
Sake Nation “A new way to promote Japanese sake combines a live-stream (two-dimensional) event with an in-person tasting (three-dimensional) event: Pa

By Kosuke Kuji

A new way to promote Japanese sake fusing a 2-dimensional live-stream with a 3-dimensional in-person event requires us real-world sake brewers to first jump into the 2-dimensional world of Vtubers (virtual YouTubers). 

Vtubers and sake brewers entered the same world via Zoom to participate in a virtual sake brewery tour and sake tasting event. 

Viewers who enjoy sake in the 3-dimensional real world and others who enjoy interacting in the 2-dimensional digital world discussed Ginjo together in the same screen, indicative of endless possibilities for future collaboration.  

Further, this collaboration with Vtubers produced an illustration by the Vtubers used on the sake label, printed onto sake cups to create limited-edition merchandise for this event. These merchandise were a huge hit, sold out on the e-commerce platform mercari, thanks to online viewers who never purchased Japanese sake before. The 2-dimesional world fused with the 3-dimensional world for Vtubers, who enjoyed a live event from the comfort of their home as they enjoyed sake during this exclusive collaboration.  

Lastly, the “Enjoy Ginjo Fair” was held at the Hotel Metropolitan Tokyo Ikebukuro in late September. Here, Vtuber Yuzuru Himesaki participated by video in the digital 2-dimensional world, while sake breweries participated in the 3-dimensional real world, and performed the ritual of breaking open a ceremonial sake barrel. Here, the 2-dimensional digital world fused into this 3-dimensional in-person event. 

In this way, traditional Japanese industries like sake breweries jumped into a new world using the latest cutting-edge IT technology, a truly fruitful collaboration and experience. 

I hope this fusion of two worlds of different dimensions attracts new Japanese sake fans to revitalize the domestic consumption of sake in Japan, showing continued decline. 

酒豪大陸「二次元と三次元の融合による新たな日本酒の道 その3」






#alljapannews #daiginjo #japanese #japanesefood #jizake #junmai #sake


Enjoy Japanese sake during each of the four seasons

Japan has four distinct seasons, thus enjoying a long-established custom of taking in the seasonal ambiance with seasonal sake each season. “Hanamizake” (“sake for flower-viewing”) is sake representative of the spring. Banquets were held at the imperial court to view seasonal flowers from the Nara period (710-794 AD). At the time, banquets were organized to view Chinese plums, which changed to cherry blossoms after the Heian period (794-1185 AD).  

During the Momoyama period (1573-1615) in March 1598, feudal lord Hideyoshi Toyotomi hosted a cherry blossom viewing banquet at the Sanpoin Garden of Daigoji Temple in Kyoto, documented in history to have been a luxurious flower-viewing banquet. Flower-viewing became a year-round custom enjoyed by the general public during the Edo period (1603-1867). At the time, sightseeing spots to view cherry blossoms in Edo included Mukojima, Ueno, Ojiasukayama, Gotenyama, and Koganei. Families and neighbors were invited, and sake and bento (lunch boxes) were taken to view the cherry blossoms. During the Heian period (794-1185 AD), the imperial court held a flower-viewing banquet on March 3, when guests released cups of sake into the river, created a poem before their cups passed by, then drank their cups of sake.         

Boating was often enjoyed near a cool river during summer banquets. During the Edo Period (1603-1867), a lavish festival held at the Sumidagawa (Sumida River) of Ryogoku (district in modern-day Tokyo) marked the beginning of the boating season. After a banquet held at a restaurant in Yanagibashi or Mukojima, guests took out their boats and enjoyed fireworks. Some houseboats also served sake and accompaniments.      

“Tsukimizake” (“sake for moon-viewing”) is enjoyed during the fall season. Traditionally, the moon-viewing custom was enjoyed only during the fall harvest festival. On August 15 of the lunar calendar (on a full moon or the fifteenth night) and on September 13 (on the thirteenth night), guests enjoyed cups of sake outdoors as they took in the moon. On this day during the Edo Period (1603-1867), boats ventured out into the Sumidagawa (Sumida River), while neighboring restaurants bustled with guests.        

