
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Every Business Needs a Web Site !

Do you own your own busines... Do you own your own business?
Are you happy with your Internet presence?
Every business regardless of the size, needs to have

(1) Your Own Domain Name
{Your Own Domain}.com
(2) Operate Your Email Under Your Own Domain
{Your Name}@{Your Own Domain}.com
(3) Web Site
http://www.{Your Own Domain}.com

From that you should expand your cyber presence by

(4) Update Web Site regularly using Blog
(5) Connect You Blog to Social Media
Facebook, Linked In and Twitter

If you need help in any of above, PSPinc can help. Please contact us at http://www.pspinc.com or email us at info@pspinc.com
#marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


We are PSPinc

We are PSPinc We are PSPinc We are PSPinc We are PSPinc We are PSPinc We are PSPinc We are PSPinc We are PSPinc We are PSPinc We are PSPinc We are PSPinc
#pspinc #valueproposition


Which Words Get Your Attention?

Which Words Get Your Attention?
Do you look for any of those words when you shop online?
#marketing #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Too Bright

Too Bright Too Bright
I was testing LED light for our office. I install this in my back yard ... Well, it worked too well. This is way too bright. I bought the one that is much less bright.

We have replaced our office light with LEDs but they are too white. So, I was asked to change. So, this is what they have recommend it. It is yellow.
#pspinc #valueproposition


Mayumi is Coming Back Tomorrow

Mayumi is Coming Back Tomor...
Mayumi Nakamura is finishing her business trip to Japan and coming back tomorrow. Tiny and Nano will go home tomorrow night. I think Nano will be very happy with Mayumi. Tiny on the other hand is happy with Pompom.

Have a good trip back, Mayumi.
#pompom #pompomuchikura #pspinc #tinypompomnano


Server Cabling

Server Cabling Server Cabling
They look nice.
#marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


Wood Coater as a Novelty Gift

Wood Coater as a Novelty Gift Wood Coater as a Novelty Gift
We are now looking at wooden coster (pine) with the company logo as novelty gifts. Anybody interested?
#marketing #pspinc #uchikuraco


Social Media ... Follow Only Who You Want to Follow

Social Media ... Follow Only W...
Using Instagram ... I followed everyone who followed me. Most of you do the same. But when I looked at my status, I found out I was following over 600 people when I wasn't followed by only about 200 people. That is really odd because i only followed people who followed me. So the number should be the same.

Then I realized people use "Follow" to solicit you to follow them. Once you follow them, they unfollow you. That a dirty trick.

So I unfollowed over 200 people from my Instagram account. When I deleted 200, it did not affect any of my followers. So the lesson here is that you only want follow people you know or you really want to follow.
#marketing #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Alone in the Office / Time to Think

Quiet Time at PSPinc Quiet Time at PSPinc
I come to the office every Saturday (that is if I am not playing golf) and Sunday afternoon to sit in my office and just goof around. But it is an important time for me to think about new products and business ideas. The company is doing well so that I don't really have to do any day-to-day operations. But it is very important to think about what it is we will be doing in three to five years.

Currently I am experimenting with

- http://www.clickitaudio.com
- http://www.kiroboto.com

Both are design to make your web stands out.
#clickitaudio #kiroboto #marketing #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Add Audio to Your Website and Blog

I cannot read but I can listen. I cannot read but I can listen.
#clickitaudio #marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


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