
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)

1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA

425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989


Problem of Teleworking

Problem of Teleworking
After one week of allowing people to work from home, I have found the biggest problem with it. If your job is doing the routine work like bookkeeping, almost all work can be done by teleworking. But anything that require management, supervision, training, customer interaction cannot be fully accomplished by teleworking.

If you are an entrepreneur and make decision and change direction on a daily bases, telecommuters are very difficult control. I have to adjust not to change or delay reaction. So, it is like you are a captain of the ship and you want to change heading or change speed, you cannot just do that. Instead you need to tell people to do it but you will not know when that will take place.

Also you cannot trying anyone by teleworking. So, by moving to telework, you need to stop your training process. This does not apply only to new employee but people trying to start something new.

At the end, telework is good to just maintain what you have. Not for when you want to grow your company by trying many things. I really hope this Coronavirus Pandemic will be over soon.
#KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #PSPinc #PacificSoftarePublishing #teleworking


May Last Newsletter for 2019

May Last Newsletter for 2019
SSL, TLS and Security

Lately there is a lot of talk going on around Internet Security. Much of the talk are about supporting TLS 1.2, but you are asked to buy an SSL Certificate. You must be confused like I am. You need to support TLS 1.2 to be considered secure, and soon the newer browsers will enforce that. Starting sometime in March of next year, new browsers will not even display the content if your website is not TLS 1.2 or later.

When you read up on the Internet, you'll learn that TLS is a successor to SSL. So, what is a TLS certificate? Why are you still asked to buy SSL when SSL is replaced by TLS. What is going on?

It is really confusing and stupid. I learned there are two meanings to SSL. (1) SSL is a certificate you buy to verify your company's security. “SSL Certificate”, (2) is the encryption method called SSL. The encryption method SSL is the one that is succeeded by TLS. The versions that are available for TLS are 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. And starting March 2020, anything below TLS 1.2 will not be considered safe. Of course, all SSL excretions are obsolete.

Here is the confusing part: To use TLS, you need to be verified by a third party as an existing business or organization. That certificate is still called SSL. So you need to purchase an SSL certificate to activate TLS. Was I able to clear up this confusion? I hope I did. If you are not SSL certified or using anything less than TLS 1.2, or if you do not know which version you are using, please give us a call. We will be happy to look it up.

This will be my last newsletter for 2019. Have safe holidays and a happy new year. Thank you for being my friend.
#KenUchikura #KenichiUchikura #Newsletter #dreamersi #marketing #pspinc


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