On Sunday Teragoya took a trip to Higashiyama zoo in Nagoya. There were about 70 kids this year - a lot more than last year. Fortunately the 10 kids in my group were very well-behaved. Of course they enjoyed looking at all the animals, but I noticed they had different opinions about the different kinds, for example:
The hippopotamus is lazy.
The ostrich is funny.
The elephant is nice.
The flamingoes are beautiful.
The American bison are nothing special.
Oh - poor American Bison! I hope they didn`t hear. But I was interested to see them; I`d never seen a real one before.
Have you ever been to the zoo? Which animal did you like most?
Day 2 was the toughest day of our trip - we had to climb a big mountain. Sometimes we rode, sometimes we walked, and sometimes I just sat down by the side of the road, ate a mandarin [mikan] (Ehime prefecture is famous for mandarins) and cried for a while. It was hard work.
But coming down the other side was fun.
As you can see, the leaves have started changing colour in some places.
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