
Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Circumstances Surrounding Japanese Sake at the End of the Year)

By Ryuji Takahashi
Last year, many could not travel to their hometown due to the impact from the coronavirus, thus celebrated the year-end/New Year at home. For this reason, Japanese sake sold in high volumes compared to the end of the previous year. High-end sake over 10,000 JPY also sold in high quantities because expenses spared from having no year-end parties to attend was directed instead on high-end sake to celebrate the New Year at home. December 2021 started with anxiety over year-end sales as the emergency declaration was lifted. Anxiety stemmed from the concern that people who couldn’t return to their hometown the previous year to celebrate the New Year will all leave at once and empty the cities.
In addition, although consumers can now dine inside restaurants, some companies cancelled their year-end parties resulting in fewer orders from restaurants, signaling minimal increase in sales. The outcome was as expected. Early to mid-December generated lower sales than anticipated, surprisingly low for the month of December. Later half of the month of December, shipments to other prefectures picked up at the timing people returned to their hometown to celebrate the New Year holidays. Sales of high-end sake comparable to the previous year finally appeared to signal a return to normal sales for the month of December. However, sales gradually dropped, marked with large sales recorded only during the last three days of the year. This drop in sales seems attributable to the cancelled year-end parties, people returning home to their hometowns, and celebrating the New Year at home as anticipated.
We also received help from sake breweries to sell sake at sales events. Kondo Brewing of Gunma prefecture, producer of Akagisan, sells mainly Akagisan Junmai Daiginjo produced by squeezing Yamadanishiki rice (from Hyogo prefecture) using a centrifugal machine. Echi Shuzo from Shiga prefecture sells mainly TOMITSURU CHIKURIN 2021 and TOMITSURU SHIUN 2021, both winners of Kura Master 2021 held in France. Kanemasu Brewery of Niigata prefecture sells their new Ginjo Draft “Takarazukushi” and “Junmai-Ginjo “Hatsuyuki,” in addition to Junmai-Daiginjo “Hatsuhana” from last year.
Sales events held jointly between Hakuro Shuzo of Niigata prefecture and Fujisaki Sobei Shoten of Saitama prefecture - managed under the same group - sold approximately ten different types of sake. All the sales events were successful, generating high sales during weekends only. Working with sake breweries to sell sake together brings back fond memories of working for a sake shop, which motivates me. Even as I write this article however, the new omicron variant is infecting many. I only hope and pray we don’t return to a time when sake cannot be enjoyed together in public.

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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (All Nippon Product Fair)

By Ryuji Takahashi

“All Nippon Product Fair,” titled traveling through Japan in three days, was organized by the Central Federation of Societies of Commerce and Industry, and held over three days in the Ikebukuro district of Tokyo in the Sunshine City building complex from November 19-21.
This product fair held one day longer than last year after the state-of-emergency declaration was divided into three sections. The food court sold food products, Japanese sake and beer; the souvenir section like tourist spots sold crafts and processed foods, and the farm booth sold agricultural and processed products. Many products are sold only in their production region, thus visitors packed the exhibition booths. Approximately twenty sake breweries exhibited sake products at the food court, where the Ginjosai Ambassador Award 2021 was held concurrently to rank each sake product divided into Ginjo and Junmai categories. Each sake brewery invited customers passing by to sample their sake products for only 100 JPY per cup in a vigorous PR effort to compete for the Gold Prize.
As a result, the Gold Prize for the Junmai category was awarded to Tokubestu Junmai by Nanbu Bijin, the Silver Prize to Kimoto Junmai by Kunimare Brewery, and the Bronze Prize to Junmai Dry of Hananomai Brewery.
For the Ginjo Category, the Gold Prize was awarded to Junmai Daiginjo of Tada Tada (Takeuchi Brewery), the Silver Prize to Daiginjo of Nanbu Bijin, and the Bronze Prize to Junmai Ginjo of Kunimare Brewery.
In this manner, real-time feedback received onsite from real consumers was helpful to sake producers as well.
Most importantly, many booths in the food court served delicious foods enticing sake drinkers. Prices dropped on the last day with enthusiastic pitches to sell off the remaining food products, encouraging potential buyers to loosen their purse strings, another thrill of attending product fairs. Every few hundred meters, exhibitors offered fifty percent off, leaving no choice to shoppers but to buy. My paper bag was filled with spare ribs, chicken karaage (deep-fried), dim sum, etc. It was interesting to see booths advertising voluminous meat products on large posters, banner flags, and various other mediums lined with customers. Desserts were sold concurrently along with a project that ranked Japanese sweets from nationwide. Confectionaries exhibited products from nationwide in an effort to ignite the next new dessert boom.

