
A desire for spreading Japanese street foods to the US

A desire for spreading Japane... A desire for spreading Japane... A desire for spreading Japane... A desire for spreading Japane... A desire for spreading Japane... A desire for spreading Japane...
By Aya Ota

“DokoDemo”, a restaurant which develops and serves everyday casual dishes that are so familiar to Japanese people such as yakisoba, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, etc., opened in NY, and is attracting a lot of attention.

“I would like to spread Japanese street foods throughout the US,”says Shin Takagi, the owner of the restaurant. Mr. Takagi has a unique background of working vividly as an investment banker in Tokyo and NY. While working in New York, his dream of launching a restaurant business in the US grew big, and he retired from the investment bank in 2013. Having zero experience in the food and beverage industry, he traveled all over Japan for 3 years after resigning from his previous job, studying various local street foods. Moreover, he even worked for free at some teppan-yaki restaurants to gain experience. He started to visit NY every month after the latter half of 2016, looking for the location for the restaurant, and he finally moved to the US in 2017. For the next 6 months, he did nothing but developing recipes day after day.

Then, in August of 2017, he finally opened his long-awaited first restaurant. “I chose this genre for nation-wide development in mind. “No one has yet tried to take on franchising restaurants of Japanese street foods such as yakisoba, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, etc.,” said Mr. Takagi. After the opening, he had difficulty bringing in customers.

Although the popularity of Japanese foods is growing stronger, okonomiyaki and takoyaki are not yet well recognized. For 3 months after the opening, he was wondering around the neighborhood, and talked to people on the streets who appeared to be looking for a Japanese restaurant with a cell phone in hand. He would say, “I just opened a Japanese street foods restaurant. Would you come taste some for free?” He sincerely listened to the people who came to taste the foods. “How was it?” He asks, and often times, all he gets is a simple timid comment like, “It was good.” He then started to ask people who ordered more than one menu item,; “Which one did you like?”, and he gradually became able to get more detailed comments on their 2nd and 3rd favorite dishes. Sometimes, he even tasted customers’ leftover in the trash to find out what was wrong.

Only 6 different kinds of dishes are served; “Yakisoba/Stir-Fried Ramen ($8.95), “Ramen Rice (Stir-Fried Ramen & Rice) ($9.95)”, “Fried Rice ($8.95)”, “Japanese Pizza/Okonomi- Yaki ($8.95)”, “Takoyaki (10 balls for $8.95/6 balls for $6.45), and “Cabbage & Cucumber Salad ($7.95)”. The original recipes took him a long and hard 6 months to create prior to the opening, and were satisfactory to him; however, he has remained flexible, and kept making improvements and adjustments many times along the way. After some trial-and-error period, he came up with the “customization” idea. In general, Americans prefer sweeter taste, so he thought that the sauces for yakisoba, takoyaki, and okonomiyaki would be well suited to their tastes, but they didn’t always like them. According to Mr. Takagi, for yakisoba, for instance, adding an option of choosing the flavor besides regular sauce, the dish much better received. He also made everything except takoyaki and salad customizable for the ingredients and spiciness, etc. At this point, the word, “Okonomiyaki”, is not quite recognizable, so it is presented as “Japanese Pizza”. A notable item is the “Ramen Rice (Stir-Fried Ramen & Rice)”, which cannot be found almost anywhere else. You can easily get addicted to its spicy ginger flavor, and the unique combination of ramen and rice has gotten people’s attention, and the number of returning customers is growing.

“I’d like to open the second restaurant during the next year”, says Mr. Takagi. His ambition is to have 5 to 10 restaurants in Manhattan first as the base of the nationwide development, and then go to other states. In order to achieve that, he thinks that the operation has to become more efficient. Presently, it takes 10 to 15 minutes to serve after receiving orders. He has been going through many trial-anderror attempts to minimize the time to serve. He also aggressively gets into taking online orders for takeout, and deliveries.

The name, “DokoDemo”, implies his wish to make his restaurant’s street foods available everywhere in the US. I would like to look forward to the day I can see it everywhere in the US in the next few years.


焼きそば、お好み焼き、たこ焼き…日本人にはおなじみの“ 粉もん” を専門に展開する店『DokoDemo』が登場し、注目されている。

 「日本のストリートフードを全米に広げたい」と語るのは同店オーナー、高木伸之輔氏。高木氏は、東京とニューヨークで、証券マンとして活躍したという異色のキャリアを持つ。ニューヨーク滞在中に「米国で飲食業を起業したい」という夢が膨らみ、2013 年に退社。飲食業界での経験が全くない高木氏は、退職後3 年間、日本全国を回り各地のストリートフードを研究した。さらに、いくつかの鉄板焼き店では、無給で働き経験を積んだ。2016 年後半からは、毎月ニューヨークに通い物件を探し、いよいよ2017 年に再渡米。その後半年間は、来る日も来る日もレシピ開発に没頭した。

そして2017年8月、待望の1号店を開店。「全米展開を考えて、このジャンルを選択した。日本のストリートフード、“ 粉もん” をチェーン店として手がけている人は誰もいなかった」と同氏。開店後、苦労したのは集客だ。日本食人気は伸びているとは言え、お好み焼きやたこ焼きの認知度は、まだ高いとは言えない。開店後3 カ月間、同氏は店の近隣を歩き回り、携帯を片手に日本食店を探しているような人に「日本のストリートフード店を開店したのだけど、無料でいいから食べに来てほしい」と直接声をかけた。そして、実際に食べてくれた顧客の声に真摯に耳を傾けた。「どうだった?」と聞いても、遠慮気味に「美味しかった」というフィードバックしかないことも多い。そこで、複数種類のメニューを注文したグループ顧客に「どれがよかった?」と聞くようにすると、2 番目・3 番目によかったメニューに対する具体的なコメントが得られるようになってきた。時には、ゴミ箱の残飯を食べ、何がよくなかったのか研究することもあった。

同店のメニューは6種類のみ、「焼きそば」($8.95)、「そばめし」($9.95)、「炒飯」($8.95)、「お好み焼き」($8.95)、「たこ焼き」(10 balls-$8.95/ 6 balls-$6.45)、「キャベツとキュウリのサラダ) 」($7.95)。開店前に半年の時間を費やし、自身が納得いくまで創り上げたレシピだったが、柔軟な姿勢で、幾度となく改良や調整を重ねている。試行錯誤の過程で生まれたのは“ カスタマイズ” というアイデア。


