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- Ken Uchikura’s Newsletter Vol. 80
Ken Uchikura’s Newsletter Vol. 80
“Entrepreneur” [noun]
a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
Many people think they cannot start their own business and they are right. It is not easy to be an entrepreneur, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to do. You must be smart enough to create a business plan and stupid enough to start your own company. You then must stick with it regardless of how you are accepted in business. Of course you will not have any payroll unless you have revenue and profit. You must know that entrepreneurs have no minimum wage or set hours. Oh, you have no paid vacation either.
Everything that happens in your company, whether you are directly responsible or not, you are responsible for. If you are not willing to take responsibility, you should not be an entrepreneur. When I started my business, I was the inventor, bookkeeper, marketer, salesperson, manager and janitor. I had to do everything and by the way, after 33 years, I still do many things myself. I spend more time at the company than anyone, I think about new products, ways to save money and ways to sell 24 hours a day.
I often dream of something, wake up and write it down. Often the next day, I read the note and say to myself “What the hell was I thinking?”. I learn to trust people and I learn to lose those people. I am not always happy with the people I work with, but I learn to go on as much as I can.
That is what it means to be an entrepreneur. I am not happy 100% of the time but I am not unhappy 100% of the time either. I just go on. Taking responsibility for every bad thing and passing praise to my staff as much as I can. If I cannot do that, I would not be an entrepreneur. Not everyone can be an entrepreneur, but I do recommend those who want to try to be an entrepreneur, to do so. You may make a great entrepreneur, then again, you may not.. Being an entrepreneur is not work, it is a way of life.

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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