

  • ハッシュタグ「#家族」の検索結果93件



ポートランドのホテルで ポートランドのホテルで ポートランドのホテルで






ヨシュア記 24章15節


When my family arrived at the hotel, we went to play table tennis in the multi-purpose room.

There were a few guests in this hotel, but I didn't see anyone anywhere because everyone was avoiding contact with other people.
Thanks to this, that multi-purpose room is a monopoly in our house.

I thought I was an expert when I joined the table tennis club for one months in junior high school, but I played against my children and it was almost an even match. Where did they learn to play table tennis?
They returned the ball properly and the rally continued.

Then we went out to the huge soccer field next to the hotel. I ran with my son from one end of the field to the other, I gave up after 4 times and he ran alone after that.
In Oregon, these several soccer fields are so packed with people on weekends that kids and adults alike are playing the game. However, it's still restricted to play any outdoor sports, of course indoors, in Washington state.

This time last year, my son was exhausted at a few games in every week, and now he's not allowed even to practice with his team. He said ruefully that he was missing playing soccer in his last High school season.

The low probability of a young teenager getting infected with coronavirus.

Even if they are infected, the odds of them becoming seriously ill are low.

There are tens of thousands of new cases a day in the U.S. every day, according to reports, and I have ever heard of that young children becoming seriously ill.

And even if someone were positive virus carrier playing in an outdoor sport that isn't even crowded, the chances of getting infected are even lower. Hmmm.

I always thought the United States was a country that could make a more rational decision, but this overly restrictive policy just makes me shake my head.

Well, the kids plan to get up at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow to go hiking. We've had our evening meal and we're going to rest early.

But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”
Joshua 24:15

No matter what decisions or policies the people around us may make regarding the coronation disaster, if you respect that, and live within your ability to do so and find enjoyment in it, that should be good.

Even though Joshua once said that his fellow Israelites had forgotten their God and run to idols, He clearly states his stance on himself and his family.

#アウトドア #家族



7/4の前味わいを楽しむ 7/4の前味わいを楽しむ 7/4の前味わいを楽しむ 7/4の前味わいを楽しむ


"神はまた、キリスト・イエスにあって、私たちをともによみがえらせ、ともに天上に座らせてくださいました。" (エペソ人への手紙 2章6節)

συνεκάθισενν (synekathisen) — 「共に座らせた」。






(ヨハネの黙示録 3章21節)

δώσω αὐτῷ καθίσαι 〜「彼に座らせる事を与えるであろう」(未来形・直接法)




Yesterday I mentioned that the expression " heavenly realms " is found five times in the book of Ephesians.
In heaven there are angels and demons, and Christ is seated at the right hand of God. All spiritual blessings there are given to us.
These were the scriptures that taught us such a blessing.
I see...and we can appreciate and receive that grateful blessing. However, I think the hardest part to understand is the following verse in this book 2:6

"God has also raised us up together in Christ Jesus, and made us sit together in heaven." (Ephesians 2:6)

The word I want to focus on here is this.

συνεκάθισεν (synekathisen) - "made them sit together".

It's a phrase that only occurs here in the New Testament in Ephesians. Forgive me for being a bit grammatically complicated, but the verb in this verse is aorist and indicative form.
Then it must be understood and translated as simple past tense or present perfect tense, not present or future tense.

The privilege of being "seated in heaven with Christ" is NOT something we have had in the past or at the present time. This is the time when Christ will come to earth again (called the Second Coming) and create a new world. It is a privilege and a status given to the resurrected saints. So it belongs to the future, and it's a promise of grateful grace given to us, but Why is it spoken of in the past tense?

The Creator of the world is not bound by time as human.
Because of what God has said, because of the promises He has spoken, it has already been timelessly fulfilled and completed. It may be spoken of as in the Old Testament, when its prophets spoke of God's promises, they were already speaking of them in the past tense and the perfect tense. We find many cases where events are spoken of as having happened in the Old Testament.

That is, from God's point of view they are written in the past tense because they have already been fulfilled.

There are times in this earthly life when the believer have to go through persecution and absurdity . Knowing that after all that trouble, we are assured that we will soon be entrusted with the same privileges as Christ. It will be the strength to endure any trial.

The same is the word of promise given from a human perspective in the next verse in Revelation. It is written in the future tense because it is a promise that belongs to the future for man.

"He who gains the victory shall be seated with me on my throne. It is the same as I have obtained the victory and have sit at the Father's throne with My Father."
(Revelation 3:21)

δώσω καθίσαι - "I will give to seat" (future tense, indicative method)

ἐκάθισα ~ "I have sit (at the throne of my father)" (aorist form, direct method).

