投稿日 2025-02-25 20:45
TikTokフォロワー数70万人超えのインフルエンサー<なまはむこ>(30)が、2月25日に1st写真集『なまっぽい。』(3850円・撮影:藤本和典・双葉社)を発売しています。 2018年にチャンネルを開設、その後、TikTokへの動画投稿を開始しました。名前の由来は、ずばり「生ハムが好きだから...
投稿日 2025-01-18 00:05
17日、米連邦最高裁は中国系短編動画投稿アプリ「TikTok(ティックトック)」を事実上禁じる法律を巡る訴訟で、「表現の自由」を保障した米憲法に違反するとして法律の差し止めを求めた運営会社側の訴えを退ける判断を下しました。 法律は19日に発効する予定で、ティックトック側は米事業の売却か米国内での...
投稿日 2024-06-27 14:25
「TikTok TOHO Film Festival 2024」の開催が決定、<三吉彩花>が公式アンバサダーに就任しています。 TikTokと東宝がタッグを組み、〈縦型映画〉という新たな映画の形を通してクリエイターを発掘する「TikTok TOHO Film Festival」です。グランプリ受賞...
Over the past few years, short-form videos have become more popular, especially with the rise of TikTok, Instagram Reels, Facebook/Instagram Stories, and YouTube Shorts. As technology has continued to progress, people have become more accustomed to the conveniences it has to offer, and their attention spans have also ...
On October 24, 2023, 41 U.S. states and the District of Columbia sued Meta, alleging their social media platforms, namely Facebook and Instagram, knowingly contributed to the youth mental health crisis. In the lawsuit, they claim Facebook and Instagram are not only addictive and harmful to young users through numerous featu...
The world of shopping online changed drastically when Instagram implemented a buy button in 2015. The next year, brands could tag products with a price tag in their images. Then, Facebook followed shortly afterward by launching Marketplace in 2018. And TikTok started testing TikTok Shop in November of last year. Howev...
Verified users on social media have been a thing for a long time. Since 2009, to be specific, when Twitter introduced the blue checkmark shown next to a user’s profile name. After that, other social platforms followed suit. Prior to Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover, the checkmark beside someone’s name online became a...
TikTok is a short-form video-sharing app geared mostly toward Gen-Z. Content on the platform ranges from cooking videos to funny animal clips to practically anything you could think of. According to Business of Apps, as of January 2023, TikTok had almost two billion monthly active users globally. And this doesn’t even in...
Have you ever liked a post about your local baseball team on social media, come back a day later, and see another post about baseball on your feed? That’s the recommendation algorithm doing its job. Recommendation systems, in short, predict based on a ranking system and will use those rankings to recommend items t...
投稿日 2022-11-17 08:36
中川裕貴さんの「TikTokスタートダッシュ動画講座b」。 動画を投稿したけど、再生が伸びなくて辞めてしまった方 TikTokを経由して ビジネスに活用したい人達が続々と参入していますが、 まだまだTikTokをビジネス活用できていない人の為の「TikTokスタートダッシュ動画講座」です。ってマジ?...