

  • Sake Ambassador

Sake Ambassador

Rice milling with water wheels 

At a time when rice in the sake production regions of Itami and Ikeda was polished by stomping, rice milling using water wheels started in the Nada region in the fast-flowing river of Rokkosan with abundant water volume. White rice was used with 25~35 percent of the rice bran, etc., removed in the 1800’s. Using water wheels to mill rice required a longer time compared to rice milling today, thought to have produced quality white rice with low gelatinization and low fat oxidation.       

Around 1913, 277 water mills operated in the Nada region. Large volumes of rice were processed in a set period, which increased labor productivity and made mass production of sake possible.  

Focus on cold-weather brewing 

Traditionally, sake was produced seasonally over a nine-month period between June to March of the lunar calendar. Seasonal sake was produced five times a year throughout the four seasons as shin-shu (new sake), aisyu (in-between sake), kanmae-sake (pre-cold weather sake), kansyu (cold weather sake), and haruzake (spring sake). In the Nada region, new rice and seasonal workers were used to focus sake production during the cold weather season for economic advantages.     

Also, bacterial contamination was reduced and the quality of sake improved. To shorten the brewing period, the brewing days were shortened, the production volume was increased, and sake cellars were expanded, etc. 





また、細菌汚染も少なくなり品質的にも向上した。醸造期間を短縮するために、(1)酛(もと)日数の短縮、(2)醪日数の短縮 (3)仕舞個数(しまいこすう)の増大 (4)酒蔵の大型化等々が実施された。

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