The part here where Christ says he will let believers sit in victory with him belongs to the future. And Christ Himself was seated with God the Father after His victory on the cross and resurrection that belongs to the past.

Today's sunset was also spectacular.
It's like a promise of what tomorrow will bring.
Tomorrow is the 4th of July, which is America's Independence Day.

One day earlier today, we got together with my family to celebrate it. The ladies made tempura for us.
One of the best tempura dishes was made from zucchini flowers that my daughter grew in her own garden. It had an indescribable taste with a perfect bitterness that spread in my mouth.
#メッセージ #家族



幸福には3つある 幸福には3つある 幸福には3つある 幸福には3つある









ヨハネの福音書 15章12節

We still can't restart most of business in Washington state, but we are able to focus on getting in touch with our families.
There is a happiness that can be given. I call it "oxytocinous happiness". This is the feeling of security, warmth, and contentment that comes from deepening our connection with others. It is a brain hormone that brings these feeling.

On the other hand, it's gained through so-called social successes such as job performance, achievements, promotions, financial gain and fame. I call this sense of happiness "dopaminergic happiness".

We Japanese have pursued this dopaminergic happiness from the time of our defeat in World War II to the era of rapid economic growth.
There was a commercial for an energy drink that asks a devoted employee, "Can you work 24 hours a day?”
It represented a value of this dopaminergic happiness.

When the economic bubble burst and no one could hope for growth, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. That's when we were forced to change our values, and we began to rethink our "bonds".

In other words, there was an awakening from dopamine happiness to oxytocin happiness.

However, the values that have been accepted by society and cultivated by families over the years cannot be changed in a single night. . So by experiencing "serotoninous happiness" on a daily basis, you get the foundation for the right direction.
It's a transmitter in the brain, as I wrote yesterday, that you can get by exposing yourself to the sun in the morning. This hormone can give you a positive self-affirmation and a feeling of calm with confidence and adaptability.

In order to maintain this serotoninous well-being, companies have recently started using yoga, meditation and also mindfulness, which are recommended activities to their employees.

For us Christians, experiencing this serotoninous well-being is to be stilled before God, and by the Word of the Bible You could say that you are listening to God's message personally to yourself.

If only dopaminergic well-being you may look for as responsible men for providing for your families, and if it is the only happiness you have ever known, then how will you survive this corona age ?
Now is the time to open our eyes to the fact that there is serotonin happiness and oxytocin happiness.

Today's sunset was completely occluded by clouds where the sun was setting.
So I couldn't see any light from there, but at some distance there was a break in the clouds. There was, and red rays of light shone out of the gaps.

Happiness for a person is not about proving oneself by achievement. On his deathbed, Toyotomi Hideyoshi wrote a poem saying, "The matter of Namba is just another dream.”
Regardless of what you can and cannot do, you have already been proven and accepted by the creator of the world to be yourself. And there is a peace that comes from the deepest union between those who are accepted.

"As I have loved you, so you shall love one another, this is my commandment is."
John 15:12
#家族 #日常



日本最大の秘境を歩いてから2年... 日本最大の秘境を歩いてから2年... 日本最大の秘境を歩いてから2年... 日本最大の秘境を歩いてから2年...







詩篇 103篇2~5節

Less than 10 minutes from my home is the entrance to a vast wood park. The park is made of a forest and about a mile of mountain road leads to a waterfall. As we walked, my son and I were talking about what happened two years ago today.

Two years ago, my two children and I were walking through a deep canyon in Mie Prefecture. The path was steep and deep and had been chosen by the mountaineer Kyuuya Fukada as one of the three most unexplored places in Japan. There were difficult places to walk on the cliffs that were cut at right angles to the bottom of the valley, everywhere. There were warning signs standing everywhere, with fatal falls occurring every year. I warned my kids many times to watch their step and not touch their phones.

But my daughter, who was competing with her friends for the best look on Instagram at the time, wouldn't listen. She took pictures of unusual scenery with her phone and immersed herself in editing. Finally, she tripped over her foot and dropped it down the valley floor. I spent the next an hour or so clinging to the rock face of the cliff, but I couldn't find it. . We went down to the bottom of the ravine, but we couldn't find the phone.
We decided that our lives were more important than our cell phones, so I just wanted to make sure the three of us returned safely. We made a U-turn from the spot and head to trail head.
Next to her life, her phone was the most important thing to her. Even though she is in Japan, constant communication with her friends seems to be an essential part of her life.

I walked the Kumano Kodo by myself early in the morning and then we all got on the express train to Osaka. We changed our plans and stopped at the Apple store in Osaka to look for an iPhone for her. This was two years ago today.

