You’ve probably heard of blockchain before, especially with the growing craze of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. But blockchain isn’t just for finances, it’s just where it’s gained the most buzz in the last couple of years. Blockchain, simply put, is a database made up of a transparent network where users can trade wit...
Over the past couple of years, you may have heard of the term, “NFT”, which stands for non-fungible tokens. You may even be vaguely familiar with the concept. Maybe you associate it as a different kind of Bitcoin but in the simplest of terms, it’s actually more of a way to authenticate digital purchases. The big differ...
投稿日 2017-01-21 09:41
ウチクラ ケンイチ
"Fintech"という言葉を耳にしたことはないでしょうか? 近年バズワード化し、ITや金融に関心がある方は一度は耳にしたことがあると思います。 FinanceとTechnologyを掛け合わせた言葉で、注意すべきは金融機関がテクノロジーを使い始めることをFintechと呼ぶのではなく、IT企業が金...