly stepped into another world.
“I want to pursue the basics of Japanese food culture. I want people to fully enjoy various kinds of Japanese local sake with authentic Japanese cuisine,” says Bon Yagi, CEO of T.I.C. Group. This Group’s motto is “Enjoy Japan without Airfare (You can enjoy authentic Japanese tastes and ambiences without actually going there)”. From true traditional Japanese foods such as sushi and soba to more current foods like curry and ramen, street foods such as takoyaki and rice burgers, Japanese sake bars and tea salons, a total of as many as 13 different kinds of business models are forming their 20 plus Japanese restaurants under the operation of this Group. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the person who has been making the history of New York’s Japanese cuisine scene for the last 40 plus years. He was awarded for his contribution. He was selected as one of the 5 winners in the world for the Minister's Award for Overseas Promotion of Japanese Food in 2018.
This place is positioned as a sister restaurant of “Sakagura” in Midtown, which has been running as a popular restaurant where the high number of customers has been sustained for more than 20 years, however, this place deserves more than positioned as the second location of a popular restaurant because it is filled with its own charms.
The person, who creates gracious dishes with plentiful seasonal ingredients imported from all over Japan, is Masaru Kajihara, Executive Chef. He has been displaying his skills at notable kaiseki restaurants in both Japan and the US, such as “Suzuki” in Tsukiji, Tokyo, and “Kyoya”, a New York Times 3-starred restaurant. The “Sakagura Omakase Course” is offered only at the East Village location. The first item of the course, the “Pintxo with Truffled Chicken Pâté and Pepitas on Rice Bread”, specially baked bread with cooked rice mixed in the dough, surprises you. The “Carpaccio Medley” is accentuated with ponzu gelee and salted konbu. The “Wagyu Ishiyaki”, served with sizzling sound and aroma, pleases your five senses fully. To show their particularity about rice and miso, the Japanese cuisine basics, a kamameshi, cooked super high-quality rice from Uonuma, Niigata, with a lot of seafood such as scallops, Snow crab meat, etc., is served accompanied by miso soup using uki-koji miso and nukazuke style pickled vegetables to finish the course.
The Japanese sake selection of nearly 100 different brands from about 80 breweries have been carefully selected by Ryoma Miki, General Manger/sake sommelier. There is even a premium kind of sake you cannot find anywhere else. Recommended pairing with the omakase course is well accepted, and it impresses you even more when the sake that matches each dish perfectly is served in each appropriate container that matches the sake. Many sake connoisseurs visits “Sakagura” which carries the most selection of sake in New York, and they like to order unique brands such as Nama-zake, Kimoto, and Yamahai. The casks of sake piled up high by the wall at the deep end of the restaurant are donated by the breweries from all over Japan. This display shows their passion and aspiration to convey enthusiasms of brewery owners and masters of sake brewers of each brand, and to represent characteristics of each sake to as many people as possible.
A unique event called “Taste of Japan” which started to realize their hope to introduce Japanese local cooking specialties, is particularly noteworthy. Every other month, one of Japan’s regions is picked, and a special menu is created and offered featuring the picked region’s local specialty food and their local sake. For the first time of this regular event, Niigata prefecture was picked, and the highest-quality Uonuma-made rice and miso made by Hakkaisan brewery was used. They are planning to continue this event featuring prefectures such as Nagano, Hyogo, Miyagi, etc. in this respective order.
One big difference of this place from the Midtown location is its interior space. You can sit alone at the counter, you can enjoy and relax in a semi-private space with a friend, or you can even bring a group of 20 to use a private space for a large group. This place can accommodate almost any situation. There are plenty of spaces among the tables, and they are creating an ambience which draw a line between them and other casual and noisy East Village restaurant.
“Sakagura East Village” which is like a concentration of the wonderfulness of Japanese food culture, is definitely the kind of restaurant you want to visit again and again.