 また「お好み焼き」という名称はまだ理解されにくいため、現時点では「Japanese Pizza」という名称を前面に打ち出している。特に注目は、他店ではほとんど見かけない「そばめし」だ。ピリッとしたショウガ味がやみつきになる味で、ラーメンとライスというユニークな組み合わせも興味を引き、リピーターも増えている。

 「来年中には2店舗目を開店したい」と語る高木氏。全米展開に向けて、まずはマンハッタンに5 〜10 店舗展開し、その後、他州へも拡大していきたいという野望がある。そのためには、オペレーションの効率化を図る必要があると考えている。注文を受けてから作るため、10 〜15 分程度の待ち時間が生じるが、極力短縮できるように試行錯誤を重ねている。ネット注文でのテイクアウトやデリバリーにも積極的に取り組んでいる。

 『DokoDemo』という店名には、いずれ全米の“ どこでも” 同店のストリートフードが食べられるようになってほしい…という想いが込められている。数年後には全米で見られる日を期待したい。

89 E 4th St.
NY 10003
(917) 261-5228
Mon.-Sat. 11:30am-10:30 pm
Sun. 12:00 pm-9:30 pm
#DokoDemo #Japanese #NY #alljapannews #ramen #takoyaki #yakisoba


Teppan cooking enjoyed by ears, eyes, and tongue

Teppan cooking enjoyed by ear... Teppan cooking enjoyed by ear... Teppan cooking enjoyed by ear... Teppan cooking enjoyed by ear...
By Keiko Fukuda

The city of Irvine, a suburban residential, and also a student campus town is located about a 40-minute drive south of downtown Los Angeles. There, there is a shopping mall, where as many Asian restaurants gather as they do in the Sawtelle District of West Los Angeles. It is the Diamond Jamboree Shopping Center. There are plenty of good restaurants other than just some Korean restaurants, which includes Kula Revolving Sushi Bar, Coco Ichiban, and Tokyo Table where all the standard Japanese food menu items are covered.

“Pepper Lunch” was added to this shopping center’s restaurant lineup in January of 2018. It is a sister restaurant of a Japanese steak specialty restaurant chain, “IKINARI STEAK”. Within merely half a year since its opening, Pepper Lunch has already reached the top 4 position in “Diamond Jamboree Shopping Center’s top 10 restaurant list” on Yelp.

I have had a Pepper Lunch experience in Japan. You could have a steak which makes a sizzling sound on an iron plate with only 1000 yen. Not only the fact that it was so tasty, but that reasonable pricing left a strong impression on me.
The first Pepper Lunch in the US was opened in Irvine. The restaurant is run by Oishii Group Holdings, LLC. With this Irvine location as the kick-off, they are planning to add multiple restaurants within the state of California.

I personally regarded Pepper Lunch as a “steak restaurant”, but I heard that it is officially positioned as a teppan-cooking specialty restaurant. Not only steaks, but all types of cooking including pepper rice, which reminds me of ishiyaki-bibimbap, curry, teriyaki hamburg, salmon, etc. are served sizzling hot on iron plates.

The ambiance of the restaurant is casual as that of Japan. Customers place orders at the counter just like at a fast food place, not at the table. There have been similar style steak restaurants in the US as well for a long time such as Sizzler, so this serving style should provide no sense of unfamiliarity.

This style of ordering must be used to keep the cost down, and offer reasonable pricing. For your information, the 6oz Rib Eye Steak is $18.50, Double Hamburg Combo Deluxe, which consists of 2 hamburgs and side vegetables, is $10.90, and Single Meat Sizzling Curry is $9.90.

I asked Mr. Adrian Mahendrata, business development manager of Oishii Group Holdings, the reason for their success in becoming one of the top restaurants only within 6 months from its opening. He answered as follows:
“It’s the kind of dining experience you cannot have anywhere else. Customers of Pepper Lunch can enjoy the sizzling sound on the iron plates with their ears, the cooked food with their eyes, and the good taste with their tongues.”

Moreover, according to Adrian, Pepper Lunch in the US has just started by opening the first restaurant, but everywhere in Asia, the name, Pepper Lunch, is already an established brand. In fact, since the first Pepper Lunch was born in Ofuna, Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan in1994, they kept adding overseas restaurants one after another; in Seoul, Korea in 2003, in Taipei, Taiwan, Singapore, and Beijing, China in 2005, and in Indonesia and Australia in 2006. However, from the South Bay area where I live, it takes 45 minutes to drive to Irvine. Despite the good taste and reasonable pricing, a 45-minute drive is still a bit too much. I honestly hope that they would increase the number of restaurants here in California so I can enjoy their food conveniently more close by.





そのペッパーランチのアメリカ1号店がアーバインに出店。手がけるのはカリフォルニアでエリアフランチャイズを展開しているOishii Group Holding LLC。このアーバイン店を皮切りに、州内で多店舗展開を推進していく予定とのことだ。



Oishii Group Holding社のビジネスディベロップメントマネジャーのエイドリアン・マヘンドラータ(Adrian Mahendrata)さんに、開店半年で人気レストランに上り詰めた理由は何だと思うか、と改めて聞いたところ、次のように答えた。



Pepper Lunch
Diamond Jamboree Shopping Center
2750 Alton Parkway, STE101
Irvine, CA 92606
7days Open
#CA #Japanese #PepperLunch #alljapannews #cooking #hamburg #teppan


“Peace Dining”, a pioneer of sustainable sushi An interview with Josh Onishi, President and CEO of Peace Dining Corporation

“Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,... “Peace Dining”,...
By Aya Ota

They say that the number of Japanese restaurants developing overseas has tripled in the past 10 years, and is reaching near 90,000 (*1). The popularity of Japanese cuisine never seems to decline. Sushi, in particular, seems to have settled into America’s dining scene; however, a big new wave of changes is also about to hit the shore.

“Just like the past transition of the phase after the mass production and consumption period in which you needed to take in healthy and organic elements in order to stay successful in the current business world, I am certain that you need to consider sustainability more importantly next,” says CEO/President Josh Onishi of “Peace Dining”. This company provides take-out sushi and ramen all over the US including 250 store locations of the Whole Foods Market chain under the “Genji” brand, and in about 50 other supermarkets and company cafeterias under the “Mai” brand.

