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Bloguru’s Twitter Integration Changes

Bloguru’s Twitt...
Earlier this year, Twitter started charging third parties for API usage, which caused many websites to remove Twitter from their website. API stands for Application Programming Interface and lets developers integrate existing software systems into new applications. Usually, websites use APIs to share information or carry out diverse tasks. With Twitter’s new API changes, many websites have removed Twitter integration. Now, Bloguru has done the same.

It is, however, worth noting that our team is investigating a new API for our users in hopes of enhancing and upgrading the overall experience for our Bloguru users. If you’d still like to share your blog posts with your Twitter followers, copy your post’s URL and paste it into a new tweet.  

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

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Sell Directly on Social Media with Social Shopping

Sell Directly on Social Media w...
The world of shopping online changed drastically when Instagram implemented a buy button in 2015. The next year, brands could tag products with a price tag in their images. Then, Facebook followed shortly afterward by launching Marketplace in 2018. And TikTok started testing TikTok Shop in November of last year.

However, reports are that TikTok is gearing up to launch TikTok Shop Shopping Center, which will become their e-commerce platform, taking TikTok Shop a step further. Rather than just buying directly from videos, lives, and creator profile bios, TikTok Shop Shopping Center won’t just be a marketplace for other retailers to sell merchandise, but a retailer itself. The details are still not entirely clear, but if successful, it could shake up social shopping as we know it.

Benefits of Social Shopping

friends standing with shopping bags on street and looking at phone

Not only are there billions of active social media users, but they’re also spending more and more time on social media. As of 2022, users spend an average of 151 minutes a day on social media, which is up from 147 from the previous year. And social commerce generated about $724 billion USD in 2022. Both according to Statista. Directly selling on social media just further expands your overall reach to more potential customers. And since social shopping makes so much in revenue, we know how successful businesses can be on it.

Social media, as a whole, is great for obtaining social proof. Especially since many customers look at things like reviews and use those to base their decisions on whether they’ll buy something. Making your products available to users on social media just makes it possible for more feedback, reviews, and recommendations for your business. It also makes it easier for users to convert to paying customers because they don’t have to leave the app to purchase. So, regardless of how TikTok’s upcoming TikTok Shop Shopping Center changes things, it’s safe to say social shopping is here to stay.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Grow Your Business with Social Media

Grow Your Business with Socia...
Social media marketing is an invaluable asset to include in your digital marketing plan. It’s an easy but effective way to grow your business online. Most entrepreneurs today know how vital it can be to their business. But it’s what you do with social media that can make a real difference in how effective it can be. It’s not as simple as creating profiles on social media platforms; it’s about what you post.

There are currently billions of social media users worldwide. That only increases the number of potential customers and adds to brand awareness. It’s relatively inexpensive, and it gives you the opportunity to:

·         Build your brand
·         Grow your community online
·         Increase website traffic
·         Engage with your online audience
·         Learn more about your customers
·         Discover where to improve your overall business strategy

9 Social Media Marketing Tips

1. Create SMART Objectives

We’ve talked about SMART objectives here before, but when you do create them, make sure they align and inform your overall strategy. Every business’s objectives will be different, depending on the size of your business. Making sure your objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely will help you grow your business sustainably.

2. Add relevant keywords to your social copy

Hashtags can be great, but they’re not the only thing social media algorithms parse for. They also look for relevant keywords in social media captions. Marketers still debate if hashtags are even effective marketing-wise on social media. For some, it helps increase overall exposure, for others, they don’t report any discernable difference. But adding relevant keywords to your captions will make it more likely that your posts will end up on someone’s For You or Explore page.

3. Target users

The great part about sponsored social posts is that you can easily target the right users to see your content. And finding the right users makes it much more likely they’ll purchase from you because it’ll show for users that are actually interested in what you’re trying to sell. While you can try to sell your products to everyone, the reality is that not everyone wants or needs what you’re offering. Plus, if you’re trying to sell to everyone, your ads end up being vague and uninspired, which won’t convince anyone to buy from you.

4. Focus on brand intent

Social media’s a great way to promote your products. But if all your posts are promotional, your business comes off sounding like a pushy salesperson. And no one likes that. Instead, focus on creating and curating content that shows people what your brand cares about.  It won’t just give potential customers a better idea of what your company stands for, but it also results in a much more interested audience.