Two years ago at that time, I blamed her greatly.
I told her straight away that it was an accident of disobedience and disregard for all those warnings, and that her loss was self-inflicted. I remember that I pointed on her this way.

Now, two years later, the contours of the whole picture are beginning to emerge. The direct cause must have been her carelessness, but the responsibility for causing her to disobey in that way was on me as parent.
17 year old being rebellious is a result of the relationship I have with her. And that relationship was created mostly by parents. I recently came to realize that I, as a parent, was responsible for creating the problem.

At the time, I didn't realize that, but after two years, I have come to realize that way. It's only when you can get a bird's eye view of the relationship after things has passed away.

She herself has gone through many trials and challenges in the past two years. I feel that our relationship has been mended considerably.

This is all by the grace of the Lord.

Today's sunset was clear, with no clouds whatsoever around the sun wheel setting over the Olympic Mountains, and its The Olympic Mountains stood in silhouette. I've never seen the Olympic Mountains as vividly as I did today, because the sun was shining on them from the other side directly without any hinderance.

"My soul, praise the Lord! Do not forget anything that the Lord has done for you well.

He has forgiven you all your iniquities and healed you of all your diseases.

He will redeem your life from the pit. He will put a crown of grace and mercy on you

He will fill your lifetime with good things. Your youth will be renewed like an eagle."

Psalm 103:2-5.
#メッセージ #家族



「悪人にも善人にも」 「悪人にも善人にも」 「悪人にも善人にも」 「悪人にも善人にも」




マタイの福音書 5章43~45節

The kids made their first attempt at the pull up bars that were installed a few days ago.
I especially looked up at my daughter's efforts.
They are seriously trying to develop the agility and strength of a ninja. She have set a goal of 5 times for this summer. Currently, she is limited to two.

And the sunset I looked up at shortly afterwards was the most spectacular I've seen in recent memory.
I wondered if the Creator had given us a beautiful sunset in response to her efforts. I realized that I had once wondered that way before.

But it's not so.

The more I was exposed to the world of the Bible, the more I realized that God is fair to us. He is not one who is willing to give away nice things based on our abilities, efforts and successes.

The proof of this, you see, is that I've been lazy enough to only point the camera at my children's efforts. Yet, He has allowed me to enjoy a beautiful sunset as well.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Matthew 5:43-45

#メッセージ #家族



美容師の賜物発見 美容師の賜物発見 美容師の賜物発見 美容師の賜物発見




Today's sunset didn't turn red, it was half-baked.

I went to my usual hair salon for a haircut and it was still closed today, thanks to the corona.

So I had to ask my daughter in a bright red dress for a haircut. She chose a pair of scissors from a bright red scissor pad for the purpose of the cut. The first thing she takes out was a gold-coated scissor.

She designs what kind of haircut she wants to achieve first, and then she puts the scissors in my hair. She said she feels the peace of impermanence during haircut. This shows a gift of a hairdresser.

By the way, I don't have such a mind for Art, I am only interested in Tools and it’s usages




今学期最後の授業日 今学期最後の授業日 今学期最後の授業日 今学期最後の授業日





もはや、「老いては子に従え」と言う境遇に至ったと言うことでしょうか? うれしくもあり、寂しくもあり。

Tomorrow is the last day of the school year for my children, and they will start a long summer vacation.

About 10 years ago, we were waiting for this day to come and go back to Japan the next day for our children were repeatedly sent to a local public elementary school for a few weeks of hands-on experience.

Of course, we, as parents, had to plan all the arrangements, and we had to make sure they were fine in their home country, but in a different culture. I introduced them to the different world and made them go to immersion into it.

Today my two children, now in their late teens, have taken me out and invited me to join them in their outdoor life.
Waiting for my son to finish his final online class tomorrow, we will drive about 3 hours and an hour-long mountain bike ride for camping in middle of wild mountains by a lake. There must not be found any person in such a remote mountains.

The kids will provide all the food for 3 days and 2 nights.
They even found my mountain bike for me this week. They planned and took care of a lot of the mountain bike riding plans with tents and sleeping bags in their backpacks. It is a thing that has been done for me.

Do you think I have reached the point already where "follow your children in old age" stage?
I'm both happy and a little sad.

So I won't introduce the Seattle sunset for a few days from now. I'll report on the camp after I come home.
#アウトドア #家族



日の入り 日の入り 日の入り





Today's sunset is a rare cloudless day for the first time in weeks, and the sun wheel was set into the middle of the Olympic Mountains. I was able to see the moment of immersion.

