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- Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 190 Nothing is Unbreakable
Nothing is Unbreakable
Recently, KDDI, Japan’s second largest cell service provider, experienced a total outage of its au service. It then created a problem where people were unable to communicate with their au mobile phones. While it’s true to say au is responsible for this, it’s also important to remember that this problem was unexpected and unforeseen. Products made in Japan are designed to identify all problems and prevent them from happening. Therefore, many Japanese products are wonderful. Unfortunately, however, there can be a delayed response when unexpected and unforeseen problems occur.
The way Japan responds to big problems like this is different from the U.S. And not just in software. It goes without saying that products made in Japan are high-quality and difficult to break. But when they do break, many of them are difficult to repair. I often feel like U.S products are inferior quality-wise compared to those made in Japan. The advantage, however, is that replacing parts is easy because they’re also usually widely available. And the design itself makes it easy for people to repair.
It’s not easy to make something unbreakable because nothing is unbreakable. It’s inevitable that things will break, even things we think are unbreakable. It just depends on how long we’ve had it and how often we’ve used it. When running a data center like us, you try to at least have backup for everything just in case. From switches to cables to servers to power supplies and even air conditioning to the data center itself, we have backups for all of it.
But how did au handle it this time? I’m sure they had backup for their systems. In fact, I think a company that provides an infrastructure as large as au does would have triple or even quadruple the number of systems. I believe that the cause of this problem was something that couldn’t be prevented like a firmware update, even with backup. I look forward to future announcements on this issue.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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