The common principle of all of this company’s businesses is sustainability. They are the first sushi handling company that acquired ISO14001 in the United States. Then, in 2011, they realized 100% sustainable procurement of ingredients. They procure only the seafood which is certified by the third-party certification authorities as green or yellow grade, and therefore, the types of fish they can get is limited. The tuna this company uses is caught by the traditional single-hook handline fishing method. The current mainstream fishing methods are by longline, such as round haul netting or bottom trawl netting, which tend to lead to overfishing, bycatching, or destruction of the seabed environment. Realization of sustainable procurement of ingredients takes cost and labor, and is not easy. “At this point, as the reason for consumers to buy sushi, sustainability accounts for only less than 20%. However, it will be too late if we wait for another few years to take it seriously,” says Mr. Onishi. The top two largest supermarket chains in the US have already committed themselves to realize 100% sustainable procurement of seafood by 2020, and 2022 respectively. Presently, from the point of view in which the usable seafood is limited, it is possible for supermarkets to realize the procurement of sustainable sushi; however, general sushi restaurants still experience many issues in order to realize that. Nevertheless, the effect on the entire US consumer market from this movement, when nearly 6,000 supermarkets shift for it in a few years, would be so huge, and could surpass one’s imagination.

“Peace Dining” was formally operated as “Genji Sushi”, a small sushi restaurant in Philadelphia. “Genji” entered the Whole Foods Market chain as a sushi bar section in 1997, about 20 years ago. At that time, unlike now, supermarkets that had a sushi bar were very rare. Then, the “Genji” brand grew big very quickly, and the “Peace Dining” company acquired the Genji brand in 2005. Mr. Onishi took the position as Vice President in 2011, and then became President/CEO in 2015. Then, in 2016, the company joined “Hana Group” that develops Japanese cuisine in 11 countries globally in Europe and Asia.

While promoting sustainability, Mr. Onishi has also been aggressively pushing “Market-in”, which is the customer first concept. This company has a group specialized in R&D, which develops products always with customers’ voices in mind. It is not too much to say that their products, including not only sushi made with brown rice, but sushi with brown rice and quinoa or multigrain rice, sushi under 500kcal, vegetable-only vegan sushi, non-grain Paleolithic sushi, etc., are leading the trend of the entire US food industry. They introduce at least one new product a month, and among them, sushi called “AHIMI®” made with new 100% plant origin ingredients became a recent hot topic. Also in recent years, in addition to the sushi business, they began developing globally, the “Grocerant” business, in which restaurant-quality foods are offered, expanding their categories to include izakaya and ramen businesses, and other Asian cuisine besides Japanese.

“I intend to go to the side where rules and systems are made in the future,” says Onishi. Currently, regarding seafood, it is required to abide by the standards created by the third-party certification authorities. Moreover, there are still many kinds of Japan-caught fish that have not been certified by such authorities; which leaves a possibility that you will no longer be able to sell them in the US in the future. Mr. Onishi continues, “From now on, by aggressively getting involved in the side where rules and systems are made, I would like to keep supporting the efforts of having many more kinds of Japanese fish get certified.”

“Sustainable sushi―sushi with sustainable and natural ingredients that can contribute to people’s health, should grow bigger for the society. And I feel that it is my lifework as Japanese to promote that,” says Onishi. I cannot help but keep my eyes on their future development.

(*1) In a 2015 report by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and an estimate by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries

サステナブル寿司のパイオニア『Peace Dining』


「かつての大量生産・消費時代を経て、ヘルシーやオーガニックといった要素を取り入れないとビジネスに乗り遅れる時代に変遷したように、次には必ず、サステナビリティの重要性が高まる」と語るのは、『Peace Dining』社プレジデント兼CEOの大西ジョシ氏。同社は、全米で持ち帰り寿司やラーメン等をホールフーズ・マーケット内に『Genji』ブランドで約250店舗、その他のスーパーや社食等に『mai』ブランドで約50店舗展開する。


『Peace Dining』社の前身は『Genji Sushi』。フィラデルフィアの小さな寿司店だった『Genji』が、ホールフーズ・マーケットの寿司バーとして入ったのは今から約20年前の1997年。当時、寿司バーが設置されたスーパーマーケットが今ほど存在していなかった。その後、急速に成長を遂げた『Genji』ブランドを『Peace Dining』社が取得したのが2005年のことだ。2011年に大西氏が『Peace Dining』社に副社長に就任し、2015年にプレジデント兼CEOとなる。その後、2016年に同社が、欧州やアジア11カ国でグローバルに日本食を展開する『Hana Group』に加わった。

大西氏は、サステナビリティを推進してきた一方で、 “マーケットイン”、つまり顧客重視の概念を積極的に導入してきた。同社にはR&D専門のチームがおり、常に、顧客の声を反映させた商品開発を行っている。玄米で作る寿司はもちろん、キヌアを混ぜた玄米や雑穀米で作る寿司、500キロカロリー以下に抑えた寿司、野菜だけで作るヴィーガン寿司、穀物等を使わないパレオ寿司……同社の商品は、米国食品業界全体のトレンドを牽引していると言っても過言ではない。毎月少なくとも1つは新商品を投入する中、最近では「AHIMI®」という100%植物性の新食材を使った寿司も提供し話題になっている。また、近年では、グローサリーの中でレストラン・クオリティの料理を提供する“グローサラント業態で、寿司にとどまることなく、居酒屋やラーメン、日本以外のアジア料理などへカテゴリーを拡大し、世界各国への展開も進めている。




Peace Dining Corporation
Two Penn Center JFK Blvd. Suite 725
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Tel: 215-523-5782
#Genji #Japanese #PeaceDiningCorporation #alljapannews #sushi


Cutting into the US market with western-style cooking with a brand-new imagination

Cutting into the US market wit... Cutting into the US market wit... Cutting into the US market wit...
By Keiko Fukuda

Red Rock opened in August of 2017 in Torrance, a suburb of Los Angeles, with the Slice Beef Don from Kobe as their signature dish. A rumor which said that you could taste a very unfamiliar sounding dish called the Slice Beef Don, spread instantly in the neighborhood. One time when I asked a friend of mine for a place to meet for lunch, she said, “I want to try Red Rock,” without a moment of hesitation. That was the first time I visited Red Rock. What appeared in front of me was literally a red rock. Rice was hidden under the many layers of red roast beef slices. The “rock” of beef was hard to chip away at even with substantial effort. The very flavorful beef and rice went very well together as they were, but the server said, “Please try with this if you like,” and gave me a white sauce. The sauce tasted like yogurt.