5. Market on multiple social media platforms

There are multiple major social platforms out there, and marketers alike use more than just one. Each one has something different to bring to the table, including a different audience. So, use that to your advantage! You can tailor your approach toward each platform, taking advantage of the best types of content, posting times, and posting frequencies.

6. Create an editorial calendar

To make it easier, you can plan content in advance with an editorial calendar. On it, add specifics like images, captions, hashtags (if you’re using them), links, and whatever else you want to add to your social posts. But remember, you don’t have to stick to what you have; it’s also encouraged to post something spontaneous sometimes. Especially since sometimes they perform better than what you already have planned.

7. Optimize your posting frequency
When marketing on social media, it’s not just about what you post, it’s about when. There are plenty of sources out there that recommend what times and days of the week work best for reach and engagement. But what works for others won’t necessarily work for you. So, try testing out different times and different days to see what works best for each platform. That way, you’ll get the most out of your social media marketing efforts for your business.

8.       Create paid social ads

The way social media algorithms work is mysterious, but the one thing we know for sure is that paid social posts are guaranteed to get seen by more users. So, if you’re having problems with increasing overall reach, invest in paid social ads. Or you can boost or promote an already well-performing post. Regardless, research shows sponsored posts perform better on social media. Just don’t focus all your efforts on it; organic social posts still help tell your brand story online.

9. Interact with your audience online

Lastly, interacting with your followers and potential customers should be a vital part of your marketing plan. Engagement on social media is highly valued by each platform’s algorithm, so replying, reacting, and reposting other users’ content will increase your profile’s overall exposure. And it’ll encourage other users to do the same.
Marketing on social media isn’t always easy, especially since best practices are continually evolving. So, reach out to our team, who are experts in helping small businesses grow online.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Twitter’s $250M Copyright Lawsuit Explained and What Businesses Can Avoid It

Twitter’s $250M...
Last month, the National Music Publishers’ Association (NMPA) sued Twitter for $250 million for copyright infringement. Why? Because Twitter’s been letting users share copyrighted music without a license for years, as the lawsuit claims. It’s been an issue with the platform for years, but the lawsuit claims it’s only gotten worse since Elon Musk’s acquisition of the company. When looking at how other social media platforms compare, most have cut a deal with music publishers and labels, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitch.

So, why hasn’t Twitter made a similar deal? Simply put, Twitter’s been dodging copyright infringement for several years. The reason behind this is financial, as it would cost the platform possibly over $100 million a year. But Twitter had reportedly been in negotiations for a licensing deal with three major labels: Universal, Sony, and Warner since 2021. Those, however, have since stalled since Elon Musk took over. Speaking of, the lawsuit explicitly mentioned him because of his comments about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). In a now-deleted tweet from 2022, he called the DMCA “overzealous” and “a plague on humanity”.

Why the NMPA is Suing Twitter

man in black shirt wearing headphones in front of monitor

Not only has Twitter allowed its users to post videos containing copyrighted music, but the only punishment those users receive is a temporary suspension. On other platforms, it’d go as far as risking the removal of those users’ accounts. But tweets including copyrighted music don’t just go on without discipline, many actually go viral. For Twitter, it only benefits the platform with increased user engagement and ultimately advertising revenue. All while not paying to license that music.

In the lawsuit, the complaint cites more than 1,700 songs, consisting of many that have blown up on Twitter. Examples include “Uptown Funk” featuring Bruno Mars by Mark Ronson, “All I Want For Christmas” by Mariah Carey, and “Anti-Hero” by Taylor Swift, among many others.

