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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
With ShopSite, you can design and sell just about anything online on your website. Unlike Amazon, you can sell services as well as merchandises. It is very cost effective and easy when you have a partner like Pacific Software Publishing.
If you want to explore how you can create and start selling your products and services on your own domain, please contact me.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Search and Reserve Your Domain Name

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How Web Hosting Has Changed
I watched a YouTube video the other day and the speaker said, “I made over $1 million by creating websites. My sister and my friends also made over $1 million the same way. If you listen to what I have to say, you can do the same just by working a few hours a day”. According to this video, you only need to work for a few hours a day with no initial cost to make a website. There are many other YouTube videos online that are similar to this. They seem to make money by making web development tutorials, but I don’t see how they can make $1 million by any means.
Many companies don’t have websites or don’t update them. However, I’m more concerned about how many small business owners use free email services like Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook for their business. I understand the temptation because they’re easy to use, but I don’ think it’s a good choice for work. I use Gmail for personal use but for my work email, I use PSPINC’s domain.
Having a domain isn’t just a privilege for companies. And owning a domain to run your website and email is no longer the hassle and expense it used to be. Now, it doesn’t cost that much to get a domain name, create a website, and use multiple emails with that domain. As a web hosting company, it’d be great if customers paid a higher price, but those days are long over. For example, PSPINC’s web hosting plan includes domain acquisition, SSL installation, and web and email hosting. All for less than $300/year.
With PSPINC, you can create a website with our website building tool or we can help you develop one that fits your budget. Please feel free to contact us.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Search and Reserve Your Domain Name

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What to Consider Before Looking at Your Google Ranking
Much like before, we still get many spam emails saying, “We will increase your site’s Google ranking”. In general, your site’s Google ranking attracts more website visitors, which means it’ll result in more people coming to your site. This would be like opening your physical store in a busy shopping district opposed to having your store located on the outskirts of town where no one comes. However, is it right to think that a higher Google ranking will lead to an increase in business?
The real question is, is there a direct correlation between a business’s Google ranking and sales? Will the number of customers increase as the ranking goes up? What percentage of users attracted because of your site’s Google ranking are actually interested in your business. Would it be meaningful to attract customers from other countries if your company is physically located in the U.S or Japan? And if you do promote to a specific region, will you be able to attract users that actually need your services?
Before considering the ranking, I think the site itself should be investigated. There’s no point to it if people visiting your site don’t know what your company’s offering. Especially for sites that don’t include videos or audio that. For those sites, users must read the text to figure out what your site’s offering. If, at a glance, customers can’t determine if your site meets their needs or not, they won’t move forward. Instead, they’ll click out and try to find what they’re looking for elsewhere.
When a user visits your site and immediately leaves, the technical term is “bounce”. Even if you’re able to attract many people by improving your Google ranking, it’s meaningless if you have a large bounce rate. Therefore, it’s necessary to make the site easy for users to understand before you consider the ranking. It’s also wrong to think that giving users a large amount of information upfront will keep them interested. If you don’t design your site that’s easily understandable in a short amount of time, improving your Google ranking is meaningless. Big chunks of text is a big turn-off for users, especially since many people surf the web on their mobile phones.
The homepages for our sites, C-Sagaseru(for Japanese users) and Loud Nerds, are designed to specifically present three different options for different purposes. I think this kind of device is necessary to put into account in addition to improving your business site’s Google ranking.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
Search and Reserve Your Domain Name

I am publishing newsletter every Wednesday.
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