September 9 of the lunar calendar marks one of the five festivals, the chrysanthemum-viewing banquet. A custom introduced from China to Japan in ancient times, the chrysanthemum-viewing banquet became a year-round event celebrated by the imperial court during the Heian period (794-1185 AD). The imperial court enjoyed “chrysanthemum sake,” sake infused with chrysanthemums. The Imperial court held the chrysanthemum-viewing party one more time in October during the Edo Period (1603-1867).  

And finally, “Yukimizake” (“sake for snowscape-viewing”) is enjoyed during the winter season. Yukimizake was said to be enjoyed during the Heian period (794-1185 AD), the ultimate way to enjoy sake elegantly since Emperor Shirakawa was entertained in a courtyard covered with snow. 

In this way, sake was enjoyed outdoors viewing nature on many occasions since ancient times. The custom of enjoying sake outdoors still remains today as hanamizake (sake for flower-viewing) and tsukimizake (sake for moon-viewing).   

*The five festivals (Jan 7th, March 3rd, May 5th, July 7th and Sep 9th)


日本は四季がはっきりとしているため、古くから四季折々の風情を楽しむ、さまざまな遊び酒の風習があった。 春の遊び酒の代表は「花見酒」である。宮中での観花の宴は、すでに奈良時代から行なわれていたが、当時は花といえば梅で、観桜の宴となったのは平安時代以降のこととされる。桃山時代の慶長三年(1598)三月、京都の醍醐寺三宝院で豊臣秀吉が催した醍醐の花見は、絢欄豪華な花見の宴として歴史に残る。花見が庶民の年中行事になったのは江戸時代に入って からである。江戸では、向島、上野、王子飛鳥山、御殿山、小金井が桜の名所で、家族はもとより隣近所も誘い合わせ、酒弁当を持参で花見に出かけた。 






#fourseasons #japanese #japanesesake #sake #seasons #yukimizake


Tokyo Jizake Strolling (sales events at the end of the year)

By Ryuji Takahashi

Japanese sake sells most in the month of December. To say cheap sake, high-end sake, and sake products containing gold flakes all sell on their own upon display is not an understatement. Our sake shop organizes annual storefront sales events for two sake breweries in December and at the end of the year over a three-day period, with part-time workers hired for the events. Since the coronavirus outbreak, customers who cannot travel home, voluntarily refrained from booking restaurant reservations for year-end parties, and other reasons made predicting the circumstances in December difficult over the past several years. Trying to anticipate how much inventory we’ll carry when breweries stop shipping their sake products after Christmas was a major headache.      

This year however, I ordered higher volumes of sake products, determined to sell our inventory of table sake and high-end sake. A major cold wave unexpectedly hit the Sea of Japan from the side, which delayed the delivery of my shipment twice due to snow. The delay left me anxious, wondering if the sake products I planned to sell at the end of the year will be delivered on time. Meanwhile, Kanemasu Brewery of Niigata prefecture helped at the sales event for two days.   

As I wrote before, Kanemasu Brewery celebrated a major milestone last year of 200 years in business. Their featured product was the Junmai-Daiginjo “Hatsuhana,” sold only at the end of the year. Every year, I deliberate how many of this sake product priced above 10,000 JPY I should place on our store shelves. However, the product always sells out on December 31. Last year, I took many pre-orders for this popular product once again. We held our storefront sales event featuring the thick cloudy Junmai-Ginjo “Hatsuyuki” and sake nouveau Takarazukushi as the main products. Many customers visited and made the December event successful for the sake brewery that celebrated 200 years in business.          

The event for Hakuro Brewery of Niigata prefecture was scheduled several days after Kanemasu Brewery’s storefront sales event. Unfortunately, I was notified the delayed shipment will not arrive before the event due to snow, and the event was cancelled. After several anxious days of wondering what would happen to my purchased products, we were able to reschedule the storefront sales event as a two-day event once the products arrived, thanks to the courtesy of Hakuro Brewery. 

