I was surprised to see a car like this in a place like Ichinomiya. It`s a 1967 Ford Mustang.
It`s similar to the one Steve McQueen drives around San Fransisco in a 1968 movie called `Bullitt`:
I hope the driver of the car that I saw in Ichinomiya never drives like that.
- 名詞 + like this/that = こんな/あんな + 名詞
- 動詞 + like this/that = こんな/あんなふうに + 動詞
When I went to The Toyota Automobile Museum ( http://www.toyota.co.jp/Museum/english/ ) a couple of weeks ago, I was amazed by the variety of cars. I had expected just Toyota cars, but there were also cars by Honda, Ford, MG etc. They were all in excellent condition. I was really impressed.
Which was my favourite? I can`t say - it`s impossible to choose.
When I see old cars, I really want to have one. Maybe when I retire I`ll get an old car and try to restore it. Unfortunately, I don`t know anything about car restoration. When I have time, I`ll study!
- When... 動詞... 動詞... (about always)
- When... 過去形動詞... 過去形動詞... (about the past)
- When... 動詞... will 動詞... (about the future)
- When... 動詞... 過去形動詞... etc. WRONG
- When... will 動詞... will 動詞... WRONG
On the way (途中に) to Ichinomiya Teragoya today I saw this old Porsche. Of course I didn`t take this photo while I was actually driving; I was stopped at a red light. I`m a safe driver.
By the way, you know that a big typhoon is on the way, don`t you? Are you ready?
- `ON the way` = 途中, but `IN the way` = 邪魔, so:
"Hey, you`re in the way - I can`t see the whiteboard!"
At first I thought this was a Triumph but actually it`s a Honda S800 (1966-70). I think it`s the first one I`ve ever seen. It was outside Gifu Teragoya yesterday so I went to take a photo. First I took a photo from the front, then... I didn`t get a chance to take any more photos because the owner came, got in, revved the engine noisily to impress me, then drove away.
- First... = まず...
- The first... = さいしょの...
- At first... = さいしょは...
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