特に注目したいのは、日本各地の郷土料理を伝えたいという意図で開始した「Taste of Japan」という独自企画。約2カ月おきに、ひとつの都道府県に焦点を当て、郷土料理と地酒を組み合わせて楽しめるメニューを提供する。初回の新潟県特集でも、魚沼産の最高級米や八海山が醸造する味噌を取り入れた。この後、長野、兵庫、宮城…と続く予定だという。
Sakagura East Village
231 E 9th Street
New York, NY 10003
Tel: 212-979-9678
Tue–Thu: 6:00PM–10:45PM
Fri & Sat: 6:00PM–11:45PM
By Kosuke Kuji
The most important objective of this business trip to Los Angeles was the “30th Japanese Food & Restaurant Expo,” sponsored by Mutual Trading, held at the Pasadena Convention Hall. This business-to-business event, held for the thirtieth time this year, drew 133 food and sake producers, etc., and 2,667 customers in one day, the highest number of exhibitors and attendees in it’s thirty-year history. Nearly seventy-percent of customers are restaurant industry professionals, with twenty-percent of the consumers consisting of Japanese nationals.
These statistics indicate how many non-Japanese professionals and consumers in the U.S. today are working in the Japanese cuisine and sake industry, or consuming Japanese cuisine, indicative of the widespread consumption of Japanese cuisine among non-Japanese consumers. In other words, Japanese cuisine and sake are no longer consumed only by Japanese nationals homesick for their homeland.
Sake producer Nankabijin never received such high customer turnout at their booth as they did this year. Their “Awasake Sparkling,” debut in the U.S. during this expo, was especially popular with many orders received. High-end sparkling Japanese sake is definitely accepted in the U.S. market.
Also, my college classmate from the Tokyo University of Agriculture, currently residing in Los Angeles, attended this expo. It was truly encouraging to receive support in the U.S. from my college classmate.
In the evening, I visited “Chateau Hanare,” the Los Angeles branch restaurant of the Japanese restaurant “Washoku-en,” very popular in New York, along with sake “Houraisen” from Aichi prefecture, and “Tatenokawa” from Yamagata prefecture. I greatly enjoyed the wonderful cuisine prepared by chef Abe, visiting from New York.
The restaurant scene changes quickly in Los Angeles leading California, the most populous state in the U.S., where the market for Japanese cuisine is anticipated to continue growing. We must continue producing even higher quality of sake to bring satisfaction to our U.S. consumers!
P.S. Right after I left, restaurant “Chateau Hanare” welcomed Leonardo DiCaprio as a customer…! Very disappointed to know I missed his visit!
南部美人ロサンゼルスへ その2
今回のロサンゼルス出張の最大の目的でもある共同貿易主催の「第30回レストランエキスポ」がパサディナコンベンションホールで開催されました。今回で30年を迎えたこのアメリカ最大のB to Bイベントは、何と133の食品、お酒などのメーカーが集まり、2667名ものお客様を1日だけで迎えて開催されました。30回の開催で歴代最高の出展者、入場者の数だったそうです。お客様は70%近くがレストラン関係者、お客様全体に占める日本人の割合はたったの20%しかいません。それだけ今のアメリカでは日本人以外が日本食、日本酒をビジネスにしている、食べたい、飲みたいと思っている、ということで、ノンジャパニーズ、アメリカ人への浸透がすさまじい勢いで進んでいるということです。もう日本人が日本を懐かしみながら食べるのが和食や日本酒なのではありません。
By Yuji Matsumoto
While restaurants serve a lot of wine and champagne during the holidays, it’s unfortunately still uncommon to see sake served during the holidays. However, when considering the compatibility with the food served, sake is truly the winner in my opinion. Enjoyed in a wide range of emperatures, hot sake is perfect to warm both the heart and mind. A small change in presentation enhances the enjoyable experience of drinking sake.
First, let’s start with the glass. Let’s put aside the usual small sake glass and use white wine glasses to enhance the luxurious appearance on the dinner table.
Also, let’s use the white wine cooler to keep the sake chilled. For those who prefer sparkling wine like champagne, I highly recommend serving sake in a fruit glass. Also, I recommend trying flavored sake that is commonly enjoyed during the holidays. For those who prefer hot sake, I recommend the sake set with bottles heated with candles, sold in local stores. These sake sets goes great together with western dishware.
I recommend chilled kimoto sake for assorted cheese plates, and sparkling wine with caviar and other appetizers. For those who don’t enjoy much alcohol, I recommend flavored (lyche, apple, and yuzu-flavored) sake.