This Slice Beef Don surprises you by its appearance first, overwhelms you with the quantity, and then surprises you again by its unimaginable combination of roast beef with rice, and yogurt sauce. It is indeed a “western style dish with a brand-new concept”, which you have never tasted before.

After that, every time I passed by Red Rock, I saw a long line of people waiting outside. I visited the restaurant a few more times after that, and finally in the spring of 2018, I had a chance to talk to the founder, Akira Masuda. Currently, there are 11 Red Rock restaurants in Japan, and the Torrance location is the first overseas Red Rock. Besides the Red Rock restaurant chain, R & B Shuhari Inc., which Mr. Masuda is the CEO of, has been developing a wide variety of restaurant businesses including bars, izakayas, tonkatsu,and Mongolian barbecue restaurants.

Mr. Masuda explained the origin of the sliced roast beef donburi concept as follows: “I just thought of combining and completing a dish using roast beef and rice together while I was having a roast beef dish at a restaurant, and tried to create such a dish shortly after that.” He started the Red Rock chain in Japan 4 years ago, and succeeded in running the multi-restaurant business, which gave him confidence. He decided to join the US market, and did so very quickly. I wondered why he chose Torrance.

He said, “The reason I chose Torrance for our first overseas restaurant was because I wanted to study the US market while running a business in an area where many Japanese and other Asians live.”

In the early days right after the opening, they were serving the same menu as Japan’s location. After a while, they started to serve other dishes other than the Slice Beef Don such as omelet rice, and curry rice. Masahiro Karl Ohshima, the manager, explained that they kept adding more dishes to their main menu by trying here and there to accommodate lunch for business people, and a wider range of customers such as families with children who come more often on weekends.

They also carry a wide variety of alcoholic beverages including beer, wine, Japanese sake, and shochu brands. Mr. Ohshima said, “For dinner time, there are many customers who just enjoy wine with a side of steak dish.”

Red Rock, which cut into the US market with their signature dishes of Slice Beef Don, steaks, and omelet rice, is planning to open the second US restaurant soon. The location is the Sawtelle District in West Los Angeles, where a lot of Asian restaurants fiercely compete with each other. Mr. Masuda spoke of his future prospect as follows: “Although we are from Japan, it does not have to mean automatically that it will be a fight with ramen and sushi. I would like to win with a new type of particular cuisine in this market. I would like to show the same successful result as the Red Rock in Japan, here in the US as well, in the next 3 years.”





その後、レッドロックの前を通るたびに、店の外に伸びる行列が目に入った。そして私も数度リピートした後、2018年春、創業者である増田昭さんに店で話を聞く機会があった。レッドロックは現在、日本国内に11店舗、トーランス店は海外初の店だ。しかも、増田さんが代表取締役を務める有限会社R & B 守破離は、レッドロック以外にもバー、居酒屋、トンカツ、ジンギスカンをはじめ、多彩な飲食店を展開している。






Red Rock
2141 W 182nd St., Torrance CA 90504
11:30am-2;30pm / 5:00pm-9:30pm
7days Open
#Japanese #Kobe #LA #RedRock #alljapannews #beef #don #omlet #rice #steak


The Dawn of Japanese Sake” in Myanmar: Part I

By Kosuke Kuji

Japanese sake was officially imported into Myanmar for the first time in February 2018. Official export of Japanese sake to Myanmar that the Sake Export Association (of which I’m also a member) had long worked towards finally became a reality. There was no law up to this point to allow the import of Japanese sake into Myanmar, yet Japanese restaurants in Myanmar expressed a desire to offer Japanese sake to their diners. Therefore, I carried a few bottles with me as carry-on luggage when boarding a plane to personally deliver sake to the restaurants I visited. However, since there was no way to stabilize the supply of Japanese sake to these restaurants, and due to the limited quantity of sake bottles I could carry each time, my efforts could not lead to sales.

During the first sake-sampling event in Myanmar, jointly hosted by the Sake Export Association and JETRO last May, many Japanese restaurants expressed an overwhelming desire to “officially import Japanese sake into Myanmar as soon as possible.” Upon receiving this request, thanks to efforts by JETRO and local influential support, our corporate partner was granted the first Japanese Sake Import License to Myanmar.

Myanmar is a hot, tropical nation where Japanese sake cannot be stored and managed at room temperature. Therefore, not only is Japanese sake transported in a refrigerated container from Japan to Myanmar, support was received from a local Japanese-affiliated company, Premium Distribution Co., Ltd., to thoroughly and successfully manage the sake refrigerated from storage to distribution.
Also, the Japanese Sake Import License to Myanmar is not a limited license, but an official license with the least restrictions, enabling a stable supply of Japanese sake in both ‘quality’ and ‘quantity’ to Myanmar. To be continued.

ミャンマーの「日本酒の夜明け」  その1


#Japanese #Myanmar #alljapannews #sake


Tsukiji-brand high-end donburi to go

Tsukiji-brand high-end donburi... Tsukiji-brand high-end donburi... Tsukiji-brand high-end donburi... Tsukiji-brand high-end donburi... Tsukiji-brand high-end donburi... Tsukiji-brand high-end donburi... Tsukiji-brand high-end donburi... Tsukiji-brand high-end donburi...
By Elli Sekine

The SOMA District, located in the south of San Francisco’s financial district, has been having a construction rush in the past 10 years, and high-rise buildings are being built one after another. Most of the new tenants of those new buildings are IT or finance-related business people. Especially growing lately are IT related startup businesses. During the lunch hours, the district is filled with those IT people who go have lunch, and in the evening, a younger generation of IT engineers with their laptops in their backpacks start to flow out toward the nearby train stations. On 2nd Street which is the center point of those stations, many eateries that mainly sell quick to-go lunch items stand. The key phrase is “Time saver”. Some newer places are even using high technologies fully to achieve no-man cafes. Among those, there is one gaining popularity with its high-end poppy-designed sushi donburis to attract young people. It is “The Grubbies”.

