- ハッシュタグ「#kenuchikura」の検索結果689件
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
PSPINC has been a proud member of the Seattle Executives Association, one of the oldest and most established business executives network associations, since 2003. I had the privilege of serving on the Board as Treasurer, and later as President of the association in 2010.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we transitioned to virtual meetings using Zoom, but now we are excited to resume our face-to-face meetings. Despite losing a few members due to the pandemic, we are working hard to rebuild our membership to pre-COVID levels.
If you are a business owner and interested in joining our network, please don't hesitate to contact me. If your business category is available, I would be more than happy to extend an invitation for you to attend one of our lunch meetings.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In
PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.
In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.
PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.
Contract Development and SaaS (Software as a Service)
When you do a SaaS (Software as a Service) business, which is sold through distributors, software development is no longer a "contract development" (Work for Hire). Understanding this difference may change the way you think about and how you develop your business with PSPINC.
For example, we are currently developing a SaaS-based online reservation system. However, since we are providing the system as SaaS, we would like to minimize the burden on our clients by only charging money for set-up and monthly usage fee.
In the case of a contract development, software is an intellectual property of the client, but in the case of SaaS, it is the intellectual property of PSPINC. On the other hand, PSPINC is responsible for updating the security of SaaS products, but if it is a contracted development, the customer is responsible for their security updates.
The difference between contracted development and SaaS is similar to the difference between buying a car or renting a car. You need to consider who owns the car, who is going to be responsible for keeping up with the maintenance, and which type is more suitable for you. We have been developing SaaS-based systems because we rarely do contract developments. If there is a system that you need, we would like to develop it as SaaS and offer it to you in the future.
What kind of system would you like to use if it was available?

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In
PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.
In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.
PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.
My blood test result was good ... This is a good news.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In
PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.
In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.
PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.
I personally think tipping is a bad idea. You should price your product or service baed on everything that is icluded. If you price your initentionally low to receive tip, it is okay. But you have already stated the price and you should not askl for more. But that is my opinion.
Tipping customs vary greatly from country to country, and even within regions of the same country. Here are some countries outside of the United States where tipping is common or expected:
1. Canada: Tipping is customary in Canada, with the standard rate being 15-20% in restaurants, bars, and taxis.
2. Mexico: Tipping is expected in restaurants and bars in Mexico, with the standard rate being 10-15%. Tipping hotel staff, hairdressers, and taxi drivers is also common.
3. United Kingdom: Tipping in the UK is generally less common and lower than in the US. In restaurants, a service charge of 10-15% is sometimes added to the bill, but it's not mandatory to tip on top of this. For taxis and hairdressers, rounding up the bill is common.
4. France: Tipping is not mandatory in France, but it's common to leave a small amount for good service, usually around 10%. Tipping in bars is not expected, but rounding up the bill is appreciated.
5. Japan: Tipping is not part of Japanese culture, and it may even be seen as an insult. Good service is expected, and expressing gratitude with words is appreciated, but tipping is not necessary.
It's important to note that tipping customs can vary even within countries, and it's always a good idea to research local customs before traveling to a new place.
1. カナダ:カナダではチップが一般的で、レストラン、バー、タクシーの標準的なレートは15〜20%です。
2. メキシコ:メキシコでは、レストランやバーでのチップは期待されており、標準的なレートは10〜15%です。ホテルスタッフ、美容師、タクシー運転手にチップを渡すことも一般的です。
3. イギリス:英国では、アメリカよりも一般的で少なめになります。レストランでは、請求書に10〜15%のサービス料が加算されることがありますが、それに加えてチップをする必要はありません。タクシーや4. 美容師の場合は、請求書の金額を丸めることが一般的です。
5. フランス:フランスではチップは必須ではありませんが、サービスが良い場合は少額のチップを残すことが一般的で、通常は10%程度です。バーでのチップは期待されていませんが、請求書の金額を丸めることは感謝されます。
6. 日本:日本ではチップは文化になく、むしろ侮辱になる場合があります。良いサービスは期待されており、言葉で感謝を表すことが評価されますが、チップは必要ありません。

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In
PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.
In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.
PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.
Are you a web developer looking for a reliable and feature-rich hosting service for your clients? Look no further than PSPINC! We are a leading software development company with years of experience in providing top-notch email and web hosting solutions to businesses of all sizes.
Our hosting platforms are highly stable and come loaded with a wide range of advanced features to help you deliver an exceptional web experience to your clients. Whether you need hosting for a small website or a large e-commerce platform, we've got you covered.
At PSPINC, we believe in providing personalized care and support to our customers. That's why we have a team of highly trained and experienced technicians who are available round the clock to assist you with any hosting-related issues you may encounter. With our help, you can ensure that your clients' websites are always up and running smoothly.
And if that's not enough, we also offer a lucrative reseller program that allows you to earn money every time you choose our hosting services for your clients. As a reseller, you'll enjoy exclusive benefits such as discounted pricing, marketing materials, and more.
So why settle for mediocre hosting when you can get the best with PSPINC? Sign up today and experience the difference for yourself!