How to Avoid Copyright Infringement as a Business

classy executive male reading papers on couch

For a business, getting into legal trouble is one of the last things you want to happen. The easiest way to avoid copyright infringement suits is by using your own content. Especially in advertising material. But when you can’t, that’s where free royalty-free photos, videos, audio/music comes in handy. There are multiple sites where you can easily find this kind of content, but one of our favorites is Pexels. As long as you use material that isn’t owned by someone else, you’re golden.
If, for some reason, you have to use something that isn’t free for commercial use; you need explicit permission from the owner to use it. And you may have to pay a fee to do so (like those other social media platforms with licensing deals). Otherwise, you may find yourself slapped with a copyright infringement lawsuit.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

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The Reddit Blackout Explained

The Reddit Blackout Explained
Reddit is a forum full of thousands of communities, or subreddits, where people share news, content, and opinions. Seven years ago, Reddit released a free API or Application Programming Interface. With an API, developers can integrate existing software systems into new applications. For example, when signing in to certain websites with your Google or Facebook account, it’s using an API to do so.

Developers use APIs for multiple different reasons, like sharing information between different platforms and carrying out diverse tasks. All while still building out their own interface. With Reddit, whenever a user wants to view or comment on a post from Reddit, the app sends a request to the API. However, this won’t be the case anymore. Reddit announced in April that they’d start charging third-party applications for API access. In other words, developers that made an app for Reddit and those that use its API will now need to pay for requests to use their API.  

Why Reddit Users Are (Still) Protesting

woman holding megaphone

The trend of charging for API usage isn’t new, as Twitter did the same after Elon Musk took over. But it also shut down dozens of third-party apps. With Reddit, they’ll be charging $0.24 per 1,000 requests. It doesn’t sound like much until you realize that the app, Apollo, a popular iOS Reddit app, makes upwards of seven billion API requests a month. That’s almost $2 million a month and over $20 million a year, which is just too high of a price for most companies.

When you compare it with Twitter’s API cost, it costs developers anywhere from $100 to more than $5,000 a month. And their plans have limitations set on them. For larger businesses on the enterprise level, it’ll cost much more than that. To protest, Reddit users agreed to what started as a 48-hour blackout called Reddark, where nearly 8,000 subreddits were set to private starting June 12. But even after the 48 hours were up, the blackout persisted, as over 6,000 communities on Reddit are still private. Regardless, it hasn’t deterred Reddit from changing its mind.

Reddit’s API Changes

black reddit app on an iphone

So, why did Reddit update its API terms? According to its CEO, Steve Huffman, the free API model just wasn’t sustainable. Especially now that Reddit has its own ad network now. Users coming to Reddit via third-party apps don’t see those ads, which greatly impacts how effective and how profitable Reddit’s ad network is. And advertisers won’t want to work with Reddit anymore if they’re paying for ineffective services.

Despite the backlash and online protests, Reddit is moving forward with the API changes. Even though large and popular subreddits have remained private, there are still plenty more that haven’t. They aren’t nearly as sizeable, but it’s enough not to deter Reddit from its plans. Shifts like this seem to prioritize profits over the community-building atmosphere these platforms are known for, which doesn’t sit well with users. So far, Twitter and Reddit are the only large social platforms that charge for API requests. But whether others will follow in their footsteps is yet to be seen.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

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Meta’s New Text-Based Twitter Competitor App

Meta’s New Text...
Ever since Elon Musk acquired Twitter, many users have been itching to find a viable replacement. So far, some have found solace in Mastodon and Bluesky, a newer app launched and endorsed by co-founder and former Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey. But now, Meta’s thrown its hat in the ring with its upcoming text-based app. It currently doesn’t have an official name, but internal Meta staff members call it either “P92” or “Barcelona”. There also isn’t an official launch date released just yet. But digital media marketing expert Lia Haberman, who first reported on this new app, says it could launch as early as the end of June.

Regardless, Meta granted early access to high-profile influencers and celebrities, which will only encourage more people to join the platform. While this new app will be in direct competition with Twitter, it’s not why Meta’s working on this new app. Or it’s at least not the only reason. Social media platforms have switched their focus toward direct messages (DM) over the last few years based on user behavior. And it also explains why Meta reintegrated Messenger back into the Facebook app and the thought behind Instagram Channels.

What Makes It Different

a phone open to twitter on a table next to a mug of coffee

Meta’s new text-based app will eliminate major obstacles that have prevented others from fleeing Twitter. With Facebook and Instagram under their belt, users can log in with their Facebook/Instagram credentials, keep their Instagram username, and keep their verification status (if applicable). It’ll also encourage their Instagram followers to follow them on the new platform, and carry over blocks and hidden words, optimizing the overall transition.

