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Amazon GO & Fresh は今年いっぱいで終わり

Amazon GO &... Amazon GO &... Amazon GO &...
Amaozn が経営するレジなしの販売店、Amazon GO ならびに Fresh は、カメラとセンサーとAI で誰が何を買ったを判断してレジ無しで JUST WALK OUT ができるようになって注目を集め、私もよく使っていますが、実際はカメラの画像をインドのにいる人が見て、誰が何を買っていたのかということ判断して請求していました。ハイテクなのかな〜〜〜
残念がらインドの人件費が高くなったことで Amazon は、GO ならびに Fresh のレジなし決済システムを廃止することになり、今年の終わりまでにこの技術を120以上の第三者事業者に販売する予定です。
このシステムが継続されるどうかは不明ですが、すくなくとも Amazon 配下ではなくなります。どうなるのか、私は Amazon Fresh をよく使ってのでなくならないで欲しいと思います。
The cashier-less stores operated by Amazon, namely Amazon Go and Fresh, have garnered attention for their ability to enable customers to "Just Walk Out" by using cameras, sensors, and AI to determine who bought what without the need for a traditional checkout process. I've personally used them quite often and found them fascinating. However, in reality, it turns out that people in India were actually monitoring the camera footage and determining who bought what to process the charges. Quite high-tech, isn't it?

Unfortunately, due to the increased labor costs in India, Amazon has decided to discontinue the cashier-less checkout systems at both Go and Fresh stores. Instead, by the end of the year, they plan to sell this technology to over 120 third-party businesses.

It remains uncertain whether this system will continue, but at the very least, it will no longer be under Amazon's direct control. As someone who frequently uses Amazon Fresh, I hope this innovative system doesn't disappear entirely.


Pompom is Here


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