
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

New Office

At least I got my computer wo... At least I got my computer working.
I have moved to a new office today.
The move is complete but I do not know how I put all those stuffs ...
It will take days.
#Dreamersi #PSPinc #WebHosting #WenDevelopment #pacificSoftwarePublishing


Coronavirus Update as of March 5, 2020

https://www.worldometers.info... https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Coronavirus Update as of Mar...
Actually, Washington State where I live accounts for 11 out of 12 in total deaths in the US. Japan so far has 6 deaths and another 6 from Diamond Princess Cruise Ship.

China has the most cases and most deaths ... but the problem is I do not believe the number they are saying.

AT PSPinc, we have announced following policy.

  • If you would like to work remotely due to being sick, please work with your manager for approval and set the necessary guidelines on remote work.

  • Please alert your manager or HR@PSPInc.com if you or other household members have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 (coronavirus). You will then be asked to stay away from PSP for 14 days and we will try to work with you if you are able to work remotely.

  • If you have a fever, you are to go home and get well. Notify your manager and HR@PSPInc.com.

  • Attached is a notice for preventive care and this will be posted in both the 1404 and 1402 buildings.

  • If you or a household member travels to any country with a travel advisory 3 or 4, please inform your manager and HR@PSPInc.com. You may be asked to stay home for up to two weeks even if you are not showing any symptoms.

  • We all have co-workers, household members, family members or friends in the higher risk categories. We want to do our best to minimize risk to all those in our community.

  • Please use the available disinfecting wipes to cleanse your desk and associated work areas at the beginning and end of your shifts. We will try to disinfect common areas on a daily basis.

  • Please ask if you need any additional information or have questions. We have been gathering information and can give you additional COVID-19 (coronavirus) handouts we have gathered. Just contact HR@PSPInc.com.

  • #COVID19 #Coronavirus #KenUchikura #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


    Business as Usual

    Business as Usual
    I went to a meeting in Seattle (Seattle Executives Association) today. I thought we will have very minimal people there because of Coronavirus. However, we actually had room full of people. We had discussion about changes ... For now almost all the companies are operation as normal.

    Nobody was wearing mask. I am so proud of people in the group not panicking at all.
    #PSPinc #PacificSoftwarePublshing #SeattleExecutivesAssociation


    TLS 1.0 & 1.1

    TLS 1.0 & 1.1
    Major browser will not display any website contents that TLS 1.0 and 1.1 staring at the end of March. What is that mean?

    Well, when April fools come this year and if your website does not display on the the browser, your website is either TLS 1.0 or 1.2.

    What do you do when this happens.

    You can call your web hosting company and web developer to let them know they dod a lousy job. If they have informed you about it and you did nothing, you have brave it on you.

    Before this happens, call us and we will test your website for free.

    PSPinc. 1-800-232-3989 or 425-957-0808
    #PSPinc #PacificSoftwarePublishing #TLS #TLSFreeTest


    No Gym ...

    No Gym ...
    Just to be on the safe side, I have decided to stay away from the places where people gather ... I will skip gym for now. I will make it up by walking.
    #COVID19 #Coronavirus #KenUchikura #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


    Second Death from Coronavirus in the US

    I think government is doing a f... I think government is doing a find job containing.
    Media is not doing a good job screaming.
    Second person died from Coronavirus in the US was also at EvergreenHeath in Kirkland, Washington. It is still not a serious number. There are more people die from the gun shots, car accidents and influenza.

    I do not like the fact media is trading it like a end of the world. And politician is reacting to it like a way to gain more support. let's just be calm.
    #COVID19 #Coronavirus #KenUchikura #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


    Coronavirus scare!

    Where are people? Seattle Pre... Where are people?
    Seattle Premium Outlet Today
    March 1, 2020
    When you really think about it, it is not the end of the world pandemic. It sounds scarcely but in the US, Traffic Accident, Gun clime, Influenza or suicide, each one kills >100 times more people.

    It is the media causing people to panic. I was at the outlet today. I have never seen so little people there. There was not even a line at Starbucks. People should do everything they can not to get sick but what is the point?

    Japan is even worse. No masks, no toilet papers? Are you kidding? Media is really out of control and they should be reporting in the relative term.
    #COVID19 #Coronavirus #KenUchikura #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


    Coronavirus hits home!!!

    Cherry Blossom at Aldarra Gol... Cherry Blossom at Aldarra Golf Club
    The first death was reported at Evergreen Health in Kirkland, Washington. It was the hospital that I got my colonoscopy in December last year. Hearing what is going on ice China, Iran, Korea, Italy and Japan made me concerned but hearing something this close to our hime makes it really scarcely.

    However, although the casualty will increase, it is stall a very rare case. We should not panic.

    BTW, I golf today ... I shot 95 (49/46). It is not good but I walked over 15,000 steps. Not too bad.
    #COVID19 #Coronavirus #KenUchikura #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


    Company Lunch Today

    Company Lunch Today Company Lunch Today My Lunch My Lunch
    Company lunch today.
    I hope everyone enjoyed.
    #CompanyLunch #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


    MegaMail will be Reborn!!!

    MegaMail will be Reborn!!! 2004 product home page ... fr... 2004 product home page ... from the Archive.
    We are starting to overhaul MegaMail (secure Large File Transfer System) now.

    Back in September 2004, we have published the system enabling people to send large file using Internet and our datacenter. It was a hit and we kept it un until 2013. Since then, we have not done mony update due to the fact there are other services like DropBox.

    However recently, we are asked many times by our customers to update our MegaMail service to current. So, we have decided to overhaul MegaMail system. Our target update and release date is May 1, 2020.

    If you are interested, current version is still available at https://sendmegamail.com

    #KenUchikura #PSPinc #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SendMegaMail


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