
Otto's blog


Ogaki Festival

Ogaki Festival
On Sunday I went to Ogaki festival. I`d never been to it before. It was bigger than I expected, with more stalls (やたい) & people than I expected. As expected, the stalls were selling the usual things - shaved ice (かきごおり), fried noodles (やきそば), corndogs (アメリカンドッグ) etc. My kids especially (とくに) like chocolate-coated bananas (チョコバナナ). In addition to other food, they ate two chocolate-coated bananas each. I was surprised - they ate much more than I expected at the festival. I hope this means they had a good time.

Have you ever been to Ogaki festival? What did you think of it?

- expect = 積もり
- as expected = 予想通り
- [adjective形容詞]er than (I) expected = (私) 予想より[形容詞]
- more [adjective形容詞] than (I) expected = (私) 予想より[形容詞]
- more [noun名詞] than (I) expected = (私) 予想より[名詞] たくさん 


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投稿日 2014-05-27 21:29

>Have you ever been to Ogaki festival? What did you think of it? 
NO, I haven't. 
I didn't know about Ogaki festival. 
How did OTTO know about it? 
I do not care about festival. 
In Japan, 
many people say " Ti Ga Sawagu, 
when they see the festival. 
Have you heared it?


>Have you ever been to Ogaki festival? What did you think of it? NO, I haven't. I didn't know about Ogaki festival. How did OTTO know about it? I do not care about festival. In Japan, many people say " Ti Ga Sawagu, when they see the festival. Have you heared it?

Teragoya Otto
Teragoya Ottoさんからコメント
投稿日 2014-05-28 14:12

A workmate told me about the festival. I was free that day & had never been before, so I decided to go & check it out.

Chi ga sawaru > blood touch > to touch the blood. In English we have a phrase "It touches the heart" but it`s not quite the same meaning. I think "it raises your/one`s spirits" is a better translation.

