https://Seattleexecs.org)ですが、2023年の終わりでメインメッンバーのポジションを PSPINC Chief Design Officer の Ryan にあけわたして、私はオルタネートのメンバーになりました。今年になってから一度も会合には行っていません。少し寂しい気もしますが、Ryan が積極的に活動をしてくれるので安心です。
I became a member of the Seattle Executive Association in 2003 and served as a main member for two years. (
https://Seattleexecs.org) At the end of 2023, I transitioned the main member position to Ryan, the PSPINC Chief Design Officer. I have taken on the role of an alternate member. Since the beginning of this year, I haven't attended any meetings. It feels a bit lonely, but I'm reassured by Ryan's active involvement in the activities.

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