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NFTs Explained

NFTs Explained
Over the past couple of years, you may have heard of the term, “NFT”, which stands for non-fungible tokens. You may even be vaguely familiar with the concept. Maybe you associate it as a different kind of Bitcoin but in the simplest of terms, it’s actually more of a way to authenticate digital purchases. The big difference between an NFT and a Bitcoin is its value. Each NFT is worth a different amount whereas Bitcoins (as well as dollar bills, in fact) are all worth the same. For example, you can exchange a ten-dollar bill for two five-dollar bills or ten one-dollar bills because they’ll be worth the same amount. And that’s what’s called a “fungible” asset.

However, NFTs are different because they can’t be replaced or interchanged. For example, if you bought concert tickets, each one would be different. Even if all the concert tickets were priced the same, each ticket corresponds to a different seat as well as a specific date, so they don’t hold the same value if you tried to trade them for another set of tickets. NFTs are stored on what’s called an open blockchain, making it possible for anyone to track them as they’re created, sold, or resold. They also use smart contract technology, which allows the original artist to continue earning a percentage in all subsequent sales as long as they set up the NFT that way. Because of this, it also means that people can’t create fake NFTs or circulate fake ones because you can trace them to the original creator or issuer.

What Are NFTs Used For?

a crowd of people standing in front of the mona lisa in the louvre, some of which are taking photos

NFTs have gotten big in the world of digital assets, specifically the ownership of them. These digital assets include art, music, gaming items, and even investment and collateral. After buying an NFT, you gain ownership of that asset. But it can still end up online somewhere, open to the public and free to view. The difference between the image of that asset that circulates online and the NFT is the authenticity and ownership of the original. The buyer owns the original asset. The image, or images, of it that circulate online is just a copy.

For example, there are thousands of Mona Lisa images online. And if you go to the Louvre, you can see it in person and take a picture of it. But your picture, as well as the thousands of other pictures of the Mona Lisa you find online, are just copies. The Mona Lisa in the museum is the original and the Louvre has ownership of that painting. It’s the same for NFTs. The only difference is that the original is very often not a physical possession. It’s a digital asset. So, it begs the question, why are some NFTs so expensive?

The Pricing of NFTs

someone holding and counting money in his hands

The current record for the most expensive NFT ever sold is by creator and artist, Mike Winkelmann, who goes by Beeple. In March of 2021, his artwork titled, “The First 5000 Days” sold at Christie’s (an auction house) for just over $69 million. Other examples include Jack Dorsey’s sale of his first-ever tweet as an NFT, selling for $2.9 million, or the musician, Grimes, selling some of her digital art as an NFT for more than $6 million. Now, these are just some extreme examples. The truth is, some NFTs may resale for less than what you paid for it. Or it might not even resell at all. It all depends on demand.

The value of an NFT is entirely dependent on what someone is willing to pay for it. And while images of it can circulate online, it actually increases in value the more it’s seen on the internet. How you may ask? Because when it makes its rounds online, it gains popularity. And with it increases demand. It may seem like an odd concept but NFTs contain built-in authenticity and proof of ownership. If we bring it back to the Mona Lisa example, it means much more if you said you owned the original Mona Lisa painting as opposed to a picture of the Mona Lisa. NFTs work the same way, except again, it refers to a digital asset rather than a physical possession.

The Rising Popularity of NFTs

While NFTs have been around since 2015, they’ve only recently gotten very popular as cryptocurrency and underlying blockchain frameworks are becoming normalized. Today, the NFT marketplace is valued at $13 billion. The most recent use of NFTs on a large scale is Twitter’s new feature to include an NFT as profile pictures, which went live at the end of January 2022. For people who make the change, their profile picture changes by showing a new hexagon outline (instead of the standard circle). And that enforces the authentic nature of NFTs because only the owner of that NFT can have both that profile picture and the hexagon outline that comes with it.