When I was walking down the street of business offices, a very noticeable and stylish sign that says “Tsukiji no Donburimono” in Japanese caught my eyes, and I stopped in front of it. Americans probably don’t know what the sign says. Under the Japanese words, it says “The Grubbies” in small letters, which appears to be the name of the restaurant. Its nostalgic, yet poppy appearance was appealing to me, and I peeked inside. There were no tables, but a small counter space in a pathway where even one person can barely walk through. It is so small that maximum of 4 people can barely fit. Everyone who bought bento there comes out carrying a stylish furoshiki wrapping. This is a brand-new style to-go sushi bento specialty store. The menu items with photographs are shown under the sign. The quality and the price are like those of a high-end sushi restaurant. The signature bento “Chef’s Choice” (9 to 10 kinds of sashimi slices + sushi rice, miso soup, and seaweed) is $35, Uni donburi ($40~), Mini hotate donburi with scallops and salmon eggs from Hokkaido ($23), Toro donburi ($28), etc., are far from ordinary bento level. I asked what kind of people would buy those. They said that they make a daily limit of 50 meals, which sell out every day. Surprisingly, I heard that the most of them are sold during lunch hours. I assume that the aimed customers are IT people, and if so, it is understandable that the Tsukiji brand sushi donburi can be so popular, and those high prices acceptable.

The IT bubbling trend in Silicon Valley is directly attacking San Francisco. Ever-growing IT-related businesses in the Financial District are making maximum efforts in lunch services in order to motivate employees, and for better work efficiency. In the early stage of the startup businesses, the companies would give to a small number then, and unexpendable employees extra money for lunch and/or dinner, and when the number of employees grow to be more than 100, or even 200, many of those companies will start facilitating them with a nice cafeteria, or offer catering service for lunch and snack times. For the IT industry, which requires speedy growth, saving time for lunch is a must, and a good menu is a necessary tool to satisfy employees.

Who triggered this business is also a startup team of people of the young generation. They created a platform from where people can easily order sushi through an application, and pick it up quickly. Moreover, they use poppy illustrations and high-end images for the place to attract IT people. Additionally, there is an advantage as for the business structure. Because of the nature of its cuisine style, which is raw, and not cooked with fire, it does not require a big kitchen space to function, and relatively easy to apply as a restaurant space. What’s more important is where to get fish from, and how to get staff who can handle fish. They get fresh fish daily from Tsukiji and local markets alternately. In the day time, they also cater to business offices.

Well, how about the value? Unwrapping the fancy furoshiki reveals a pack of the main sashimi selection, colorfully and nicely laid out in a thin square wooden box.

In addition, a set with sushi rice, miso soup, and nori appears. It looks beautiful and gets you excited. However, the sashimi pieces are on vegetables, so you need to move them onto rice to make a donburi. In the process, you end up rearranging the nicely presented sashimi, and the box of rice is too small to put the entire fish on. You could move them to a third container of yourself (which is big enough), but if you do, it would eliminate its goodness and convenience as a to-go meal. After all, it was not a chirashi donburi I was imagining, and I had to alternately eat sashimi and rice separately. The quality of sashimi was good, but the vegetable underneath was hard and not easy to chew. Personally, I think it is better if the food was served in the form of a pre-arranged bowl.

Most of the regular customers of this place have downloaded the lunch to-go application on their smartphones. Pre-ordering lets them achieve time saving, and proceed with work smoothly. The concept which “The Grubbies” team aimed, and realized, “a new sushi business that nobody has done before, and lunch that is high quality, and no waiting time to acquire”, is very effective in the IT industry. They have become a poppy sushi lunch icon of the SOMA District.

築地ブランドの高級丼ぶりTO GO

サンフランシスコ金融街の南に位置するSOMA地区はこの10 年、建設ラッシュが続き、高層ビルが次々と立ち続けている。新しいビルのテナントに入るのはほとんどがIT、金融関連で、最近特に増えているのがIT 系スタートアップ企業だ。昼間はランチを求めるIT ピープルで賑わい、夕方になるとバックパックにパソコンを入れた若い世代のエンジニアたちが駅に向かって流れ出す。各駅の中間地点となる2nd ストリートには、彼らが利用するサッと持ち帰り食べれるランチをメインとする飲食店が並んでいる。キーワードは時短。中には無人カフェなどテクノロジーを駆使したランチスポットも登場している。

 先日、オフィス街を歩いていた際、一際目立つ「築地の丼物」というスタイリッシュな文字の看板の前で足が止まった。おそらくアメリカ人には何が書いてあるのかはわからない。その下に小さく「The Grubbies」とあるが、どうやらこれが店名のようだ。私はレトロでポップな外観に惹かれ、中を覗いてみた。そこにはテーブルなどはなく、人一人がやっと入れるような通路に小さなカウンターがあるだけ。4 人も入るといっぱいになるような狭さだ。ここから弁当を買って帰る人は皆オシャレな風呂敷包を抱えている。ここは、 オフィスランチで人気を伸ばしている高級寿司丼TOGO 店、「The Grubbies」だ。看板の上には写真付きメニューリストがあるが、そのクオリティと価格は高級寿司屋並み。シグニチャー弁当、「Chef’s Choice」( 9~ 10種類の刺身盛り+鮨飯、味噌汁、海苔付き)は$35、他にウニ丼($40 ~)、北海道産のホタテとイクラのミニ帆立丼($23)トロ丼($28)など、もはや弁当の域を超えている。いったいどんな人が買うのだろうと尋ねると、限定50 食は毎日完売しているという。そのほとんどはランチタイムで、IT 企業の従業員、出張者向けが多数をしめる。ターゲットがIT ピープルと想定すれば、築地ブランドの寿司丼人気とその価格にも納得がいく。

 シリコンバレーのIT バブルはSF を直撃している。金融街に増え続けるIT 関連会社では、従業員の仕事の意欲と効率性を上げる為、ランチサービスにあらゆる工夫をしている。スタートアップ初期の頃は、まだ少ない貴重な従業員にランチやディナーの補助金を出したり、従業員規模が100 人、200 人と成長すれば必然的にカフェテラスを充実させ、ランチやスナックは専門のマネージャーがケータリングを斡旋する所が多い。スピード成長を求められるIT 企業にとってランチタイムの時短は必須。そしてメニューは従業員を満足させる為に不可欠なツールとなっているようだ。