홀리데이 시즌의 니혼슈
이 시기에는 레스토랑에서 와인이나 샴페인을 많이 소개하곤 하는데, 니혼슈(일본 전통술, 청주류)가 이러한 주류에 다소 밀리는 것 같아 안타깝습니다.
그러나 음식과의 궁합을 생각한다면 니혼슈가 좀 더 나은 것 같습니다. 더군다나 온도를 다양하게 선택할 수 있어서, 추울 때는 간자케(따뜻하게 데운 술)를 마시면 몸을 따뜻하게 해줘서 기분도 좋아집니다.
조금만 연출한다면 더욱 멋지게 니혼슈를 즐길 수 있습니다.
우선, 유리잔을 준비해 봅시다. 평소에 사용하는 작은 술잔이 아니라 화이트 와인잔을 사용하면 식탁에 고급스러움을 더할 수 있습니다. 그리고 화이트 와인용 쿨러로 니혼슈를 차갑게 유지하는데 이용해보면 좋습니다. 샴페인같은 발포주를 좋아한다면 플룻잔에 담아보는 것도 재미있습니다. 그리고 역시 이 시기에 많이 찾으시는 과일맛 주류도 한 번 도전해 보셨으면 합니다. 간자케를 좋아하시는 분들은 양초로 따뜻하게 마실 수 있도록 만들어진 세트 제품을 추천합니다. 이 세트라면 서양식 식탁과도 잘 어울릴 것입니다.
모듬 치즈에는 차가운 기모토계의 주류를, 캐비어 등의 애피타이저에는 스파클링 주류를. 술이 약하신 분들에게는 과일맛 (리치, 사과, 유자) 주류를 추천한다.
※이 기사는 기계 번역을 이용하여 한국어로 번역되었습니다. 앞으로 참고하겠사오니 alljapannews@gmail.com으로 연락주시기 바랍니다.
By Aya Ota
In a street corner of the West Village where old buildings provide a classy ambience, you will find a richly thick wooden door. Once you step in, there is a space which gives you both nostalgic and new feelings at the same time. You feel as if you have gone back to a different era. This is “Bar Moga”, a cocktail bar which has replicated the images of 1920’s Japan.
“Moga” is short for modern girls. In the 1920’s in Japan (from the Taisho era to the early Showa era), brand-new cultures and fashions were being born one after another under the influences of the Western cultures. Young women at that time, who were leading the world of fashion, were called “Moga”. This bar which has replicated a unique and classic, yet also modern worldview of that time has been well received by New Yorkers, and is being visited by a lot of customers every day. The word, “Moga”, also symbolizes a better status for women in society, so many women, and women groups like to visit this bar.
The most popular items in this bar are its original cocktails. Those unique, and full-of-character cocktails contain Japan-made whiskey and shochu brands, and are accentuated by Japanese ingredients such as yuzu, shiso, shichimi, and yuzu-kosho. Those cocktails also have names such as “Naomi”, “Princess Mononoke”, “Kunoichi”, etc., to give Japan-like impacts. Many customers order Japanese whisky and sake brands. As for sake, “Iki na Onna (Tedorigawa Daiginjo)” brand is especially popular. They provide short and effective translations to Japanese sake brands that they carry, and the translation, “Lady Luck”, is extremely well-received.
This place is unique because, although being a drink bar, it also offers a very comprehensive food menu. Its concept is “Yoshoku comfort food”. For Japanese people, the place gives a nostalgic feel, which makes you reminisce of your childhood, and for Americans, it offers a new unknown genre. Takanori Akiyama, Executive Chef of “All Blue” Group which runs the restaurant, and Shintaro Eleazar Okuda, Chef de Cuisine, created many authentic Yoshoku menu items after multiple trials and errors.