Unlike Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, Meta’s new text-based app will be decentralized, much like its competitor, Mastodon. According to Haberman’s sources, each post has a limit of 500 characters, and much like tweets and Facebook posts, users can include links, photos, and videos up to five minutes long. Based on the only screenshots we’ve gotten of the new app (via a slide Haberman received and posted to her Twitter page), it’ll have a feed where users can like, reply, and share others’ posts.

What This Means

someone using a laptop that has facebook open on it

With the reported instability on Twitter recently, the market for Twitter alternatives is rife with opportunities. However, there hasn’t been one clear contender that users have flocked to. And the fatigue of setting up a new account on a new, unpopulated platform has become more apparent, which only further deterred users.

Meta, however, has the tremendous advantage of integrating their already-popular apps, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp, which boasts a network of billions of users. With that also comes the ease of setting up a new account and keeping your followers. But Meta also has a history of releasing apps that don’t gain traction, especially those that copy other already-popular apps. So, only time will tell how Meta’s new text-based app performs in the social media space.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

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Getting Verified on Social Media

Getting Verified on Social Media
Verified users on social media have been a thing for a long time. Since 2009, to be specific, when Twitter introduced the blue checkmark shown next to a user’s profile name. After that, other social platforms followed suit. Prior to Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover, the checkmark beside someone’s name online became a symbol of authenticity to signify the user was whom they said they were.

After Elon Musk bought out Twitter for roughly $44 billion in October of last year, the verification process changed the following month. Now, $8/month is all you need to get verified on Twitter, ultimately meaning anyone who can afford to spend $8 a month can become a verified user. Regardless, other social platforms also have verification systems in place that aren’t solely based on financial means. But that may change once Meta rolls out their new verification service to Facebook and Instagram on a wider scale.

Meta’s New Verification Service

instagram app on an iphone
In February, Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, announced they’d be rolling out their own verification service for Facebook and Twitter. According to his statement, this new system will aim to better protect people from fraudulent users. Although, the platform’s inspiration seems obvious as Twitter’s verification system has continually changed and become a frequent subject of ridicule since Musk’s takeover.

Meta first tested their new verification service in New Zealand and Australia in February, but they’ve since opened it up to the U.S. in March. However, we haven’t heard reports about it yet. All we really know about Meta’s verification service is that it takes a government ID to verify the account and getting verified on Facebook and getting verified on Instagram are two separate processes. And paid verification costs $11.99/month on the web or $14.99/month either on Apple’s iOS or Android.

Verification on Other Social Platforms

someone holding a phone with the youtube app opening

So far, Meta isn’t the only platform that’s followed Twitter’s example by charging for verification status. After Twitter’s new verification system went live, Tumblr took advantage of the public ridicule that came with it by advertising its own $7.99 verification status. But unlike Twitter, it was a one-time fee (Twitter’s is monthly) and you get two checkmarks. From the description, it’s very clear that it’s a joke. But despite that it’s a parody of Twitter’s checkmarks and holds no real value on the platform, it still earned a 125% boost in in-app purchase revenue by February after releasing it in November, according to TechCrunch.

But YouTube and TikTok don’t currently charge for verification. Instead, YouTube has a whole process where users can request verification, which requires user accounts to be public and active, have at least 100,000 subscribers, a profile photo, a banner image, a description, great content, and represent a real person, brand, or identity. On TikTok, verification exists, but it’s unclear how it’s done.

Regardless, verification used to authenticate users, especially public figures, on social media. But now, it just means that the user paid for that checkmark (or checkmarks, in Tumblr’s case). Even though Twitter and Meta claim this new process aims at bulking up protection against fraudulent users, it doesn’t seem to be helping as much as they said it would.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

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How Recommendation Systems Work on Social Media

How Recommendation Systems...
Have you ever liked a post about your local baseball team on social media, come back a day later, and see another post about baseball on your feed? That’s the recommendation algorithm doing its job. Recommendation systems, in short, predict based on a ranking system and will use those rankings to recommend items that they think users will like. And it’s widely what social media platforms use to populate users’ timelines.

