In the state of Texas, USA, there is currently progress in the development of a high-speed railway based on Japan's Shinkansen (bullet train). However, this project faces a challenge of not being able to directly import Japan's Shinkansen due to certain issues. The Shinkansen in Japan is known for its minimal accidents, considered a norm. On the contrary, the USA experiences a higher frequency of railway derailments and accidents, leading to the inclusion of various escape-related plans in the design of railway train vehicles.
The difference in the approach to accidents between the USA and Japan necessitates modifications to the Shinkansen when importing it to the USA. This challenge is not unique to high-speed trains but extends to other fields as well. For instance, in the hosting industry, servers purchased in Japan or those sold by Japanese manufacturers domestically are known for their low failure rates. In contrast, servers in the USA tend to experience frequent failures, but the advantage lies in the ease of repair and part replacement.
While it's evident that servers with minimal failures are preferable, the prompt response and ease of handling issues during failures make USA servers advantageous in terms of minimizing downtime. In the realm of internet services, the expectation is zero downtime, but the reality of occasional failures and downtime cannot be avoided when dealing with computers. The quick recovery capabilities of USA servers in such situations are a notable advantage. Our company, based in the USA, uses USA servers, and we consistently strive to minimize downtime through proactive measures, operating under the premise that occasional breakdowns are inevitable.

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