 このビジネスの仕掛け人は、やはり若い世代のスタートアップチーム。彼らは寿司を気軽にアプリから注文、敏速にランチをTO GO できるプラットフォームを作り、店舗にはポップなイラストや高級イメージでIT ピープル達を惹きつけている。また、ビジネス構築として火を使わない生もの料理なので、キッチンは狭くても機能でき、飲食店としての申請も比較的容易という利点がある。重要なのは仕入れ先と魚を捌くスタッフだ。魚は築地とローカルから日替わりで新鮮なネタを仕入れ、昼間は企業へのケータリングも行っている。

さて、そのバリューはいかに。おしゃれな風呂敷を解けば、四角の薄い木箱に彩りよく並べられたメインの刺身のパック、別に鮨飯のパック、味噌汁、海苔のセットが付いてきた。見た目は綺麗でテンションが上がる。しかし刺身は野菜の上に並べられているので、丼にするには刺身をご飯の方に移す必要があるが、そうすると綺麗に盛られた魚の並びを崩すことになるし、飯の箱は小さいので魚は入りきれない。できれば第3 の容器に移し替えれば良いのだが、そうするとToGo の意味が無くなる。結局、想像していたチラシ丼ではなく、刺身とシャリを交互に食べるしかなかった。刺身のネタの質は良いだが、魚の下に敷いている野菜は硬くて食べづらい。個人的には最初から丼になっていた方が親切という感想だ。
 ここの常連客のほとんどは、スマホにランチtogoアプリを入れている。予め注文する事で時短ができ仕事もスムースに進む。「まだ誰もやったことがない寿司ビジネス。質がよく待ち時間ゼロのランチ」を目指した「The Grubbies」チームの発想は、金融街、SOMA で効果覿面。SOMA地区のポップな寿司ランチのアイコンとなっている。

The Grubbies
Store 1 /303 Sacramento St.
San Francisco, CA 94111
Store 2 / 123 2nd St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 757-0887
EZ eater www.ezcater.com/
Mon.-Fri. 11:00am-1:30pm
Sat. and Sun. closed
#Grubbies #Japanese #SF #Sacramento #alljapannews #donburi #lunch #tsukiji


Casual and authentic noodles you can enjoy at the secret hideout of a high-end kaiseki cuisine restaurant

Casual and authentic noodles y... Casual and authentic noodles y... Casual and authentic noodles y... Casual and authentic noodles y... Casual and authentic noodles y... Casual and authentic noodles y... Casual and authentic noodles y... Casual and authentic noodles y... Casual and authentic noodles y... Casual and authentic noodles y... Casual and authentic noodles y...
By Aya Ota

“Brushstroke” is a kaiseki cuisine restaurant collaboration by chef Bouley, a leading French chef in New York, and TSUJI Culinary Institute. Even now, 7 years after the opening, their dishes, in which tradition and innovation are harmonized well by using local capturing New Yorker’s hearts, and raved highly by various media outlets.

“Noodle Bar” has been running since the end of last year in a corner of this restaurant “Brushstroke”, and has become the talk of the town.

“I am so excited about this new attempt,” says Isao Yamada, Executive Chef, with his eyes shining. “Noodle Bar” is a space that looks like a hideout with only 14 seats, which is located on the opposite side of the main dining area. Whenever its purpose changed, some changes were made to this space, and collected a lot of attention every time. It used to be the cocktail bar when first opened, and then changed to the omakase-style sushi bar. After closing the sushi bar, the space was closed unused for over half a year while the next concept of the project was being thought out. “People tend to think kaiseki cuisine is not very approachable, so we want different types of customers,” they thought. After the trial and error period, Chef Kyoji Noda, who has experience in showing skills at a ramen restaurant in the past, they came up with the noodle bar concept based on the trial ramen dish he created, which grew bigger in no time.

There are 5 noodle dishes on the menu. The most popular dish is “Brushstroke Tonkotsu Ramen” ($17). Incidentally, both Chef Yamada and Chef Noda are from Fukuoka which is known for Tonkotsu ramen. This is the dish created by those two with ultimate particularity. The soup that has been cooked for 4 days by cracking pork bones in the process is so rich that a film of collagen forms in a few minutes after the bowl is served at the table. It looks like a typical bowl of tonkotsu ramen; however, it tastes classically delicate, and makes a clear distinction from other tonkotsu ramen bowls. It is worth carrying the honorable restaurant name. In the “Duck Original 7 Miso Ramen” ($17), the original blend of miso is mixed into the soup which has been cooked one full day until the soup turns white and cloudy. The soup turns out to have a mild taste by blending various types of miso, white, red, inaka, moromi, etc., and matches extremely well with the tenderly cooked duck chashu.

The corn/kombu dashi based “Roasted Sweet Corn Butter Soy Sauce Ramen” ($15) is uniquely sweet and creamy, and has an interesting twist of changing the taste by adding cumin as you eat. There are 2 udon dishes. “Maine Lobster Kishimen Udon” ($26) which has springy and chewy lobster pieces on top of the soy milk based lobster umami flavored soup, and “Sashimi Kishimen Udon” ($57), where plentiful of seasonal sashimi pieces are served with dashi in which bonito shavings are generously used.


ニューヨークを代表する仏料理シェフ・ブーレイと辻調理師専門学校の提携による懐石料理店『Brushstroke』。四季折々の地元食材を取り入れた、伝統と斬新さが調和する料理は、開店後7年経った今でもニューヨーカーを虜にし、数々のメディアで賞賛され続けている。この『Brushstroke』の一角で、昨年暮れから『Noodle Bar』がスタートし、話題になっている。

「この新しい試みにワクワクしている」と目を輝かせて語るのは、料理長を務める山田勲氏。『Noodle Bar』が設置されているのは、メインダイニングとは反対側に位置する、たった14席しかない隠れ家のような空間。開店当初はカクテルバー、その後はおまかせ寿司バーと、内容が変わるたびに注目を浴びながら変遷してきたスペースだが、寿司バー閉店後は、次の構想を練りながら半年以上も閉めていたという。「懐石料理はどうしても敷居が高いと思われがち。これまでとは違う客層を呼びたい」と試行錯誤する中、ラーメン店で腕を振るった経験を持つ野田恭司シェフが試作したラーメンに着想を得て、一気にヌードルバーの構想が膨らんだ。