Hakuro Brewery staff shivered in the bitter winter cold selling Daiginjo, produced from sake rice polished up to thirty-five percent; cloudy Junmai-Daiginjo sake, nouveau Junmai-Ginjo sake, and sparkling Junmai sake. Sales exceeded expectations as more customers arrived than anticipated under the clear refreshing winter sky. Although December was filled with anxieties surrounding the delayed shipment due to the cold wave, increased number of people infected by the coronavirus, and decreased number of year-end party reservations, etc., the Japanese custom of welcoming the near year with sake is far from obsolete. I felt proud of the Japanese sake culture this December as men and women of various ages still enjoy sake to date.          


#coronavirus #japanese #japanesefood #jizake #sake


Key Sake Sales Points

By Yuji Matsumoto

Many of those involved in sake tend to prefer to use vague and mysterious expressions. It seems as if they dislike saying anything definitive about a product’s characteristics. However, in order to sell specific sake in a market full of many options (including wine and beer), sake makers need to have a more focused development and sales effort. This can be said about both the manufacturers and the sellers. If a sake is just “good for anyone” or “goes with everything” it just won’t stand out.

Dealing with many consumers on a daily basis making proposals on sake, I realize that there are requisite key points. Going over these points alone makes the conversation a success. Roughly speaking, there are four points. 

The first is aroma. Explain the strength of the product’s aroma (gorgeous or tender) and its characteristics (fruity, floral, alcohol).

The second is body. Explain the product’s sweetness, acid taste, bitterness, and also how it goes down one’s throat. 

The third is food pairing. Select the absolute best dish for it. 

The fourth is temperature. Explain which temperature setting is best for the product: room temperature, hot, or cold?

Sake manufacturers need to be aware of these points as well. Have a clear vision when developing a product, such as where your target market is, and what you want it to do. “I want my sake to pair with beef steaks like no red wines can” is a good example. And make sure you convey the message in your marketing effort.









#japanese #japanesefood #japanesesake #sake


Sake Nation “A new way to promote Japanese sake combines a live-stream (2D) event with an in-person tasting (3D) event: Part 2”

By Kosuke Kuji

“The Japan Ginjo Sake Association” with over forty years of history held a new style of sake event that combines a live-stream (two-dimensional) event with an in-person tasting (three-dimensional) event.

Until now, Japanese sake was enjoyed as a personal, physical experience in a three-dimensional world.     

However, this collaborative event was organized with “VTubers” – virtual YouTubers with a large fan base across Japan and worldwide – for both real and virtual sake enthusiasts to enjoy sake together, especially Ginjo sake. Participating VTubers include “Tamaki Inuyama” of “Otokono-ko VTuber,” “Takuma Kumagaya,” caregiver of Inuyama; virtual maid “Mishiro Shirayuki,” and virtual artist “Yuzuru Himesaki.”        

Each of these four VTubers enjoy a large fan base, not only in Japan, but worldwide. 

When The Japan Ginjo Sake Association launched forty years ago, it was unthinkable that traditional Japanese sake breweries would one day collaborate with VTubers to promote their sake products. 

Although conventional customers of Japanese sake are well served, past sake tasting events are no longer sufficient to cultivate a new consumer base for Japanese sake.   

This dreamy collaboration was organized from this new global perspective, especially since these four VTubers were already Japanese sake enthusiasts to begin with. 

Please look forward to the details of this event to be reported in the next issue! 

The Japan Ginjo Sake Association Website: 

酒豪大陸「二次元と三次元の融合による新たな日本酒の道 その2」










#ginjo #japanese #japanesefood #japanesesake #sake


Sake Nation “A new way to promote Japanese sake combines a live-stream (2D) event with an in-person tasting (3D) event: Part I”

Sake Nation “A new way to promote Japanese sake combines a live-stream (two-dimensional) event with an in-person tasting (three-dimensional) event: Part I”

By Kosuke Kuji

The production volume of Japanese sake has been dropping continuously in Japan to date since 1975.

To the contrary, production volume of premium sake like “Ginjo” and “Junmai” are continuing to increase.

However, Japan’s population is starting to decline, with less opportunities to consume alcohol in part due to the aging population. Getting Japan’s population to consume alcohol is getting more difficult in this day and age. Despite the demand for sake increasing overseas, the production volume is not that high, another challenge to tackle since not all breweries export sake.

In this predicament, breweries industry-wide joined forces and founded “The Japan Ginjo Sake Association” to introduce flavorful Ginjo sake throughout Japan.

