
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Japanese Convenience Stores

Japanese Convenience Stores Japanese Convenience Stores Japanese Convenience Stores Japanese Convenience Stores Japanese Convenience Stores
One of the most popular place to visit by foreigners in Japan is not a shrine or temple, or no historic places. It is a convenience store (one 24 hours). The concept has started in the US but it has grown in Japan. It is amazing how clean and orderly and inexpensive items are. I wish we had something like this in the US.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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#Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #VisitJapan #WakaMile #WorkinTokyo


Why I travel!

Why I travel!
I meet many people virtually fro our website and social media, but to turn that connection in to business relationship, I believe I need to meet people. That is the reason why I travel.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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#Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #VisitJapan #WakaMile #WorkinTokyo


Private Office in Tokyo

Private Office in Tokyo Private Office in Tokyo
This is a self-contained private office box I found near subway station. I think you can rent it by hour to do you your work. It looks like have everything you need to do your work. This is very interesting. Do you think think something like this work in the US?

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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#Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #VisitJapan #WakaMile #WorkinTokyo


Arriving in Japan

Arriving in Japan Arriving in Japan
When you arrive in Japan, you have t go thru three check points.

(1) Quarantine
(2) Immigration
(3) Custom

We must go to he website (visit Japan) to answer question to receive QR code for reach area. I did not het (1) so I had to be screened at the airport. It did not take to long sine I has both (2) and (3).


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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Please connect my Linked In at https://www.linkedin.com/in/uchikura/


The term "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
#Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #VisitJapan #WakaMile


I'm on my way to Tokyo

I'm on my way to Tokyo I'm on my way to Tokyo
This is my first trip to Japan in 2023. It is also second trip to Japan since they lifted quarantine requirements. I will be gone for 11 days. It will be nice to say happy new year to everyone.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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#COSTCO #Dreamersi #Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #OpinionStand #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #PassWizard #WakaMile


Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 215 PSPINC’s Customer Support

Ken Uchikura Ne...

PSPINC’s Customer Support

In the last newsletter, I talked about Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.’s (PSPINC) hosting services. I hope you’ve learned we provide domain, web, mail, and VPS hosting services at our data center to our users in Japan and the U.S. This time, I’d like to talk about our customer support, which comes with our hosting services.

Which hosting service do you use? How do you contact your hosting company when you have problems or questions? Can you reach out to the company right away? Do you know who you’re talking to? And does the company know who you are? The larger the hosting service, the less personal the relationship will be.

When you work with PSPINC, you’ll never get a machine taking our call or email. Our support staff handles all customer communications. And we monitor our servers 24 hours a day seven days a week, even outside business hours. Our agents have our representatives’ contact information as well as support, so we’re ready to solve any problem quickly in case anything happens.

Our customer support isn’t limited to mechanical failures. We can also answer questions about how to use the system or help customers reset their passwords. In any case, you can always contact PSPINC for technical assistance. We can even help you move your site to one of our hosting services, which isn’t always a feature offered by other hosting companies.

For example, Wix customers can’t switch their websites to another company’s service. In a case like this, we can build a site similar to your current Wix site on PSPINC’s hosting platform, Dreamersi.com, and help with the transition. In addition, if you’ve created a WordPress website, we can also help migrate it to the most suitable WordPress hosting environment with your permission. This is just one part of our support services.

Today, I talked about PSPINC’s support services. We’re here to help you with anything from computer, internet, and/or smartphone setup to PC maintenance. Next time, I’ll tell you more about SaaS (Software as a Service).

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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#COSTCO #Dreamersi #Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #OpinionStand #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #PassWizard #WakaMile


I have been a Macintosh user for a long time.

I have been a Macintosh user ... I have been a Macintosh user ...
My first computer when I started Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. was a Macintosh. For a few years I used Windows but I always came back to Macintosh. Macintosh computers are used to be very unstable often saw the bomb on the screen.

The current Macintosh is very stable compared to those days. I wonder how many of my Blood and SNS readers use Macintosh.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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#COSTCO #Dreamersi #Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #OpinionStand #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #PassWizard #WakaMile


Value Proposition

Value Proposition
It is cheaper to buy rotisserie chicken at COSTCO than buying whole chicken. I heard COSTCO has never raised the price of $4.99 rotisserie chicken rice the beginning. That is just impressive. Amazon Fresh has rotisserie chicken for $4.97 but the size is about 2/3 of COSTCO rotisserie chicken.

When everything is becoming more expensive, it is important and keep price the same. I hope COSTCO will continue to honor this low price rotisserie chicken.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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#COSTCO #Dreamersi #Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #OpinionStand #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #PassWizard #WakaMile


Blood Test

Blood Test
The result shows hat I have no Tumor Maker in my blood.
That is a great news.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
Please like my Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/uchikura
Please connect my Linked In at https://www.linkedin.com/in/uchikura/


#Dreamersi #Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #OpinionStand #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #PassWizard #WakaMile


Liver Checkup

Liver Checkup
Next month on the 25th (the day after Russia's entry into Ukraine) will be one year since my liver surgery. Today I went for a liver checkup. I told the doctor that I was worried about the 1.5cm shadow found in last year's CT scan and that I had a pain under my right rib (above my side) since my last business trip to Japan.

Last year's CT scan revealed a 1.5 cm shadow.

1.5cm is too small and should not be touched especially now. I will have another Sontrast CT Scan next month to see if it has gotten bigger. She said that at this point, he doesn't know what it is, but that it is not large enough to be a concern.

I have pain under my right rib.

He said that this was probably due to pain from the scar from the surgery. However, when I told her that it was in a different place than the scar from the surgery, she said that there was nothing to worry about because the surgery was performed inside the abdomen, so it was not just a scar that could be seen from the outside. I had my blood drawn for a blood test to check liver function and cancer markers as well as to reconfirm the results.

In the end, they couldn't tell me anything but that there was nothing to worry about, especially now. This is my report of the results. I will report back when I get the results of the blood test. So, good health to all of you, I think I will be around for a while.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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#Dreamersi #Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #OpinionStand #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #PassWizard #WakaMile


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