The first wide-scale use of the recommendation algorithm was when Amazon started recommending users products in the late 1990s. And Netflix followed suit a year later in 2000. At the time, they started with a simple collaborative filtering technique. The general concept of collaborative filtering is customers who bought this also bought that. Amazon and Netflix have since refined their algorithms, and social media finally decided to adopt recommendation algorithms for themselves in 2010.

Social Media and Recommendation Systems

person scrolling Instagram feed on their phone

Today, recommendations largely dominate users’ social media feeds. This is evident by the For You page on TikTok and Twitter. Instead of just only showing posts from the people you’re following, it shows posts that their algorithms think you’d like based on past activity (likes, comments, replies, shares, etc.). Additionally, Facebook and LinkedIn feeds are also engagement-based by default, and the video recommendations section is the first thing you’ll see on YouTube’s homepage.

While social media platforms are relatively secretive about the specifics of how each of their algorithms works, one thing is clear: they reward posts that garner more engagement by showing them first. Even though every social media platform is different in its own ways, they all have similar goals: generate ad revenue, keep users happy, and encourage users to come back. The problem, however, is there’s no direct way to accomplish those goals when thinking about how platforms arrange content on users’ timelines. By focusing on engagement, the algorithm can then populate users’ feeds with more relevant posts, making it more likely they’ll stay on as well as return to the platform.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

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Social Media Marketing: Paid Versus Organic

Social Media Marketing: Paid ...
Over the last few years, research found that people spend even more time on social media now than in the past, making your business’s potential audience even larger. And it makes it more likely that they’ll convert as well. However, social platforms’ algorithms are constantly changing, and many now make it hard for brands to increase their exposure through organic methods. As an example, Hootsuite reported that an organic post on a Facebook page gets an average reach of 5.2% in 2021.

But despite organic social’s decline in reach, it still has its place in an effective marketing strategy. While paid efforts will help reach more people, organic social helps establish your brand’s overall reputation and can be a way to connect with your audience. It also is a great way to test content to see which ones are more effective before using them for a paid campaign. So, it’s important to employ paid and organic social efforts to get the most out of social media marketing.

Why Your Business Needs Both

Women typing on the notebook laptop open to Facebook

While reach can be fairly limited, organic social media marketing can still give businesses a good idea of who their audience is and what they’re interested in. Plus, it’s great for businesses that are just starting and may not have funds to pay for advertising. Through organic social posts, you can build out your community and demonstrate your brand values and tell your brand story, which will reach the growing number of customers who prioritize buying from companies whose values align with their own. It may not directly lead to sales, but it will help establish trust and transparency. And it’s a good opportunity to see how effective different kinds of content perform.

Paid social ads, however, will help immensely in increasing the overall reach of your marketing campaigns. With how algorithms on social media work today, businesses can’t rely on organic efforts alone to market their products. Paid social ads, unlike organic posts, can break through the algorithm to be seen by more users that probably wouldn’t discover them otherwise. But other than increasing visibility, paid social ads also allow brands to target their audience to reach the right customer at the right time. With the increase in online shopping, it makes it even easier for brands to integrate ads into users’ timelines without disrupting a user’s overall experience. Paid social ads can also further enforce the messaging and values your organic social posts release. you can even convert your best-performing promotional organic content into a paid social ad, increasing the likelihood that they’ll perform well. So, employing both organic and paid social media efforts will let you take advantage of everything social media marketing has to offer.

If your business needs any digital marketing help, our team is standing by to help you increase your business’s visibility online.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Rising Social Media Marketing Trends

Rising Social Media Marketing ...
It’s not a controversial statement to say that social media is an important medium to include in your digital marketing plan today. Over the last few years, customers have relied on the internet even more than ever, and that includes upping their social media usage. In fact, users spend an average of two hours and 27 minutes on social media a day according to a January 2022 report from DataReportal. But what brands do with social media can make a real difference in how potential customers interact with you. Looking forward to the rest of what 2022 has to offer, here are five rising social media marketing trends that you should consider adding to your marketing plan:

Focusing on Brand Intent

two people's hands, each holding an ice cream cone

An important consideration that many potential customers have before buying a product is what your brand stands for. This is especially true if you’re trying to target a younger demographic, such as Gen Z. Customers, especially those of a younger generation, stay up to date on current social as well as political issues. Taking a stand and speaking as a company where you stand on a certain issue takes real courage. But making them actionable will pay off tenfold in the end. That is if you do it right.

