Congratulations to Saturday Ichinomiya Teragoya student, Michiko - you`ve won a fabulous Teragoya fan!
I chose you as the winner because your comment was:
- interesting
- funny
- positive
- well-worded
- the only one
Well done! I hope you enjoy using it.
this clip will give you an idea)
It`s cool! It`s fashionable! It`s eco-friendly! It`s sitting on my desk gathering dust... Anyway, it`s a TERAGOYA FAN, and you have a chance to win it!!!
All you have to do is write a comment telling me why I should give it to YOU.
Begin your comment: "You should give it to me because..."
In 2 weeks I will choose my favorite answer and that person will receive this fantastic limited edition collector`s item.
Anyone can enter - Teragoya students, non-students, kids, adults, animals, aliens, even New-Zealanders!
You know you want it... So leave a comment!
Good luck!
I was watching the classic western, A Fistful of Dollars recently and my wife commented that Clint Eastwood looked like David Beckham.
What do you think?
You should be able to find several westerns starring Clint Eastwood at your local DVD rental store. If you haven`t seen them, why not have a look? If you do, make sure you watch in wide-screen/panorama!
I also like Clint Eastwood`s character (but not his 70`s clothes) in the "Dirty Harry" series of movies. What? You haven`t seen them either??? Well, now is a good time - they`re only 80yen at GEO.
I`ve always taught Tuesday to Saturday at Teragoya, but I will change to a Monday to Friday schedule now. Our new teacher, Parren, will take over my Saturday classes, including this one - my Advanced class.
To celebrate, last Saturday Mariko bought a delicious cake, which we ate in class. Thankyou, Mariko!
Actually, I`m sure I will still see everybody sometimes. In fact, a lot of these students are coming to the party this Saturday night. See you there, guys!
This weekend Australia will have an election to see who will be our prime minister (souri daijin). Probably it will be one of these two. Hehe.
Rose & I have already sent our votes to the Australian Consulate (ryoujikan) in Osaka.
Everybody is saying it will be close - nobody is sure who will win. Interesting!
Every month, a teacher at Ichinomiya Teragoya chooses a `Student of the Month`. This month it`s my turn, so I chose Kohshi Shibata, who I teach on Saturday mornings. He was so shy when he started about 1 year ago, and his mum or dad had to stay with him for the whole class. He cried if they left.
But! Now he can study without them for the whole lesson - he is confident & independent! Cool!
He is only 3 years old, but he knows so many English words now. He listens carefully when I talk to him because he knows he can understand English. His favourite activity is cooking time (with plastic food etc.).
He has good manners too - he often says please. Also, one time when we finished cooking time, he asked me to please play the "Let`s Clean Up!" song on the CD, while he washed up. So cute!
Well done Kohshi - We`re proud of you!
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