
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989


When you make decision, you rarely get enough information or you sometime get too much information. When it comes down to it, you need to rely on your gut feeling.
#dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #opinionstand #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pompomishere #postinheaven #pspinc #valueproposition


My Newsletter / How Do You Become An Expert?

My Newsletter / How Do You ... My Newsletter / How Do You ...
How Do You Become An Expert?

There are many experts in the world, especially when it comes to business. There are many so called “experts” who are willing to teach you how to “Manage People”, “Manage Time”, “Manage Marketing”, “Manage Projects”, “Manage …”. You can hire any of them to HELP you manage anything, but when do you become an expert? At what point can you say you don’t need them any more?

The answer is NEVER. It is like public road construction projects, it is not designed to end. There is always something new. Rules change, people change, perceptions change and needs change. So you will never become enough of an expert to say “I don’t need them any more”.

Can you conduct business without those experts? Yes, but it will end up costing you more. For instance, you will never do your book keeping and tax preparation without an Accountant and CPA. You will never go to court without having your Lawyer. You will not negotiate building permits without having an Architect.

So, are you not an expert in anything? No, you are an expert in the field you are in. Your job is to make sure you understand what you are an expert of and sell your expertise. Basically, you cannot be an expert of everything. Just find what you are an expert of and hope that it is an expertise that people need.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
#KenUchikuraNewsletter #PacificSoftwarepublishing #pspinc


Snow. What Snow? This Snow!

Snow. What Snow? This Snow!
#Dreamersi #PSPinc #PacificSoftwarePublishing #Snow2020 #WebHosting #WenDevelopment


Long Day

Long Day Long Day Long Day Long Day Long Day Long Day Long Day Long Day
My dat started with waking up 2:30am and saw snow.
I rushed to the office t clear some snow.
#dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #opinionstand #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #valueproposition


Evening Latte

https://www.agorarefreshments... https://www.agorarefreshments.com
I am happy to have a cup of hot latter in my office anytime I want.
I try not to drink too much coffee but ...
Come see us at PSPinc for.a cup of Latte.
#AgoraRefreshments #CoffeeBreak #PSPinc #PacificSoftwarePublishinmg


Web de Xpress is a registered service mark!!!

Web de Xpress is a registere...
We have apply and was approved to Web de Xpress ... PSPinc's Web Content Management Software as registered service mark.
#WebdevelopmentWashington #dreamersi #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc


Creative Advertisement | Inspiring

Smallest Sumo Rikoshi Smallest Sumo Rikoshi

I saw a wonderful commercial in Japanese ... I attempted to translate it, I don’t know if it makes sense. This is a commercial from a Japanese department store called Seibu / Sogo.


Great reversals can occur. 
I do not believe that.
No miracles happen anyway.
Still people will say irresponsibly.
A smaller person can overcome a larger person.
Now is the time to be yourself.
But such an idea is stupid.
It's wise to give up if you know you cannot win.
At end of the game, there is no chance to win.

To you who read this far…
Read the text line-by-line, from bottom to top.
The reversal drama begins…

I hope it made sense.
#dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #opinionstand #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #valueproposition


New Coffee Machine at R&D

New Coffee Machine at R&D New Coffee Machine at R&D New Coffee Machine at R&D
After the successful launch of coffee machine at our HQ building, we have installed another coffee machine at R&D building today.

We got this coffee machine from https://www.agorarefreshments.com
It is a hit.
#Agora #dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #opinionstand #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #valueproposition


Coffee Machine was down!!

Coffee Machine was down!!
Coffee machine went down yesterday and it was fixed today.
So many people missed coffee from this machine.
We are happy to have it back.
#dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #opinionstand #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #valueproposition


First Working Day of Japan

Entire server team is working... Entire server team is working on Sunday. Special Pizzas Special Pizzas
Today is the fist day that businesses in Japan start working in 2020. Because of the long new year holidays, we had huge traffic hike. In addition, one of our Internet line is being attacked. So, we need to shut down on oof the line to take care of it.

It is almost noon in Japan and I think we are now in clear.

年始の仕事初めのトラフィックに対応するために万全の体制でデータセンターの監視を行いました。昨日から回線の1つの DDOS アタックと見られるトラフィックを検知、その回線を落しての対応を余儀なくされました。

#dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #opinionstand #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #valueproposition


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