
“Sake Competition 2016” that was held again this year.

By Kosuke Kuji

This year making it the 5th time this competition has been held, as the title mentions, it’s “a contest to decide the best tasting sake in the world” and would you believe that there were entries from 416 breweries with 1483 sakes from head of breweries from Japan and different countries worldwide this year.

This is a very unusual contest with entries from not only Japan but from Japanese sake breweries from overseas making this the one and only world largest contest.

Entry categories are divided into 5 categories and newly established categories this year were Ginjo category and Super Premium category that were receiving the most attention. There were entries of 401 in Junmai category, 466 in Junmai Ginjo category, 359 in Junmai Daiginjo category, 180 in Ginjo category and 56 in Super Premium category, and judging with blindfolds were done by 24 preliminary judges and 37 final judges consisting of technical managers, experts, and head of breweries. From the results, gold awards were given to the top 10 and silver awards were given to the top 10% below the gold award winners.

For results, please look at the website below.
http://sakecompetition.com/?page_id=1675/'rel="nofollow">SAKE COMPETITION 2016

When we talk about Nanbu Bijin this year, they came in 10th place in the Junmai Daiginjyo category and we were so happy to receive a gold medal!

Award ceremony and party was held at Grand Hyatt Tokyo in Roppongi at end of July and famous head of breweries from Japan attended and for anyone in Japan that liked regional sakes would have felt it was like being in a place like heaven there.

Starting with International Wine Challenge (IWC) Japanese sake category I have written about before and a contest of scale that could never have been thought of before being held in Japan and now being held worldwide. All events are judged with blindfolds and for the regional sake competition these days, there is no doubt that you need to be consistently aware of improving the quality or you will be left behind in no time.

For that reason, head of breweries cannot stop quality improvement and there is no end to putting in efforts for quality improvement. To deliver high quality Japanese sake to the people in Japan and throughout the world, we would like to continue to firmly make diligent efforts. I feel it has become a wonderful age when the results of our efforts can be evaluated at contests in Japan and also throughout the world.


今年で5回目のこのコンテストは「世界一おいしいお酒を決めるコンテスト」という題名の通り、日本国内、世界各地の蔵元から今年はなんと416蔵、 1483点の出品がありました。国内だけではなく海外で日本酒を生産する蔵からも出品されるという、大変珍しいコンテストで、まさに世界一の規模のコンテストとなりました。



http://sakecompetition.com/?page_id=1675/'rel="nofollow">酒コンペティション2016 受賞酒





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Sake Q & A

By Yuji Matsumoto

1. Cold or Hot
Many people think that high quality sake should be enjoyed chilled, but that is wrong. Compared to not needing to worry about the temperature for the better quality sakes, it is better to really chill the poor balanced sakes on the contrary. For one guideline, if it is a refreshing sake that has a flower or fruit type aroma, it’s better to chill them to enjoy the clean cut taste and aroma. On the contrary, for the dry sake with the fermented taste of rice or aroma of sourness etc it’s better to warm it to bring out the fullness of it and seemly make it taste delicious.

2. Which Sake is Better?
Which sake you like changes if the food you like regularly is rich or light so there is no exact answer, but I feel there is a tendency that someone that likes full body red wine will probably like a Junmai Kimoto or Honjozo type sake and someone that likes a young, fruity chardonnay will like a Daiginjo of Niigata prefecture type sake. Matching with the food is extremely important and if you don’t particularly care for drinking the sake by itself, you might make a surprising discovery if you have it with a particular dish so I ask if you will give a try.

3. Tasting Method
Same as wine, drink it while sipping in air. Choose a glass for white wines type, pouring a small amount and lightly mixing it with air is important. If the temperature of the sake is too low it becomes hard to distinguish the aroma so you can slightly warm it with both hands in that case.

4. Drinking Cup
Not only for sake but for wines or beers, it’s amazing that the taste can drastically change depending on the glass. If you want to enjoy the taste and especially the aroma, a small white wine glass is good. For hot sake, so the steam of the alcohol is not smothering, a ceramic type with a slightly large mouth that holds the temperature is good. A wooden square doesn’t go well with aromatic Ginjo types but for sakes with definite body like Junmai types, you can enjoy them with the aroma of Cypress. Please enjoy cold or at room temperature if you have it that way.