However, it’s come back with mixed reviews. While the NFT community largely loves flaunting their status in the community, many users have found it’s not worth the hassle. While it’s seemingly easy to set up (all users have to do is connect their digital wallet), there is one big barrier: it requires users to pay for Twitter Blue (Twitter’s new subscription plan). But for those making a lot of money with NFTs, it’s a small hurdle.

The NFT Community

four people with their arms wrapped around each other laughing

The new NFT profile picture on Twitter usually includes an NFT avatar, which again, is unique. With it, it represents their place and status in the NFT community. The use of an NFT avatar already signifies that they’re part of the NFT community. But what it looks like says more about the user. For people who have bought into a given NFT avatar project, they have something in common whether it’s a shared mission, set of values, and/or a shared sense of aesthetics and appreciation for the same style of art.

So, whether or not you really get NFTs, it’s a community that continues to grow. It may have been first introduced in 2015 but people didn’t really start getting on the bandwagon until more recently. Twitter is already incorporating them into their platform so who’s to say other platforms won’t follow suit? By the looks of it, the rise of NFTs doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon.

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1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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PSPINC What's New Newsletter Vol. 100 "Attracting Customers with your Website"

PSPINC What's New Newslette...
I want to attract people to my website. There are many ways to do that like advertising online or optimizing the site for search engine optimization (SEO), but have you thought about something more basic? Before you think about how to better attract people towards you site, have you ever thought about why you go to a website? What website acts as your homepage and what pages do you visit the most often?

In 2021, the most visited websites were:

someone on their phone open to the TikTok app

    1. TikTok

    1. Google

    1. Facebook

    1. Microsoft

    1. Apple

    1. Amazon

    1. Netflix

    1. YouTube

    1. Twitter

    1. WhatsApp

As you can see, these sites are designed to attract people. Their content is updated every hour, every minute, and every second of every day. However, you’re focused on getting users to come to your company’s website, more specifically, your homepage. Moreover, your goal is to get traffic that is comparable to these sites.

a look at website traffico n a tablet

Even if the amount of website traffic towards your site is small, you need to update the content on your site frequently if you want to see that number increase. It’s important to give your customers a reason to come back to your site time and time again. And you can do that by regularly posting new information that is important to them.

Next, it’s also important to promote your site through mediums other than your own website. This includes eliciting reviews of your products and/or services and publicizing your activities on social media. A website that’s left unwritten won’t attract people. If you want more people to see your website, it goes without saying that you need to provide them a reason to see it.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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PSPINC What's New Newsletter Vol. 99 "Authenticating companies with domain names"

PSPINC What's New Newslette...
Why do companies, organizations, and sole proprietors have websites with their own domain names? Have you ever wondered why you need a unique domain name for your website? The answer is simple. It’s to drive awareness towards the existence of your company.

There are many ways to share information about your company. There are numerous social media platforms like Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and many more to do just that. However, it’s hard to authenticate your company’s presence just on these platforms. It’s easy to create a page on any of these social networks. Anyone can do it, and they can do it for free. So, it’s unfortunately not clear proof that the company really exists just from social media profiles alone.

A domain name, on the other hand, belongs to the company or organization that registered it. No one else can have it because of that. Additionally, SSL certification guarantees the company’s existence while also encrypting communications. To authenticate the information you have on Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and any other platforms you use, you’ll need to operate a website with your own domain name. So, naturally, you should also run your email on the same domain.

While Gmail is convenient, it goes without saying that it’s more trustworthy to use your domain name in your email. But it’s also useful to note that you can use your domain name for your email but still use Gmail to send and receive emails. If you have any questions about getting a domain name and creating a website, please contact Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. at any time.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
1404 140th Place NE, Bellevue, WA 98007 USA

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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PSPINC What's New Newsletter Vol.74 "DENREI"

PSPINC What's New Newslette...
Vol. 74

We are currently developing a system called DENREI at Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. DENREI is an email-based social media platform. I’m sure you don't understand what I'm talking about. I'd like to start by telling you what social media is.

