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Teragoya Zoo Trip

Teragoya Zoo Trip
On Sunday Teragoya took a trip to Higashiyama zoo in Nagoya. There were about 70 kids this year - a lot more than last year. Fortunately the 10 kids in my group were very well-behaved. Of course they enjoyed looking at all the animals, but I noticed they had different opinions about the different kinds, for example:

The hippopotamus is lazy.
The ostrich is funny.
The elephant is nice.
The flamingoes are beautiful.
The American bison are nothing special.

Oh - poor American Bison! I hope they didn`t hear. But I was interested to see them; I`d never seen a real one before.

Have you ever been to the zoo? Which animal did you like most?
#アウトドア #動物


Shikoku Henro 2012, Day 4

Shikoku Henro 2012, Day 4
We spent the night in a town called Imabari, woke up early the next morning, and headed off to temple number 54. We arrived well before opening time - 8am - but the priest kindly opened early and stamped my father-in-law`s book. Temples 54 - 59 were quite close, and only one was a little up a mountain, so we managed to visit them all before noon. Another reason we could visit them quickly was that, unlike usual, we didn`t get lost along the way. Getting lost is frustrating, but also kind of interesting I think, if you`re not in a hurry to get somewhere.

Anyway, we caught the train about midday & headed back to Ichinomiya. Along the way, the train followed the north coast of Shikoku Island for a while - the view was great. I felt happy & satisfied.

I`m looking forward to returning to Shikoku to complete my `henro`, maybe next year.
#アウトドア #旅行


Shikoku Henro 2012, Day 3

Shikoku Henro 2012, Day 3
In some of my photos you can see people wearing white clothes & conical (= cone shape) hats. This is the traditional dress for pilgrims [gyouja]. Because I was cycling, I didn`t wear them, & I couldn`t carry a walking staff [kongoutsue] either. That`s kind of a shame, because they`re very ornate & colorful, & I`d quite like to have one. Maybe next time I`ll buy one as a souvenir.

Actually, most henro pilgrims don`t use their staffs for walking - I often see groups arrive by bus or mini-van, & just before they get off the bus, they get their staffs & conical hats, then they walk from the carpark into the temple. Nowadays not many people do the full henro on foot (it takes one or two months to complete).
#アウトドア #旅行


Mountain climb graph

Mountain climb graph
While trying to find out how high henro temple number 45 (Iwaya-ji) was, I found this interesting GPS graph. It was posted online by someone who cycled the same route. I think the beginning point is Matsuyama, & the final point is Iwaya-ji.

I feel tired just looking at it.
#アウトドア #旅行


Shikoku Henro 2012, Day 2

Shikoku Henro 2012, Day 2
Day 2 was the toughest day of our trip - we had to climb a big mountain. Sometimes we rode, sometimes we walked, and sometimes I just sat down by the side of the road, ate a mandarin [mikan] (Ehime prefecture is famous for mandarins) and cried for a while. It was hard work.

But coming down the other side was fun.

As you can see, the leaves have started changing colour in some places.
#アウトドア #建物 #旅行


Shikoku Henro 2012, Day 1

Shikoku Henro 2012, Day 1
We were on Shikoku for four days altogether. These are some photos from the first day. If you have any questions, please ask me in Comments. For example:

- What kind of flowers are those in the second picture? A: They`re cosmos.
- What kind of crab is that? A: Sorry, I don`t know. I saw a few of them on one mountain road we were on.
- How big was it? A: About 7cm across.
- Did you pick it up? A: Yes.
- Did you keep it? A: No.
- Did you cook it & eat it? A: No!

Click on the picture to enlarge.
#アウトドア #動物 #建物 #旅行


Shikoku Henro 2012

Shikoku Henro 2012

During our school`s autumn holiday, my father-in-law & I took our bicycles to Shikoku Island to continue our cycling tour of the island`s 88 `henro` temples. As you can see from this map, we completed about a quarter in 2008, another quarter in 2010, & this time we managed about the same.

The weather was good, & we didn`t have too many problems. Of course I took a lot of photos - I`ll post some of them over the next day or two.


Otaki Shonyudo Cave

Otaki Shonyudo Cave
I`ve never really been into caves* but travelling near Gujo recently, my friend wanted to visit Otaki Shonyudo cave, so we went & took a look.

It was very cool inside, so it was a nice relief from the heat outside. However, it was quite long & narrow, & there were a lot of people, walking very slowly, so it took a long time to go through.

I don`t suffer from claustrophobia [heishokyoufushou], but I was kind of glad to get outside again. I`d hate to be in a cave during an earthquake, or heavy rain, or a blackout [teiden], or if my kids needed the toilet...

Fortunately these things didn`t happen!

*that`s a joke - did you get it?
#アウトドア #旅行


Laguna Water Park

Laguna Water Park
On Monday we went to Laguna Water Park in Gamagori. I thought it would only take one, maybe one & a half hours to drive there, but because of some bad traffic it took more than two hours. That`s pretty tough, especially with two restless kids in the back, an annoying Anpanman CD on auto-repeat, the car navigation system giving strange instructions, & the sun getting hotter & hotter... Oh...

Fortunately my wife was driving. I slept the whole way.

Laguna has various kinds of pool. We spent most of the time at the pool with the pirate ship. There are also various rides [norimono], but we didn`t go on any.

Afterwards we looked around the shopping centre across the road, & had dinner at a restaurant there called Washaganchi. Not only was the food very good, it also had a nice view of the marina. A great way to end the day!

This is their webpage:
#アウトドア #旅行


Kids Daycamp

Kids Daycamp
On Sunday we had our annual Teragoya kids daycamp in Inuyama. First we prepared the barbeque & food. Then we cooked fried noodles [yaki soba], sausages, & chicken. We also made curry. I thought it was too much food, but the kids were hungry & there wasn`t much left over [nokoteiru].

After that we went hiking & looked for animals. You can see some of them in the photos (click to enlarge). A couple of kids also managed to catch some baby fish & shrimp in the river.

When we got back from hiking, we made marshmallow-chocolate sandwiches:

RECIPE - M.C. Sandwich
1. Put marshmallow on stick
2. Heat over bbq
3. Put between 2 chocolate-coated biscuits & squeeze
4. Eat
5. Say: a) "Mmm - yummy! b) Oh - so sweet! or c) Argh - my diet!

I think everyone had a good time, but maybe the local wildlife was glad when we left.


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