コロナ前に行ったのが最後の COMPUTEX TAIWAN に 2024 年は行きます。同時に日本出張も含めて行かせていただきます。飛行機のチケットは買えました・・・ポイントを使ったけどビジネスクラスは高いです。日本と台湾の間はエコノミーでも良いですが、東京ーシアトルはエコノミーはきつい、きつより私が大きのでエコノミーだと横の人に迷惑ですね。贅沢させていただきます。
I will attend COMPUTEX TAIWAN in 2024, which will be my first since before the pandemic. I'll also be incorporating a business trip to Japan at the same time. I've managed to purchase my plane tickets, albeit using points. Business class tickets are quite expensive, but I believe it's worth indulging in. While economy class for the Japan-Taiwan leg is acceptable, enduring economy for the Tokyo-Seattle route would be quite uncomfortable for me as I'm quite large. I wouldn't want to inconvenience the person sitting next to me. So, I'll treat myself to the luxury of business class.
![Pompom is Here](https://jp.bloguru.com/files/3c811c50c5eee369cbefc25bdda3fb37)
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