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In
PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.
In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.
PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.
I woke up early and arrived at my golf club before 8:00 am. To my surprise, there were already many people there. After having breakfast, I headed out to play my second full round of the year. We completed the 18 holes by 1:15 pm, and I had a nice salad for lunch. Although I shot 97, which is not a good score, I am happy that I broke 100.
After golf, I came to PSPINC. Today is Monday in Japan, and for many people, it is the first day of work after a long vacation week called "Golden Week." Therefore, we need to monitor our server traffic to ensure that everything works as it is supposed to.
I hope everyone in Japan had a safe and fun vacation.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In
PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.
In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.
PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.
PSPINC is excited to announce an opportunity for you to become a reseller of our premium web and email hosting service, Dreamersi.com.
If you are a web developer or marketing specialist, this is the perfect chance for you to expand your business and increase your revenue. As a reseller of Dreamersi.com, you will have access to our high-quality hosting service and be able to offer it to your clients under your own brand.
Our hosting service includes reliable email hosting with webmail, IMAP, anti-virus, spam filtering, auto-reply, forwarding, mailing lists, and all the features you would expect from a premium email hosting service. In addition, our web hosting service includes unlimited disk space and bandwidth, free SSL, one-click WordPress installation, and 24/7 customer support.
By becoming a reseller, you can earn additional income through commissions and markups on our services. You will also have access to our marketing materials and support to help you promote your hosting service to your clients.
Don't miss this opportunity to offer your clients a reliable and secure hosting service while increasing your own revenue. Join our reseller program today and start offering Dreamersi.com hosting under your own brand!
For more information and to apply, please visit our website or contact us directly.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In
PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.
In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.
PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.
The email hosting services offered by Microsoft and Google are excellent options, but if you're looking for a reliable and cost-effective email hosting service for your company, consider PSPINC's DreamersI Email Hosting service. We've been providing email server hosting since 1996 and have a proven track record of high availability and reliability. Our service includes IMAP, webmail, anti-virus, SPAM filtering/reporting, auto-reply, forwarding, mailing list, webmail, and all the features you expect from premium email hosting.
One of the biggest advantages of our service is that it's not priced per account. In fact, we offer unlimited email accounts at a fraction of the cost of Microsoft and Google. With just five email accounts, you can save more than 50%. And if you have 10 accounts, your savings are 75% or more.
If you need a reliable and secure email service with over 25 years of experience, check out DreamersI email hosting service. And don't forget, we provide free domain registration as well.
MicrosoftとGoogleは、ソフトウェア業界の2つの巨人で、メールサーバーホスティングサービスを提供しています。MicrosoftはExchange Onlineを提供し、GoogleはGoogle Business Centerを提供しています。どちらも優れたサービスであり、予算に余裕がある場合はどちらかを利用することをお勧めします。
しかし、会社の信頼性の高いメールサービスを提供することが目標である場合は、PSPINCのDreamersI Email Hostingサービスを検討することをお勧めします。私たちは1996年からメールサーバーホスティングサービスを提供しており、高い可用性と信頼性があります。IMAPサービス、ウェブメール、ウイルス対策、SPAMフィルタリング/レポート、自動応答、転送、メーリングリスト、ウェブメールなど、プレミアムメールホスティングサービスに期待されるすべての機能が含まれています。

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In
PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.
In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.
PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.
How to Create a Website Using WebdeXpress CMS
Creating a website is essential for any business or individual looking to establish an online presence. With so many website builders and content management systems available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this post, we'll discuss how to create a website using WebdeXpress CMS software developed by PSPINC for Dreamersi.com web hosting service, based on a statement from one of our customers:
"I started to create https://uchikura.co website using WebdeXpress CMS software developed by PSPINC for Dreamersi.com web hosting service after a lunch and it is done at 1:51 pm."
WebdeXpress CMS is an easy-to-use website builder that allows you to create and manage your website without any coding knowledge. Here's how to create a website using WebdeXpress CMS:
(1) Sign up for a Dreamersi.com web hosting account: To use WebdeXpress CMS, you'll need to sign up for a Dreamersi.com web hosting account. Dreamersi.com offers a variety of hosting plans, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting.
(2) Choose a domain name: Once you've signed up for a hosting account, you'll need to choose a domain name for your website. A domain name is the address that people will use to access your website (e.g., www.uchikura.co). Dreamersi.com offers domain registration services, so you can easily register your domain name.
(3) Install WebdeXpress CMS: Once you've registered your domain name, you can install WebdeXpress CMS on your hosting account. Dreamersi.com provides a simple installation process, and you can start building your website right away.
(4) Customize your website: WebdeXpress CMS comes with a variety of templates and themes that you can use to customize your website's design. You can also add pages, menus, and other elements to your website using the drag-and-drop interface.
(5) Publish your website: Once you've customized your website, you can publish it to make it live on the internet. Dreamersi.com provides a one-click publish feature that makes it easy to launch your website.
In conclusion, WebdeXpress CMS is an excellent option for anyone looking to create a website quickly and easily. With Dreamersi.com web hosting, you can get started with WebdeXpress CMS in just a few clicks and start building your website right away.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In
PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.
In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.
PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.
In a business setting, it is considered good etiquette to wait until everyone has been served before beginning to eat. This shows respect and helps build trust among business partners.
During the meal, it is important to be mindful of your manners. Avoid making loud noises while eating, such as smacking your lips or crunching loudly. Additionally, do not talk with your mouth full or while chewing.
Furthermore, appropriate attire and behavior are also important in a business setting. Before attending a business dinner or lunch, carefully review the invitation or information provided to ensure you are dressed appropriately and bring any necessary items. It is also important to avoid speaking out of turn and to show respect for your superiors or business partners by allowing them to speak first.
Overall, maintaining good manners and appropriate behavior during business meals is essential for building strong relationships with your business partners.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Twitter | Facebook | Linked In
PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) is a technology company based in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Founded in 1987, PSPINC provides web hosting, email hosting, and other internet-related services to businesses and individuals worldwide.
In addition to its hosting services, PSPINC also offers website design and development, domain registration, and online marketing services. The company has data centers located in the United States and Japan, and it offers multilingual support to its customers.
PSPINC has a strong focus on customer service, and it has received numerous awards and accolades for its quality of service over the years. The company is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends in order to provide the best possible solutions for its customers.
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