Founded in 1980 before premium sake was launched, the association celebrates 41 years since their foundation.

The Japan Ginjo Sake Association reflected on their long history of 40 years and organized the tasting event, “Enjoy! Ginjo Fair,” to take on new challenges against the Coronavirus pandemic.

This new type of tasting event is the first in the world to feature a VTuber (virtual YouTuber) to combine a live-stream (two-dimensional) event with an actual tasting (three-dimensional) event to introduce the appeal of Ginjo sake.

The next report elaborates on the background that led to the organization of this event. Please stay tuned!

The Japan Ginjo Sake Association Home Page


酒豪大陸「二次元と三次元の融合による新たな日本酒の道 その1」














#ginjo #japanese #japanesefood #junmai #sake


Zoboshu (alcoholic beverage for monks)

Sake was produced in Shinto shrines and Buddhist temple grounds in high volumes as offerings since the syncretistic fusion of Shintoism and Buddhism, “prohibition (of sake)” was issued in 1420.

Annual rice yield collected as taxes gathered from across Japan to medieval Buddhist temples, as the vast temple grounds were suitable to store the rice. In addition, many monks and their disciples supplied the labor, fulfilling all the necessary conditions to produce sake. During this time, the production of zoboshu (alcoholic beverage for monks) led to the rapid refinement of sake production skills using yeast starter, steamed rice, koji, and the “multiple fermentation method” already used to prepare the water by this time, along with “Bodaisen” (fine and exclusive sake) – the original form of the modern day starter culture - as referenced in the records “Sake Diary.”

Also, the “Tamon-in diary” mentions the terms “pasteurization” and “multiple fermentation.”

The following Zoboshu were especially renowned:

Amanoshu: Kawachi-Amanosan, Kongoji

Hyakusaijishu:Oumi, Hyakusaiji

Bodaisen: Yamato-Bobaisan, Shoryakuji

Tounomineshu: Yamato, Myouryakuji


寺院では中世の神仏習合(しんぶつしゅうごう)時より、境内の鎮守社への献酒にお酒を造っていたが、応永27年(1420) には「寺内禁酒令」が出るほど大量に造られるようになった。








#Zoboshu #japan #japanese #japanesesake #sake


Tokyo Jizake Strolling (200 years of history)

By Ryuji Takahashi

Kanemasu Brewery (Shibata city, Niigata prefecture), producer of Junmai Daiginjo “Hatsuhana” and “Kinmasu,” celebrated 200 years since their foundation. Kanemasu Brewery was founded as “Takahashi Shuzo” in Shin-Niigata city, Niigata prefecture in 1822 and relocated to their current location in Shibata city in 1930 to access quality water and rice. I received an invitation from Kanemasu brewery to celebrate 200 years in business. Since the liquor shop I operate is a client of the brewery, I visited Shibata city, Niigata prefecture to attend the celebration. On my way, I first stopped by Aumont Sake Brewery, Inc., also located in Shibata city, Niigata prefecture.

The reason for my visit was to verify a rumor that started when Ichishima Sake Brewery changed their name to Aumont Sake Brewery, Inc. in February 2022. A rumor that the brewery’s retail shop became their promotional shop and tourist attraction circulated. Upon arrival, I was surprised to see how clean the brewery was, more like a posh Japanese restaurant in the suburbs in appearance. When I stepped inside, sake brands on the shelves consisted not only of Aumont Sake Brewery, but also by Kikusui and Kanemasu Breweries. The retail shop selling local food products is equipped with a food court, acting as a promotional shop for Aumont Sake Brewery as rumored. Although I wanted to purchase some local specialty foods, I still had to reach my primary destination. Therefore, I put off my purchase and headed to Kanemasu Brewery. Upon arrival, several participants had already arrived, along with food trucks from a local café on stand-by.