The “Omu Rice ($18), their signature dish, is superb. When you slice into its top, soft-cooked egg omelet slowly runs out, and coats the chicken rice underneath. The house-made Demi-glace sauce has been created to offer the same quality and taste of Japan’s long-lasting Yoshoku restaurants. The chicken rice is flavored with the house Demi-Glace sauce with a touch of house ketchup, and the taste is loved by people of all ages. “Moga Mini Rice Burgers ($14)” is so surprisingly authentically made. Cooked rice mixed with potato starch is formed into the shape of buns, and Kobe beef, flavored with sweet and spicy teriyaki sauce is sandwiched between the buns. Shiso accentuates the burger, and gives it a refreshing taste. Sakura-buta pork is used for the katsu on the“Katsu Sando ($16)”, and they are the only restaurant in the East Coast that uses it. The thickly-sliced pork coated with raw panko, and fried slowly, is very tender, and the juice from the meat flows out and fills your mouth when you bite into it. The house miso katsu sauce that is a mixture of 5 different misos including Nagoya Haccho miso, has been cooked for 4 hours, and coats the fried pork katsu which is sandwiched between Japanese sandwich bread slices.
Every food menu item is addictingly delicious, and makes you want to order the same thing over and over again, but also want to try a different dish at the same time, making you suffer from the dilemma.
Some American customers ask whether they serve sushi, but they end up being satisfied once their concept is explained, and taste the food. They originally planned to serve a 70/30 drink/food percentage ratio, but the food menu is so popular, and now accounts for almost 40%.
They pursue the Japan-like service as well. They want every customer to be sitting down, so sometimes, you have to wait outside. It is also nice that the jazz music they play in the restaurant is not loud, so you can talk comfortably.
I bet everybody mysteriously feels nostalgic, and comfortable in this stylish bar. I strongly suggest that you visit this place, and enjoy the non-routine and out-of-ordinary time.
『Bar Moga』
古い建物が並び趣あるウェストヴィレッジの街の一角、重厚感ある木の扉を押して足を踏み入れると、懐かしさと新しさを同時に感じるような空間が広がる。まるで違う時代にタイムスリップしたかのようだ。ここは、日本の1920年代をイメージしたカクテルバー『Bar Moga』だ。
同店の一番人気はオリジナル・カクテルだ。日本産ウィスキーや焼酎を取り入れ、柚や紫蘇、七味や柚胡椒など和食材でアクセントを付けた個性あふれる内容だ。ネーミングも『Naomi』『Princess Mononoke』『Kunoichi』など日本らしさを印象づけている。日本産ウィスキーや日本酒を飲む客も多く、特に日本酒は『いきな女(手取川大吟醸)』が好まれる。同店では日本酒銘柄に気の利いた短い英訳を付けているが、「Lady Luck」という英語名が好評なようだ。
同店はバーでありながら、食事メニューが充実しているのが特徴的だ。コンセプトは「日本の洋食」。日本人にとっては子供時代を思い出す懐かしさがあり、米国人客にとっては未知のジャンルだ。同店を運営するレストラングループ『All Blue』で総料理長を務める秋山剛徳氏と、同店の料理長を務める奥田慎太郎エレアザル氏が試行錯誤を重ね、一見カジュアルに見えるが、本格的な洋食メニューの数々を考案した。
Bar Moga
128 W Houston Street
New York, NY 10012
Tel: 929-399-5853
Sun-Thursday: 5PM-12AM
Fri-Sat: 5PM-2AM
By Yuji Matsumoto
Japanese sake is still a largely unfamiliar beverage to American consumers.
Ninety percent of sake is consumed in restaurants, indicating the unfortunate reality that sake is still far from being casually enjoyed in private homes and parties.
One of the reasons is because the true flavors of sake and how they’re enjoyed is not widely introduced. Therefore, to American diners, sake is still a unique beverage to be enjoyed at local sushi bars. Also, because the prices can be at times higher, products may not be lined visibly on store shelves and information may be lacking on labels, which may be contributing to this issue.
In this issue, I will give you a simple overview of how to select sake.
First, it’s important to decide what menu selections to enjoy the sake with. Similar to how wine enhances the foods you eat, sake is also to be enjoyed during meals.
Meat dishes: Junmai or Junmai Kimoto is recommended (from Kyushu, Tohoku, Kanto, Hokuriku or Nada regions)
Chicken dishes: Ginjo class (from Hiroshima, Niigata, Nada, Hokuriku, and Kanto regions) is recommended
Fish dishes: Ginjo and Daiginjo class (Niigata, Hiroshima, Shikoku, Kyoto regions) are recommended.
Of course, flavoring and preparation methods will influence your choice of sake, but first, it would be interesting to sample sake by region.
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