After my last blog post, I thought you might like something more pleasant to look at. These are some plum blossoms near my house. Nice, aren`t they?
Spring is coming!
One of Japan`s most interesting festivals is Konomiya Shrine`s `Hadaka Matsuri` - Naked Festival. This year it will be held on Tuesday, 15th of February.
Do you know it? How well? Let`s find out with this quiz!
1. Although it`s called `Naked Festival`, participants wear:
a) loin cloths (fundoshi)
b) traditional Japanese split-toed footwear (tabi)
c) headbands (hachimaki)
d) all of the above
2. Sake is a big part of the festival. Participants (san`yosha? kanyuusha?) drink it:
a) before the festival
b) during the festival
c) after the festival
d) all of the above
3. Participants arrive at the shrine after walking a few hours from:
a) nearby suburbs
b) suburbs far away
c) they don`t remember
d) any of the above
4. Participants carry:
a) long bundles of bamboo (naoizasa)
b) cartons of sake
c) other participants who can`t walk anymore
d) any of the above
5. To keep warm, participants:
a) scream "Waaah! Sabuiiiii!!"
b) try to keep moving
c) drink sake
d) all of the above
6. If a participant gives you a piece of coloured cloth, you should:
a) wash it
b) wash your hands
c) keep it for good luck
d) all of the above
7. At the climax of the festival, everyone rushes towards:
a) the `Shin-otoko` (a special man chosen by the shrine)
b) the toilets
c) home
d) all of the above
If you`re free on Tuesday, why not take a look? Konomiya Shrine is right beside Meitetsu Konomiya Station.
By the way, d) is the answer to all the questions!
26 January is Australia Day. It celebrates the arrival in Sydney of several ships full of English criminals (they used to be sent to America, but the Americans learnt how to make their own).
From The Morning Post, London, 1 November 1786:
“This thief colony might hereafter become a great empire, whose nobles will probably, like the nobles of Rome, boast of their blood.“
Not a great empire yet maybe, but we are in the finals of the Asian Cup - it`s a start!
Happy Australia Day!
There has been a lot of snow around here the last few days. On Sunday I made a snowman with Owen. It`s a Japanese-style snowman - it`s made from 2 spheres. In western countries, people usually use 3 spheres when making a snowman.
In most pictures of snowmen I`ve ever seen, a carrot is used for the nose, so I asked my mother-in-law for one. Unfortunately she only had big ones, so my snowman looks a bit like me (because of the hair too...?)
I want to try making a bigger one, so I hope the snow doesn`t disappear too soon.
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