1. 冷か燗か

2. いいお酒はどれ

3. テイスティング方法

4. 飲む器
#alljapannews #japanese #sake #testing


Enjoy Jizake at Tokyo Station Underground Shopping Center

By Kosuke Kuji

Tokyo Station that is located in Tokyo which is also the center of Japan.

Tokyo Station has been newly born and changed with a large scale renovation construction in recent years and Japanese sake is being offered at different locations so there are more opportunities to try Japanese sakes.

With the increase of foreign visitors in the last few years, many foreigners can be seen even at Tokyo Station also. One place where a foreigner will definitely visit when they come to Japan is Tokyo Station.

Within the station, after you go thru the ticket gates and go underground there is a shopping area that spreads in front of you called “Gransta.”

Once you go thru the ticket gates of the station in the past, there were only a few souvenir, convenience or station bento stores, and a small ‘tachigui soba’ (eat noodles while standing) restaurant, but that image has greatly changed after the opening of Gransta.

Gransta has many specialty and unique stores from restaurants that have all kinds of Japanese/foreign/Chinese bentos, special restaurants from resort specialty chains, cakes or Japanese-style confectionery stores, or gift stores with brand name items, there is so much delight just from looking around.

Would like to share that there is a store here where you can enjoy Japanese sake by the glass for reasonable prices. It is Hasegawasaketen Tokyo Station Gransta operated by Hasegawa Shoten which we introduced to you in a previous column.
This bar only has about 10 seats at the counter but there is always a line of customers waiting outside in the evening and is such a popular bar where you can see customers savoring Japanese sake even in the early morning hours.

There is no other ideal bar-style pub that can used during the short time you are waiting for the Shinkansen (Japanese high-speed rail) or express trains and it couldn’t be a better place for the people that like sake.

All of you in the U.S. coming home or for your sightseeing trip to Japan, I think you will have a good time if you stop by Tokyo Station and have a drink at the bar where you can enjoy a glass of Jizake (regional sake) before you leave. Another pleasure is you can certainly buy a bottle of the sake you enjoyed there.








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2016 International Wine Challenge Sake Judging

2016 International Wine Challenge Sake Judging
By Yuji Matsumoto

I have been a judge of IWC Sake division for 5 years and since 2011, I have been serving this organization as a Panel Chairman.

This year was our 10th anniversary since we added sake in the International Wine Challenge so the venue took place in Hyogo, Japan. It was nice to go to Japan and taste over 1,000 different sake which was the largest entry ever.

In order to have a balanced and fair judging, all the sakes are covered so the judges can not see what they are tasting.

This year there were 8~9 panel chair judges and each panel chair has 3~4 judges under them. We mix people’s nationality to balance their preference and taste.

The most important element to judge is not to be bias of their person preference and seek for the balance in the category which is Junmai, Junmai Ginjo, Junmai Daiginjo, Honjozo, Ginjo, Daiginjo, Koshu(aged sake) and sparkling.

The main responsibility for the panel chair is to speak last and listen to what other judges are trying to express and taste in each sake.

After we submit our results and score of each sake, there are senior judges who re-taste and confirm the results in order to make sure the panel chair judged sake fairly.

The last day (the 3rd day) is only for the panel chairman to determine the medal sake which are Gold, Silver, Bronze, Commended and Trophy.

These results will be announced one week after the event. Since this IWC sake is gaining more popularity and recognition, the sake that are awarded in Gold or Trophy have tremendous exposure through out the world, not only in sake industry but also in wine industry. I am very happy to be part of this organization and wishing more sake would participate.





今年は8〜9人のパネル審査員が参加し、各パネルチェアの下には審査員が3〜4人いる。 また、味の嗜好とバランスをとるために審査員の国籍も混成されている。





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The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Part 3

The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Part 3
By Kosuke Kuji

I received a phone call from Master Sake Brewer Morikawa in "Kouro" of Kumamoto prefecture a few days after the Kumamoto Earthquake. It happens that while I was in the 3rd year of attending Tokyo University of Agriculture, Brewing and Fermentation, I had the experience of receiving student training at "Kouro", the birthplace of Kumamoto brewing yeast No. 9. For two weeks, I slept in the brewery with Master Sake Brewer and all of the brewery staff, learned the basics of sake making and fortunate to receive training of cultivating brewing yeast and also Kouro brewing yeast (Kumamoto brewing yeast).