麺類メニューは5種類。一番人気は「Brushstrokeとんこつラーメン」($17)。奇しくも、山田・野田両氏は、とんこつラーメンで有名な福岡出身で、その二人がこだわり抜いて創り上げた一品だ。豚骨を砕きながら丸4日間煮込んで作るスープは、テーブルに運ばれてわずか数分で表面にコラーゲン膜が浮かぶほど濃度が高い。見た目は王道のとんこつラーメンだが、上品で繊細な味に仕上がり、店名を冠するだけあり他店とは一線を画する。「鴨ネギ 7種合わせ味噌ラーメン」($17)は、ローストした鴨骨を、白濁するまで丸一日煮込んだスープに、独自配合の味噌を合わせる。白、赤、田舎味噌、もろみ…など複数の味噌を合わせることで、より複雑でまろやかな風味になり、ほろりと柔らかい鴨肉チャーシューとの相性も抜群だ。



「懐石料理とは違う客にアプローチしたい」という目論見は見事にヒット。 “高級懐石料理店が創るヌードル”という特別感に心引かれるのだろう、ヌードルバーには新規顧客が気軽に訪れるようになった。また、懐石料理店の常連客もヌードルバーに訪れ、両方の客が好循環を生み出している。トライベッカ地区にこれまで本格的なヌードル店がなかったこともあり、地元客も多く訪れているという。


Noodle Bar at Brushstroke
30 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10013
(212) 791-3771
Mon.-Sat. 5:30pm-10:30pm
Lunch on Fridays and Saturdays
(from 11:30am to 2:45pm)
#Brushstroke #Japanese #NY #alljapannews #kaiseki #noodle #ramen #udon


This is the traditional Japanese breakfast!

This is the traditional Japanes... This is the traditional Japanes... This is the traditional Japanes... This is the traditional Japanes... This is the traditional Japanes...
By Keiko Fukuda

In August of 2017, an article titled “This May be the Best Traditional Japanese Breakfast in L.A. County” was published in LA Weekly. “Fukagawa” is the name of the restaurant, which was featured as LA’s best Japanese breakfast eatery in LA. This Japanese restaurant is located in a corner of the Pacific Square, a shopping mall in Gardena.

In 1992, the year I moved to the United States, this restaurant was already running at the same location. Now, there are a few Japanese-American hotels within walking distance from Fukagawa, and Japanese travelers who are staying in those hotels, especially the two closest ones, the adjacent Hotel Pacific Court, and New Gardena Hotel across the street, come to Fukagawa for breakfast since the restaurant opens at 7 A.M. They have, of course, local regular customers as well. I visited for the interview at 10 on a Thursday morning. Looking around the restaurant, I saw a wide variety of customers of various race and ages; a couple of Japanese-Americans, a group of elderly men, an Asian family who looked like tourists visiting LA during spring break, etc., all enjoying Japanese breakfast. The secret to the popularity of their breakfast menu is the freedom of combining a wide variety of selections. The basic set “A” consists of rice, miso soup, seaweed, pickles, eggs and cold tofu, which costs $7.50. From the egg-cooking option, you can choose worry-free raw, house-made dashi-maki, fried, or scrambled. If you add natto to “A”, it becomes the set “B”, which costs $8.75, and if you add broiled fish or steak to the set “A”, it becomes the set “C”, which costs $10.50 with fish, and $12.95 with steak. The set “D” is everything from the set “A” plus natto, and fish or steak, and costs $11.50 with fish, and $13.95 with steak.

“We are particular about the food ingredients we use. We procure fish, meat, and vegetables from trusted vendors. Especially, we use eggs, essential to Japanese set meals, which are certified to be used raw,” says the current manager Shoko Miyashita. The current owner took over the operation 3 years ago, and Shoko started to manage the restaurant 2 year ago.

“Aside from our breakfast menu, we are also proud of our katsu-ju, and tonkatsu. We highly recommend shabushabu, and sukiyaki to meat lovers for dinner, too.” Indeed, Fukagawa’s tonkatu, shabushabu and sukiyaki were already well known in the nineties. Despite the changes in their management, this place seems to have become even more popular since, in carrying over the signature menu items. I asked what the secret could be. Shoko said, “First of all, it is to give the best possible service. We strive to offer the kind of service that makes the customers feel like coming here again. That is what I tell my staff all the time. I also tell them to smile always. And, that would create a cheerful ambience of the restaurant.” The place is in the back of the mall, and does not have an exterior appearance that stands out. However, once you step into the space, you feel the Showa-era like nostalgia, and become surrounded with a warm atmosphere. You will be naturally drawn to the place knowing that you will be able to have comfy Japanese breakfast there. I was re-assured about that which the regular customers feel when I visited this place again this time.


2017年8月に「これがロサンゼルス郡で最高の伝統的な日本の朝ごはん(This May Be the Best Traditional Japanese Breakfast in L.A.County)」というタイトルの記事がLA Weeklyに掲載された。そのLA最高の朝ごはんの店として絶賛されたのが、ふか川。ガーデナのモール、パシフィックスクエアの片隅にある日本食レストランだ。







1630 W Redondo Beach Blvd.
Gardena, CA 90247
Sun.-Fri. 7:00am-2:00pm、6:00pm-9:00pm
Sat. 7:00am-2:00pm,5:30pm-9:00pm
#Fukagawa #Japanese #alljapannews #asagohan #breakfast


“First in the world! Ginjo Sake Sampling Event Held at the United Nations Headquarters: Part 4”

By Kosuke Kuji

In the previous column, we introduced the background that led to the Ginjo sake-sampling event held at the United Nations (UN). To hold the Ginjo sake sampling event at the United Nations headquarters means the invited guests were not local American consumers walking down the streets of New York, but representatives from 193 nations serving as delegates to the United Nations at the United Nations headquarters in New York, where the 193 representatives gathered in one place, which aligned with the Japan Premium Sake Association’s goal to “promote Ginjo sake to the world.”

Association members faced difficulties while planning the Ginjo sake-sampling event held at the United Nations (UN). However, since the Japanese government graciously assumed the role of “joint organizer,” the arrangements were easily made as the association “organized the Ginjo sake sampling event representing Japan.” Further research revealed this Japanese sake sampling event was the “first held in the world” at the United Nations headquarters, organized by the Japan Premium Sake Association literally representing Japan to accomplish this feat.