First, I spoke to the founder and master sake brewer, enjoyed a glass of beer and sake served as a gesture to welcome my visit, then followed the master sake brewery on a tour of the brewery. Although I was already familiar with the inside of the brewery, it’s not often I enter the brewery with many other visitors. Just seeing the reaction of other visitors was interesting. A 40-minute introduction of the brewery was presented throughout the day, with many visitors listening to the master sake brewer’s introduction. Next came the main product of the event, coffee liquor. In September, Brazil celebrated 200 years since declaring independence from Portugal. To commemorate this celebration, the Brazilian Embassy consulted Kanemasu Brewery, also celebrating their 200-year anniversary, to discuss a collaborative product produced from Brazilian coffee beans.

Kasutori shochu (made from distilling sake lees left over from fermenting sake) is the main shochu produced by a Japanese sake brewery, produced by Kanemasu Brewery using pot distillation. The brewery also produces rice shochu, sweet potato shochu, and distilled beverages. Shochu and Brazilian coffee beans were used to produce this collaborative coffee liquor, refreshing to the palate with a fragrant coffee aroma that calms the mind of the consumer, completed to perfection. The joint celebration between the Brazilian Embassy and Kanemasu Brewery continued for several days until preparation for production started, which consisted of a photo exhibition, capoeira performances, musical performances, etc. The day left me mesmerized by the depth of Japanese sake that established a fated connection made possible only after 200 years in business.



#daiginjo #japanese #japanesesake #jizake #junmai #niigata #sake


Communicate the appeal of sake to customers

By Yuji Matsumoto

Happy New Year! We look forward to working with you again this year.

No matter how good a product is, the message needs to be communicated for customers to try the product.

let’s consider when the appropriate timing is and how to communicate the appeal of Japanese sake in a way that leads to sales.

Consider who the message is directed to

Are chefs, servers, and bartenders trained appropriately? Training the staff to thoroughly understand why a brand of sake tastes delicious and why customers should try it is important because a single try will not be sufficient to understand even ten percent of the appeal of a brand. Therefore, please have staff try the sake paired with the cuisine.


Of course, a good place to start would be to have the servers change their ordering from “What can I get you to drink?” to “It’s cold outside, would you like to try some hot sake?” This suggestion alone is a major difference. Also, please mention two to three different brands of Japanese sake during the recommendation.


Speak informatively to customers in a way that generates a response like “Oh really?” For example, “How about AAA, a dry and refreshing sake from Niigata that goes great with sushi?” Or “Would you like to try BBB, a brand of sake from Akita that has body and goes great with teriyaki?” The point is to word the recommendations into easy-to-understand sales pitches that makes customers want to try the brand. Offer two to three different brands that range from reasonable to mid-range prices.











#japanese #japanesefood #japaneserestaurant #junmai #kanpai #newyear #sake


Sake Nation “Activities of New Sake Breweries: Part 3”

By Kosuke Kuji

Hokkaido prefecture is fast garnering attention as home to one of several new locations of Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery, featured in the last report.

Another reason Hokkaido is garnering attention is a sake brewery in Gifu prefecture relocated their entire sake brand to produce sake in Hokkaido, an unprecedented development in past history.

Koji Yamada, CEO of Michizakura Shuzou brewery, producer of the “Michizakura” sake brand for the past 143 years, explained the impact of global warming and the search for a new location from their deteriorated brewery in Gifu prefecture led to his decision to relocate to Hokkaido prefecture.

The reason for their relocation had nothing to do with a brewery closure nor any change in ownership. The current owner of the founding family departed Gifu prefecture after nearly 140 years in business and chose Hokkaido prefecture as their new home to continue their legacy.

Japan is indeed impacted by global warming, requiring western breweries to expand their cooling facilities while rice crops are more easily destroyed by high temperatures. I hear breweries in southern and western Japan face many challenges due to the weather. Moving to Hokkaido prefecture eliminates this challenge posed by the climate. Further, recent rice harvested in Hokkaido is said to have improved significantly.

Further, Hokkaido prefecture is prepared to welcome new breweries to the region like Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery, which likely inspired Yamada to relocate to Hokkaido.

The new “Michizakura,” released as a new regional sake produced in Hokkaido, is popular among many fans of the Michizakura sake brand in addition to new consumers in Hokkaido, indicating their relocation was a success.

I’m confident regional sake from Hokkaido prefecture will continue to garner attention.

酒豪大陸「新しい酒蔵の息吹 その3」











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