For example, Molly Moon, a local ice cream store here in Seattle, leads their brand with the promise that their ingredients are all sourced locally and everything they use in their shops is 100% compostable. While their ice cream quality as well as their rotating seasonal flavors are already a great draw, their commitment towards sustainability is what customers really love about them. If you look at their social media pages, it won’t take long before you find a post that boasts their sustainable practices. And that’s because they know that it’s what brings customers back time and time again.


a woman typing on a laptop that's open to facebook

Another way to better market your company on social media is by personalizing your content. There’s a reason why Spotify’s Discover Weekly playlist is so popular. But you can even personalize your content on social media as well, and many do. With social media, you can retarget people who have clicked on your previous ads or even searched for something similar. They do this by showing the ad to them again to encourage them to get them through the next step of the purchase journey.

For example, Expedia, a global travel company, retargeted people who clicked on one of their ads discounting hotel and plane ticket prices by showing them another ad with more specific wording. Like if they saw that a user recently looked up hotel rooms in Whistler, they’d include Whistler somehow in their retargeted ad to that user.

Using Influencers and Content Creators

a woman starting to record herself with her phone propped up while she's sitting and holding a small slice of pizza

Influencers aren’t a particularly new thing. Advertisers used to use celebrities to market products, going back to the late 1800s. Today, influencers now extend to digital content creators, ranging from Instagram models to YouTubers. So, it only makes sense for brands to enlist the help of one in their marketing efforts. And the best way to do that is through social media, where these content creators arguably have the largest reach.

An example of this involves Audible and a slew of content creators which includes Grace Helbig, Tyler Oakley, and many many more. On YouTube, all they do is add a clip of them informing viewers that they’re sponsored by Audible and that they can get Audible at a discounted price using their unique code. While there are plenty of other content creators also sponsored by Audible, Helbig, and Oakley do the same for their prospective podcasts. So, Audible not only has a large repertoire of influencers, but they ensure the relationship between brand and creator stays solid. That way, they can continue working with them even if it’s on different platforms.

Content Interaction

three people standing around outside all looking at their phones and laughing

Content interaction, while it sounds like it could be complicated, is actually much simpler than it seems. All it really means is that the end goal here is to have users interact with your social media posts. For a marketer, that traditionally meant increasing likes, comments, shares, and overall engagement rates. However, there are other ways to get a user to interact with you on social media now.

For example, polls have become increasingly popular on social media. Twitter and LinkedIn make it pretty easy to do as it’s included as an option when drafting a new post. Instagram (and consequently, Facebook) is a little trickier. Because it’s an image-first platform, the only way to poll your audience is through Instagram stories. Facebook used to have the option of creating a poll but it’s since gone away. But if you link your Instagram to your Facebook page, it’ll appear on both stories. But even then, you can only offer two choices.

Content Collaboration

a man taking a selfie with his phone while wearing a black nike shirt

Lastly, is collaborating on content with others, whether it’s your audience, influencers, or other brands. For big brands like Nike, it can be as easy as sharing a hashtag and encouraging other users to use it in their own posts. Luckily for them, they have a famous slogan (AKA “Just Do It”) that’s used in the majority of their marketing efforts. For smaller companies, it’s a little trickier to get the kind of response they do.

Content collaboration can include sharing how your company’s working with another. Much like how PSPINC shared how our team helped set up a site for the Johnny Cash museum. For brands that want to involve their customers (or potential customers) more, the best way to do that is either organizing a contest or giveaway. One way to do that is with the help of an influencer but you can also just do it on your own. For a giveaway, all you have to do is figure out what customers want and what you can realistically offer customers. Then, you just have to tell users how to enter (following your account, liking and commenting on the post, etc.), how long your giveaway is running for, and how the winner will be selected. If you’re looking for more of a collaboration, run some kind of contest that requires users to post something from their own account with a specific hashtag. That way, even if users don’t win, you can always look back and use some of that user-generated content (UGC) for future posts.

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