
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 218 The Difference between a Coach and a Consultant

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. ...

The Difference between a Coach and a Consultant

Since 2021, we developed the website, “C-sagaseru” to introduce coaches, and we continue operating it today. But what is a coach? And what is the difference between a coach and a consultant? Over time, I’ve come to understand why a coach is necessary.

To differentiate between a coach and a consultant, I’ve found similar examples in golf. Using these examples makes it easier for me to understand. If I am wrong, please let me know in the comments.

First, let’s consider coaches. The top professional golfers in the world always have coaches. For example, there’s Butch Harmon and Hank Haney, who famously coached Tiger Woods. But these coaches aren’t better at golf than Tiger Woods. It’s not their job to teach him how to play. Of course, there are coaches who teach beginners, but a coach’s job is to help players develop their skills and play better. In coaching, coaches only guide students to the answer.

Next, let’s talk about consultants. A consultant substitutes a characteristic or ability that you don’t possess. For example, in charity golf tournaments, you can pay a professional to drive for you on a long course. The purpose of this is to have a professional perform with abilities you don’t have. This is how I’ve come to understand consultants.

Am I understanding correctly? If I’m wrong, please explain it to me in simple terms, much like you would to an elementary school student.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
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#Dreamersi #EmailHosting #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #Phishing #WebHosting


Another Phishing

Another Phishing Another Phishing
Another phishing email ... Do not fall for it.
Never click on the link inside the email.
If you are not 100% sure ... Go to the wab site doectly to find ot out.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
Please like my Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/uchikura
Please connect my Linked In at https://www.linkedin.com/in/uchikura/


#Dreamersi #EmailHosting #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #Phishing #WebHosting


Dreamersi Email Hosting

Dreamersi Email Hosting
We believe blocking suspected SPAM mails are great idea but having no way to check and recover the suspected emails are unacceptable for business emails. Our Deamersi email hosting enables you to block suspected SPAM and Phishing Emails but always provide the way to check and recover them as you needed.


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
Please like my Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/uchikura
Please connect my Linked In at https://www.linkedin.com/in/uchikura/


#Dreamersi #EmailHosting #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #WebHosting



The information was wrong. The information was wrong. I updated it. It is learning. I updated it. It is learning.
#Dreamersi #EmailHosting #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #WebHosting


Someone New at PSPINC Today

Someone New at PSPINC Today
#Dreamersi #EmailHosting #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #WebHosting


New Feature on Our Email Hosting Service

New Feature on Our Email Hos...
We just released the feature on our email hosting that enable email account to receive email from specified email account. I am sure you can think of a use for this feature.


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
Please like my Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/uchikura
Please connect my Linked In at https://www.linkedin.com/in/uchikura/


#Dreamersi #EmailHosting #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #WebHosting


Embed Audio to Your Product Label or Business Card

Embed Audio to Your Product ...
Scan QR code to hear what you have recorded. You can add this feature too your product label, letter head, business cards.


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
Please like my Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/uchikura
Please connect my Linked In at https://www.linkedin.com/in/uchikura/


The term "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
#ClickItAudio #Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #WakaMile


Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 217 The Story of The Donkey and The Tiger

Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. ...

The Story of The Donkey and The Tiger

I found this story online about a donkey arguing with a tiger:

Donkey: The grass is blue.
Tiger: No, the grass is green.

Donkey: No, it’s not. It’s blue.
Tiger: Everybody knows it’s green.

The two then proceed to argue with each other. So, they decide to ask the lion, the king, to determine who’s right.

Donkey: My king, the grass is blue, isn’t it?
Lion: Yes, the grass is blue.
Donkey: See, Tiger? The grass is blue.

Donkey: King, please punish Tiger for saying the grass is green.
Lion: Okay. I’ll punish him.

Hearing this, the donkey leaves, relieved.

Tiger: My king, the grass isn’t blue, right?
Lion: You’re correct. The grass is green, not blue.
Tiger: Then, why did you tell Donkey it was blue?
Lion: What’s the point of telling Donkey the grass is green when we know he will never understand? Arguing with an opponent just to validate what you already know to be true wastes time. Tiger, you have more important things to do; stop wasting your time arguing with a fool.

What do you think of this story? I think we need to determine what’s important and what’s meaningless. I’m learning a lot from these internet stories. Please let me know if any of you have heard of this story before.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
Please like my Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/uchikura
Please connect my Linked In at https://www.linkedin.com/in/uchikura/


#Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #VisitJapan #WakaMile #WorkinTokyo


Things I brought back from Japan

Things I brought back from Ja...
I spent about 10,000yen to bring back snacks and foods from Japan.
This has became the norm now.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
Please like my Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/uchikura
Please connect my Linked In at https://www.linkedin.com/in/uchikura/


#Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #VisitJapan #WakaMile #WorkinTokyo


Seattle Tacoma International Airport ... Long Arrival Walk

Plane arrive on S gate Plane arrive on S gate Seattle Tacoma International Ai... Walk around S gate Walk around S gate Seattle Tacoma International Ai... Seattle Tacoma International Ai... Walk to Sky Bridge Walk to Sky Bridge Seattle Tacoma International Ai... Delta 166 ... The Plane I Arriv... Delta 166 ... The Plane I Arrived On Cross the Ling Bridge Cross the Ling Bridge Seattle Tacoma International Ai... Down Down Another Walk to Big Area Another Walk to Big Area Global Entry ... Face picture ta... Global Entry ... Face picture taken Baggage Pickup Baggage Pickup Immigration nd Custom Immigration nd Custom Out to Long Walk Again Out to Long Walk Again Seattle Tacoma International Ai... Finally You are Getting Out Finally You are Getting Out
From the arrival gate to Immigration and Customs ... Then out ... It is really a long walk.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Please follow my tweet at https://twitter.com/uchikura @uchikura
Please like my Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/uchikura
Please connect my Linked In at https://www.linkedin.com/in/uchikura/


#Health #KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #MileADay #PSPINC #PacificSoftwarePublishing #VisitJapan #WakaMile #WorkinTokyo


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