2年半前の手術以来ゴルフから遠ざかっていた。 それもあって、最近再開したゴルフ はっきりして飛ばないし、まっすぐも行かない。ダフリやトップ、トーやヒールにボールがあって安定しない上、フェースが開いたり閉じすぎたり・・・あまりにも問題が多いので、ゴルフクラブのプロに見てもらうようにお願いしました。教えられることが大嫌いな私にしては、一大決断でした。
I had been away from golf since my surgery two and a half years ago. So, when I recently started playing again, I couldn't hit the ball far or straight. I was hitting fat, thin, off the toe, and off the heel, and the ball wasn't stable. The clubface was either too open or too closed—there were just too many problems. So, I decided to ask the pro at the golf club to take a look. For someone like me who hates being taught, this was a big decision.
Today, using the TrackMan (a measurement device), we measured my distance. With an 8-iron, I was hitting 112 yards, and even with the roll, it was only 125 yards. This used to be my 150-yard club, so I'm down about 17%. As for the driver, my head speed, which used to be over 100 mph (44 m/s), had dropped to 80 mph (35 m/s).
Today's lesson focused on changing my swing from being mostly with my hands to using my body. We used TrackMan and video for the analysis. Although it’s not something I can fix immediately, by the end of the hour-long lesson, I was hitting 140 yards with the 8-iron, including the roll, and my driver head speed was back up to 90 mph (40 m/s). Now, I just need to get my body used to it—which means I need to practice. Even though I dislike lessons, I dislike practice even more. But since there are signs of improvement, I’ll keep at it.
The pro’s guidance was spot on. Thank you, Coach!
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