`Rotee` is a kind of sweet, Thai-style pancake.
Anyway, can you see the 2 spelling mistakes in this sign?
Chiemi Matsunaga is another of our very talented students. She is a photographer, and now she is holding an exhibition of her baby photos at Ichinomiya Meitetsu Department Store, in Ichinomiya Station.
It`s from May 2 - 5 on the 6th floor, then May 6 - 8 on the 7th floor. If you have a chance, pop in and have a look.
Well done, Chiemi - I was impressed with your work!
On Sunday there was a local election in Ichinomiya. I can`t vote in Japan, but if I could vote, I would definitely NOT vote for any candidate [kouhosha] who drove around in a small van with a big megaphone on the top. Argh - what a terrible noise!
Did you vote? Can you guess which of the above candidates is my favourite...?
Near my house there is a shed full of cows. It`s kind of unusual for this area I think. Anyway, today I went there and took some photos of them. I also took some photos of some of the flowers that were around the shed.
In Australia, cow sheds are pretty smelly [kusai], but this one doesn`t smell much at all.
Are there any cows near your house? Have you ever fed grass to a cow by hand?
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
I took Owen to Iwato Shrine on Thursday morning to look at the cherry blossoms there. They were almost completely open.
There was a group of men there having a picnic under one of the cherry blossom trees. I really wanted to join them, but unfortunately I had to go to work.
The pale color of the flowers contrasts nicely with the dark wood of the shrine, doesn`t it?
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