At the time it was the Master Sake Brewer Morikawa that gave me warm and sometimes strict guidance.

To hear his voice after a long time since I graduated university brought back such fond memories, but beyond that I was so worried about the damage status that I asked about the damage in Kouro with asking about general matters.

Regarding Kouro brewing yeast (Kumamoto brewing yeast) that I was most worried about, they had already incorporated in-house generators since they occasionally experience outages from many typhoon passing through Kyushu, so there was absolutely no problem with the refrigeration of the yeast.

I found out that on top of that their preservation technology of yeast has advanced and they could now dry the yeast and store it in room temperature, and already as double insurance had preserved such dry yeast as a backup.

I was so relieved after I heard this. The original yeast of brewing yeast No. 9, Kouro brewing yeast was saved!

Regarding damage status of the entire brewery, serious condition was caused by a chimney breaking and falling directly on the electrical lines of the Kyushu Shinkansen, a large number of sake bottles were broken in the bottle storage, and there was threat that the storage brewery may collapse and was off limits etc, there was no way of grasping the total damage at that time.

However, Master Brewer Morikawa told me this regarding the yeast.

"Kumamoto yeast doesn't belong only to Kouro. I made sure that there was tight management of the yeast because many breweries across Japan depend on it."
I thought that was wonderful thinking and what wonderful responsibility he has.
Let's drink Kumamoto sake and support their quick recovery.

「熊本大地震 その3」










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The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Part 2

The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Part 2
By Kosuke Kuji

Kumamoto Earthquake that happened at 9:26 pm on April 14th 2016. As mentioned in the previous column, there were many deaths and evacuees. When this Kumamoto Earthquake happened the very first thing that arose in my mind was the condition of "Kouro" which is the birthplace of Kumamoto brewing yeast No. 9.

Brewing yeast has many varieties starting with brewing yeast No. 1 and currently there is No. 18 which are used by sake makers in Japan and the yeast is the basic production factor to produce high quality sakes.

From all the yeasts, brewing yeast No. 9 has a special existence that it was the yeast that also contributed to the Ginjo sake making in Japan from Showa (1926-1989) era to the beginning of Heisei (1989 -) era.

Ginjo sake has the character of having a wonderful aroma and it was this brewing yeast No. 9 that brought out the highest amount of that Ginjo aroma compared to all the previous brewing yeasts and was also the yeast that was used by head sake makers in Japan. This brewing yeast No. 9 was separated at the brewery in "Kouro" of Kumamoto prefecture with Kouro brewing yeast (Kumamoto brewing yeast) being first found at this brewery, then this yeast was passed onto Brewing Society of Japan that named it brewing yeast No. 9.

Brewing yeast No. 9 was distributed to the breweries in Japan and it became the basic production factor to support the high quality ginjo making. What resulted was the birth of the name "YK-35" (Y is Yamadanishiki rice, K for brewing yeast No. 9 & 35 is rice polishing ratio up to 35%) and there was a time that they said if it wasn't YK-35 you wouldn't be able to win the gold prize at the Annual Japan Sake Awards.

Kouro yeast which is the origin of this brewing yeast No. 9. If electricity was shut down by the Kumamoto Earthquake, the yeast would be destroyed if you are not able to keep it chilled which is necessary for preservation. If such a situation continued for a long time, the famous Kouro yeast (Kumamoto yeast), the original
yeast of brewing yeast No. 9, would be gone from this world.

If that were to happen that would mean losing a 'treasure' of the Japan brewery industry and it would be such a major blow to the Japanese sake world.
Is the yeast OK? That just worried me for several days when I received a call from Kumamoto.

The call was from the Mr. Morikawa (master sake brewer) in Kouro. To be continued in #3.

酒豪大陸「熊本大地震 その2」








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