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PSPINC will help your business thrive by providing for all of your technology needs. We offer a wide array of products, including Web & Email Hosting, Website Design, Custom Development, Email Marketing, a number of additional business tools, technical support, and so much more. Visit pspinc.com to learn more.

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  • PSPINC What's New Newsletter Vol. 100 "Attracting Customers with your Website"

PSPINC What's New Newsletter Vol. 100 "Attracting Customers with your Website"

PSPINC What's New Newslette...
I want to attract people to my website. There are many ways to do that like advertising online or optimizing the site for search engine optimization (SEO), but have you thought about something more basic? Before you think about how to better attract people towards you site, have you ever thought about why you go to a website? What website acts as your homepage and what pages do you visit the most often?

In 2021, the most visited websites were:

someone on their phone open to the TikTok app

    1. TikTok

    1. Google

    1. Facebook

    1. Microsoft

    1. Apple

    1. Amazon

    1. Netflix

    1. YouTube

    1. Twitter

    1. WhatsApp

As you can see, these sites are designed to attract people. Their content is updated every hour, every minute, and every second of every day. However, you’re focused on getting users to come to your company’s website, more specifically, your homepage. Moreover, your goal is to get traffic that is comparable to these sites.

a look at website traffico n a tablet

Even if the amount of website traffic towards your site is small, you need to update the content on your site frequently if you want to see that number increase. It’s important to give your customers a reason to come back to your site time and time again. And you can do that by regularly posting new information that is important to them.

Next, it’s also important to promote your site through mediums other than your own website. This includes eliciting reviews of your products and/or services and publicizing your activities on social media. A website that’s left unwritten won’t attract people. If you want more people to see your website, it goes without saying that you need to provide them a reason to see it.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007


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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
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