Hello Mr. President
The White House has a blog.
Did you know that?
The president of the greatest nation on this planet has a blog.
The White House website enables you to write a comment.
I am sure whatever you write will not be read by Mr. President himself, but that is not a point. The point is, if there is place for anyone to write a comment to the President of the country, do your web site allows your customers to write to you?
When the president of the US has a blog, do you?
Whey not?
You dont have time Yeah right, can you afford not to have a blog?
I am not really impressed by the new administration for its handling of money, but I can tell you, they did a great job making www.whitehouse.gov web site. We should all learn from it.
Oh, the screen above is what you see when you send a comment. You should try. I will post something when I receive any response back.