For the first time in months, I had the Seattle Business Owners Association fellowship by zoom. Regarding the recent controversial issue of the independence zone in Seattle, the demonstrations and discrimination issues have deep roots in the United States. Exploring the depths of the issue, and the extensive exchange of ideas on Japan-U.S.-Japan-China-U.S. -China relations and other issues. Well, I'm impressed with how well they all think about it. Each one of them has a high level of insight and speaks one after another. Finally, I left without a single interruption from the meeting.

There is one important person who was involved with me about 20 years ago when I started a business here.
In contact with this person after watching this sunset,
I told him that I would introduce my daughter to him tomorrow.

He's very excited, I'm very excited, and my daughter is very excited.
He was my first in the business in this country.
Twenty years later, my daughter would be the first business to do that with him.

I will keep my excitement in check and prepare for tomorrow's encounters and new creations. The afterglow of today's sunset is somewhat refreshing, it’s like me after I've shed my tears from the move because of having conversation with that person and my daughter.




灯台もと暗し 灯台もと暗し 灯台もと暗し






The Olympic Mountains, which are rarely seen, were clearly visible today. The sun is supposed to disappear somewhere in these mountains every day at this time of year.

These mountains are located in the direction from the west of Seattle, and beyond them is the Pacific Ocean, and further back, as if they were blocking the Eurasian continent, The Japanese archipelago extends.
You can see this Olympic mountains from the photograph the pale line of shadow on the horizon.

There are many things in our daily lives that exist but are not in our field of vision.

There is another independent country in the United States that has been created in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle, via social networking sites I learned from the Japanese at the first. Until today, I asked my family and my acquaintances about it, but no one knew about it. A woman I met in today's online service also told me that it was the first time she heard about it from a Japanese person.

I'm sure it was widely reported in Japan, but many people here don't pay much attention to it. I think this is just a temporary phenomenon and will subside in time.

Today, my daughter made a pizza, a dough made for a vegan, with oil and vegetables on top. Made; bake in the oven for 10 minutes and it's ready to go.

Even minus the credit for my daughter making it, this was better than any pizzeria I've ever had. So I got all the information from her on how to buy and cook that dough.

It would help me if I could easily make it on my own, even when she wasn't around.
Before I knew it, my daughter, a vegan, had developed a number of her own cooking methods.

I guess you could say in Japanese proverb that there is a bit of dark area at the foot of light house.



平凡な日々が嬉しい 平凡な日々が嬉しい 平凡な日々が嬉しい









It's been a while since I played basketball with my son in a game format.
I always lose by a large margin, but today I brought it to a narrow margin of 11-9. On the way back from the park, he complained that his stomach was not feeling well. It was because he had done some strenuous exercise right after dinner.

I made 8 servings using commercial marbled tofu roux and ate it up just for the two of us! .
That roux is apparently not enough for the 4 people listed in the box, only about 2-3 people. Still, I used two boxes of that roux and cooked many vegetable ingredients together.

I tell him he doesn't have to eat it all and that it's okay to leave it out.
I told him, "This is not a Japanese school lunch, so you can leave as much as you want.

My kids have been through many short term experiences in elementary school, and they've been taught to "eat without leaving anything behind by them.
Their homeroom teacher at the time taught me that it was nutrition education. It is certainly a good educational policy in terms of eliminating likes and dislikes.
However, forcing students to eat all the food served is right thing? Teaching not to waste of food could be a possibility of violation of human rights, isn’t it?

Each individual has a different appetite, and the same person's appetite should vary depending on their physical condition that day.

When I was in the third grade of elementary school, I couldn't help drinking milk, when lunchtime was over and the next recess was over, still I was in struggle to finish drinking it.

One of the boys in the same class couldn't finish drinking milk after all the classes were over and after school, and he was still compelled . After that much time, the milk smelled and was unpleasant to watch near.

What is the current school lunch system?

It's a great way to eliminate likes and dislikes, but there have been cases where children have been unable to eat because of allergies and other problems.

In addition, milk, which was believed to be effective for health and growth, is actually not suitable for our Japanese constitution. It seems to be clear from recent studies that it is not a drink we would recommend.

My daughter is vegan and doesn't eat any dairy products at all. Her avoidance of them is as thorough as a religious food policy.

My son, who was lying down a few minutes ago when he was sick, is now up and snacking on sofa. He has been playing games online.
I've been talking to my son about how the sunset today will be incredibly beautiful from the cloud line while playing basketball.
But it seemed to be only about average.

I am so grateful that I can create an ordinary relationship with my son in my daily life without any special Requirements.



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