2 weeks ago I went to Gotemba, which is about 20 kms south of Mount Fuji. When we stopped to take photos, I saw this nice car. Can you see Fuji in the background?
I live in Ichinomiya, in the north of Aichi Prefecture. There aren`t any mountains in Ichinomiya, so it`s a big change of scenery to see Fuji.
- (be) IN the north/south/east/west/centre of __ = __の北部/南部/東部/西部/中心です
- (be) north/south/east/west of __ = __ 北側/南側/東側/西側に (あります)
While cycling around Lake Biwa, I took photos of any unusual cars that I saw. I saw German cars e.g. the dark green Volkswagen Karmann, French cars e.g. the Citroen 2CV, British cars e.g. the Mini Coopers, and of course Japanese cars such as the white Mitsubishi Galant GTO - I think out of all of them, that`s my favourite. How about you?
- Germany (国) --> German (形容詞) ['ドイツ'はドイツ語です]
- France (国) --> French (形容詞)
- Britain (国) --> British (形容詞)
I guess this person doesn`t want their car to smell smoky. Anyway, they shouldn`t be smoking while driving. Actually, they shouldn`t smoke at all - it`s a bad habit.
- If we don`t know if somebody is 'he' or 'she', we can use 'they/them/their etc.' even though it`s only one person.
This trial roundabout is near Shiraito Falls in Fujinomiya. It used to be a normal intersection (交差点). Roundabouts are common in Australia, so I`m used to driving through them, but there aren`t many roundabouts in Japan, so Japanese drivers aren`t used to them. That`s why there are many warning signs for this one. For me, it`s funny - like seeing signs saying,"Warning! Trial Traffic Lights ahead! Drive Carefully!"
- 名詞 + used to + 動詞 = よく~したものだ、昔は~していた、以前は~したものだった
- (be) + used to + 名詞 / 動名詞 = 慣れている
I spotted this car going past my school. It might be an old Nissan Cedric. Or it may be a Gloria. Or it could be a Toyota Crown. Or something else...? Could be!
- "Might/May/Could + be + ___" means we are not sure if something is true or not.
At this restaurant in Ichinomiya, you can eat your meal inside this London double-decker bus. You can choose upstairs or downstairs. It`s interesting, isn`t it? Of course my kids loved it. Geeky dad enjoyed it too.
This is their website: http://www.lodekka501bta39.com/
- In English, 'London' is usually pronounced ランダン or ランデン (not ロンドン )
While walking around my neighbourhood, I noticed this car parked in someone`s carport. It`s a Datsun Bluebird from around 1970. It`s nice, isn`t it? I especially like the colour. What`s your favourite car? favourite colour? favourite ice-cream flavour?
Some words spelt 'our' in British English are spelt 'or' in American English:
- UK: neighbour, colour, favourite, flavour
- US: neighbor, color, favorite, flavor
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