
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Backpage is Seized!

Backpage is Seized! Backpage is Seized! Backpage is Seized!
Backpage.com was seized by government yesterday. The site was used for human trafficing according to the government.

People used to think Internet service providers are immune from the content that are uploaded by the users. But now, ISPs can be responsible for the criminal content. This is something that we are very concerned about as we host more than 35,000 websites.

I must be listening to people more. Please let us know if untouchables see something illegal.
#marketing #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


This is why I cannot loose weight !!!

This is why I cannot loose we...
I really love this 1-2-3 breakfast at 'lil John in Eastgate (Bellevue, WA).
It is a great deal for $8.95. Well, I did not finish this. I ate about half and took the rest home.
This should have enough carols for today.

By the way, Pompom ate some beacon.
#marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


Company Lunch

Company Lunch Company Lunch Company Lunch Company Lunch
We had great lunch catered from MAGGIANO'S ITALIAN ... We loved it.
#pspinc #valueproposition


Product Ideas

Product Ideas
I would love to have following products developed. If you have build one, please contact. I may license or buy it from you.

- Messaging / Chat Program
- Password Vault
- Image Storage
- Object Recognition
- Movie Stabilization

If you have built it and never sold or distribute it, please let me know.
#pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Understanding POP and IMAP

Understanding POP and IMAP
There are basically two ways you can setup your email for receiving. One is called POP (Post Office Protocol) and other is called IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). For sending email, there is one way called SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

When the Internet started, most people used one computer to access email, therefore you only needed POP which is suited for single device email. But new you are accessing email from PC, Tablet and Smartphone, you need an email system that is designed for multiple devices. That is IMAP.

Let me explain the basic difference between POP and IMAP. POP is like a mail box system where all email sent to you are stored in the server until you access it. When you access your mailbox, all email are copied in to your mail software. You can choose to delete email from the server when you get your email or keep copies on the server.

IMAP works little differently. All your email comes into your mailbox like POP. When you access your email, your email software reads the emails off the mailbox and display the contents of the mailbox. You can read them, reply or create an email but the email never deleted from the server until you delete them. Mail server will mark each email *Unread, *Read. *Deleted omg the server so that other mail like your smartphone access the mail, it knows the status of each email.

If you elect to use IMAP, so you should, you should make sure all your devices are set to use IMAP. Even if one of your devices are set to POP, you will loose the integrity of the mailbox. Almost all mail software now support POP and IMAP. So you do not have to worry about whether your software wold support POP and IMAP. Except, if you use Gmail as your mail software accessing your mailbox, remember Gmail only works as POP client.

I hope you know little more about Internet email system. If you have question, do not heist to contact me.

Ken Uchikura
#marketing #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


Proud Member of Seattle Executives Association

Proud Member of Seattle Execu...
PSPinc is a proud member of Seattle Executives Association since 2003.

Ken Uchikura
Served on the board, served as a treasurer and was president in 2010.

Mayumi Nakamura
Served on the board and was president in 2015.

We are a proud member of the Seattle Executives Association: Learn more at seattleexecs.org

We are a proud member of the Seattle Executives Association: Learn more at seattleexecs.org

We are a proud member of the Seattle Executives Association: Learn more at seattleexecs.org

#PSPinc #SeattleExecutivesAssociation


Wireless Mouse as Giveaways

Wireless Mouse as Giveaways Wireless Mouse as Giveaways Wireless Mouse as Giveaways Wireless Mouse as Giveaways
Here is what we are producing as a giveaway for PSPinc and hosting service Dreamersi.

If you are interested in making something like this for your company at very low cost, please let us know. We will help you get them. If you are interested, please contact Uchikura & Co.
#CorporateGiveaways #SWAG #marketing #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


What is wrong with this Japanese saying?

Working at Minimum Wages ma... Working at Minimum Wages
make less money than welfare.
That does not make sense.

"He who does not work, neither shall he eat."

I think this is a good model.
Because this does not say "He who can not work, neither shall he eat."

Do you see the difference?
If you choose not to work, even though you can, you have no right to receive welfare. Is that fair?
#pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


PSPinc Dreamersi Mouse under Production

PSPinc Dreamersi Mouse unde... PSPinc Dreamersi Mouse unde... PSPinc Dreamersi Mouse unde... PSPinc Dreamersi Mouse unde...
We just approve the design for our new wireless mouse for 2018. Do you like White or Red?
#marketing #pspinc #valueproposition


Seattle ... Hotels

Seattle ... Hotels
Seattle / Bellevue area hotels ... When you look at it. Even if you combine all the hotels rooms on this hotel, it will be less than The Venetian Las Vegas with over 7,000 rooms. I am sure The Venetian Las Vegas never fill all or even half the rooms, but that is how small the number of hotels here.

The State and City tax people staying at the hotels. I think it is like slapping the cheeks of the people coming to Seattle. When they are here they will spend money everywhere. Why in the world would you like to charge people willing spend money tax to come here. That is just so backwards.

---> #DoNotTaxMyGuest
#DoNotTaxMyGuest #marketing #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition


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