The association was highly motivated to ensure this event was successful as each member would be wearing the uniform representing Japan, and took many hours to arrange and coordinate with the UN Side in preparation for the day of the event.

The association learned from the number of pre-registered guests that a large crowd of approximately 300 guests was expected to attend. Further, the Secretary-General of the United Nations working at the United Nations headquarters and other administrative employees also expressed interest in attending the event, thus a total of approximately 350 guests were expected to attend.

Although many of the guests from around the world had never tried Japanese sake before, the guests started to understand the appeal of Ginjo sake as the event progressed and became very lively. Although guests rarely stay at these diplomatic parties until the end, nearly 100 guests captivated by the appeal of Ginjo sake remained even after the time passed for the event to end, wanting to listen to the sake brewers speak. The guests reluctant to leave until the very end left a lasting impression with the event organizers.

As representatives of Japan, the organizers made a significant accomplishment by arranging the first Ginjo sake-sampling event at the United Nations headquarters.

「世界初!国連(UN)本部での吟醸酒の会 その4」






#Japanese #UN #WorldSakeChallenge #alljapannews #ginjo #sake


A Japanese-style health conscious delicatessen

A Japanese-style health consci... A Japanese-style health consci... A Japanese-style health consci... A Japanese-style health consci... A Japanese-style health consci...
By Keiko Fukuda

“When parents are busy, they are not able to cook meals that require time and effort for children. It may be alright to feed children fast food or frozen foods as long as their stomachs are filled, but parents cannot help feeling guilty doing so. So, my wife (Yuriko Tachibe) thought about the concept of this store, which is to offer healthy bentos that can be easily obtained,” says Shigefumi Tachibe, the owner of “Delicatessen by Osawa” which opened in May of 2017 in Pasadena. As the owner claims, the items in the menu consist of completely preservative-free bentos and side dishes made from scratch. You certainly cannot help noticing Japanese style healthy-looking dishes made mainly with vegetables such as “Gobo & Renkon Kinpira”, “Kale & Spinach Ohitashi”, or “Hari Hari Daikon”. The bento selection under the “Grab & Go” includes “Shokado Bento Box” ($15.75), “Chicken Bento” ($10.95), “Sozai Mix Bento” ($12.75), etc. You can surely find less expensive stuff in Japanese supermarkets; however, as mentioned earlier, the dishes at “Delicatessen by Osawa” never contain preservatives or frozen foods, and everything is made with fresh ingredients, which requires higher cost and labor, thus justifies their price setting. They buy food ingredients from some vendors, but also go and buy from the Farmer’s Market in South Pasadena by themselves.

Mr. Tachibe has worked at Chaya, a well-known California cuisine specialty restaurant, as the executive chef for a long time, and launched the health-conscious M Café under Chaya. After becoming independent, he established a successful Japanese restaurant called Osawa, and then opened the delicatessen in the business district of Pasadena. The kitchen of the delicatessen is led by executive chef Tetsuya Osaki. Chef Osaki has a total of 33 years of experience as a chef in Japan and the US. His talented skills cover all kinds of cuisine from Japanese to Californian.

The interior of the store is natural-themed using plenty of wood, and gives a contemporary feel. There is a counter of side dishes in the back, and you can see the kitchen behind the counter where the chefs are cooking. I heard that all the kitchen staff including chef Osaki enters in the kitchen at 7 o’clock every morning.

I visited the store for the interview before 11 in the morning before the opening time, and tried their most popular dish, the Daily Special. The special of that day was the Loco Moco; on white rice, there was a large-size hamburger patty, which you sure can taste the umami of the meat, with a softly cooked sunny side up style egg on top, and gravy sauce. In the same bowl, there was a salad of sliced cucumber, tomato, and avocado. The set came with a corn chowder that contained cubed vegetables, and was priced at $12.95. It was very satisfying.
Since I enjoyed it so much, I asked Mr. Tachibe, “Can you please open another store in the South Bay area where I live?” He answered, “Actually, we have customers who come all the way from the South Bay area (it takes more than one hour of driving). Such a request comes from not only the South Bay area, but the West Side also. This store is good because it is close to the main restaurant, Osawa, but if it’s far away, it won’t be good because I won’t be able to keep close eyes on it. Oh well, too bad!”

At first, I thought there would be many take-out customers since it is a delicatessen, but in fact, there are many eat-in customers, and I was told that they actually run out of the tables during lunch hours. They used to close at 6 in the evening, but changed it to 7 by request. It seems still too early to accommodate all the requests, so they are planning to extend it to 9 p.m. starting in March. (The interview was done in February.) While I was tasting the Loco Moco, people who looked like regular customers started to come in one after another, and fill the space before the opening time of 11.The store concept, “For the health of families” seems to have been surely conveyed to their customers.


「親が忙しいと子どもに手をかけた料理を作ってあげられない。ファストフードや冷凍食品でお腹いっぱいになればいいかもしれないけれど、子どもに対するギルティの気持ちがどうしても残ります。それで手軽に健康的なお弁当を提供しようと、妻(立部小百合さん)がこの店のコンセプトを思い立ちました」と話すのは、2017年の5月にパサデナにオープンしたデリカテッセン・バイ・オオサワのオーナー、立部重文さん。オーナーが言うように、この店のメニューに並ぶのは、「添加物を一切使用しない、スクラッチから作ったお弁当と惣菜」だ。確かに、ゴボウやレンコンのきんぴら、ケールとほうれん草のおひたし、ハリハリ大根といった、いかにも身体に良さそうな野菜を中心とした日本的なものが目を引く。Grab & Go と題されたお弁当のラインアップは松花堂弁当($15.75)、チキン弁当($10.95)、惣菜ミックス弁当($12.75)など。日系スーパーで買えば、もっと安いものがあるが、前述のようにデリカテッセン・バイ・オオサワは添加物も冷凍食品も不使用、すべて新鮮な食材から手作りということで、コストと人の手がかかっていることを考えれば納得の値段設定というしかない。食材は業者から仕入れる以外にも、サウスパサデナのファーマーズマーケットに足を運んで調達している。






The Delicatessen by Osawa
851 Cordova Street
Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: 626-844-8788
Tue.-Sun. 11:00am-9:00pm
#Japanese #alljapannews #bento #delicatessen #healthy #thedelicatessentbyosawa


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