The job of the media is to communicate your ideas and information to others. Social media is an easy way to communicate information to people who are interested in what you have to say. Social media in general refers to systems like Twitter and Facebook. These systems use a browser-based website or an App on your phone as a means of communicating information.

The current problem is that the companies running these services are censoring information as if they are publishers, not media. There have been many instances of deleting users' posts and revoking users' access rights. The first of these major problems is that anyone can see what a user posts. You can specify that you don't want to see it, but that can be a pain in the ass.

DENREI is not a social media service like Twitter or Facebook, where anyone can see what you post at any time. Creating an account with DENREI means having an @DENREI.COM email address. Only people with an @DENREI.COM account will be able to read the information you send out via email. Of course, @DENREI.COM users can freely exchange emails with each other.

You can't send emails to @DENREI.COM from any email address other than @DENREI.COM. If you want DENREI to send email to your subscribers, just send an email from your @DENREI.COM address to your @DENREI.COM address.

This is an overview of DENREI. More information will be released soon, and we hope you will join us for the beta test.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
1404 140th Place NE, Bellevue, WA 98007 USA

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
#Censorship #DENREI #Email #Facebook #Privacy #SocialMedia #Twitter


What is Hootsuite and Should you Use It?

image source: pixabay.com image source: pixabay.com
Whether you’re on social media for personal or business reasons, it can be a lot of work managing multiple profiles across different social media platforms. Just trying to manage all of your accounts can become a full-time job. Simplifying this process through Hootsuite can be a huge help – and can save you lots of time.

So what is Hootsuite?

Hootsuite is a social media management tool that allows users to log into a single dashboard, which is connected to multiple social media accounts. Users can create and schedule posts for their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn accounts and more. With this tool you’ll be able to post the same content across multiple accounts, schedule posts for the future, and post to each social media account separately.

What are the features of Hootsuite?

• Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts
• Directly Post To Individual Accounts
• Schedule Posts
• Messaging
• Organize Assignments With Your Team
• Analytics For Each Account

You should use Hootsuite if you…

• Manage multiple social media accounts – Hootsuite is a great tool for managing all your social accounts from one dashboard.

• Work with a team to manage multiple accounts – if you work with multiple team members to manage accounts, Hootsuite can help assign tasks and keep everyone on the same page.

• Use Twitter to manage customer service - if your company is using Twitter to manage your customer service questions and concerns, Hootsuite is a great way to get everything under control.

• Cross platform management – if your team uses different platforms like Windows, IOS, or Linux.

• Combined social media reports – get one report that has all your social media account analytics.
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Your Guide to Social Media Image Sizes

image source: pixabay.com image source: pixabay.com
You're already an expert on taking photos, optimizing them for your website, and you know how to upload them to WebdeXpress. Now it’s time to make sure your images are the optimal size for all your social media channels. Below is a guide to help you navigate the optimal image sizes required by each social media channel.


Profile picture: 180 x 180 pixels
Cover photo: 820 x 312 pixels (minimum size 400 x 150)
Shared pictures: 1,200 x 630 pixels
Event picture: 1,920 x 1080 pixels


Profile picture: 110 x 110 pixels
Photo thumbnails: 161 x 161 pixels
Photo in feed: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels
Instagram stories: 1,080 x 1,920 pixels


Profile picture: 400 x 400 pixels
Header picture: 1,500 x 500 pixels
Post picture: 1,024 x 512 pixels (minimum of 440 x 220)


Personal profile picture: 400 x 400 pixels
Personal background image: 1,584 x 396 pixels
Company logo: 300 x 300 pixels
Square logo: 60 x 60 pixels
Company cover image: 1,536 x 768 pixels
Banner picture for company page: 646 x 220 pixels
Post picture: 1,200 x 628 pixels


Profile picture: 165 x 165 pixels
Pin size: 236 pixels – 600 pixels
Board display: 222 x 150 pixels (large) 55 x 55 pixels (small)
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