The top ranking dessert for 2021 was the baked kolone from Okinawa prefecture. The “Okinawa Nama Kolone” is an original kolone pastry filled with a cream made from an Okinawan fruit. Other renowned confectionaries from each prefecture lined the booths with enticing confections, an impressive line-up that hinted at a possibility of a future boom. More visitors attended this lively product fair than the previous year. With the threat of the coronavirus completely eliminated, I anticipate a new boom based on this exhibition.


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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (A Journey of Sampling Delicious Foods from Saga Prefecture)

By Ryuji Takahashi

The state of emergency is now lifted nationwide, with sake and food events held in various regions.
Meanwhile, “Omi City’s Delicious Specialties and Quality Consumer Goods Fair” was held at the shopping center Viva City Heiwado in Hikone city, Shiga prefecture for twenty-five days starting October 20. This event (food fair) is where locals rediscover delicious foods and beverages of Saga prefecture, while visitors newly discover the local specialties of Saga prefecture, a fun food fair that showcase various food products.
Omi Beef (Japanese Black Wagyu Beef) raised in Saga prefecture is representative of Japan. Omi Beef is said to have sparked Naosuke Ii’s Sakuradamon Incident. One of the top three major Wagyu brands representative of Japan, Omi Beef not affordable for the general consumer’s dinner table is casually sold as processed food in croquettes (beef and mashed potato patties breaded and deep-fried), minced meat cutlet, and curry bread at this food fair. An opportunity to enjoy this beef brand is great news.
Saga prefecture offers essential flavors from Lake Biwa (“Mother Lake”) such as sweetfish, Biwa salmon, Funazushi (fermented sushi). Not to get off topic, funazushi is fermented sushi, significantly different from the general nigiri (hand-pressed) sushi or rolled sushi. Protein in the crucian carp turns into amino acid, releasing a distinct, cheese-like fermentation odor. A divisive food product that people either like or dislike, funazushi is one of the delicacies paired with sake that is representative of Japan.
Japanese sake is required to enjoy funazushi and other fish from Lake Biwa (“Mother Lake”). This year, Echi Shuzo introduced previously exhibited mainly their “ TOMITSURU Junmai-Daiginjo Pleasure Omen” awarded the Platinum Prize in Kura Master 2021 held in France; along with “TOMITSURU Tokubetsu-Junmai Chikurin” awarded the Grand Gold Prize.
I previously organized an event that paired culinary flavors from Lake Biwa (“Mother Lake”) in Saga prefecture with sake produced in Aichi prefecture. I recall both Funazushi (fermented sushi) and boiled sweet fish were very compatible with rich sake from Aichi prefecture, rare in Eastern Japan. Sake with fruity or subtle flavors may likely be overshadowed by the strong flavors from Lake Biwa (“Mother Lake”), full of vitality.
Since regional culture and local sake flavors are developed together over a long period of time, local foods are perhaps best rediscovered when consumed with local sake, another recommendation to enjoy food fairs. As the coronavirus pandemic mostly subsided, food fairs will resume in various regions. Since travel across prefectures is now permitted, visiting various regions is surely fun. On the other hand, why not search for delicious local specialties for the first time in a long time?


 緊急事態宣言が全国的に解除になり、各地で酒や食のイベントが開催されるようになってきた。そんな中、10月20日から25日の期間、滋賀県彦根市に有るショッピングセンタービバシティ平和堂にて「近江うまいもんええもん市」が開催された。このイベント(物産展)は、地元の人は滋賀県の美味しい食ベ物や飲み物を再発見出来、他県の人は滋賀県の魅力を新発見できる楽しさ満載の物産展である。まず、滋賀県と言えば近江牛である。近江牛とは黒毛和種の和牛が滋賀県内で飼育されたものであり、井伊直弼の桜田門外の変のきっかけになったという俗説があるくらいの日本を代表するブランド牛である。三大和牛の一つとも言われるくらいのブランド牛なので、なかなか庶民の食卓には並びにくいが、この物産展では、コロッケやメンチカツやカレーパンとして気軽に買える加工品として売られていた。少しでもこのブランド牛を味わえるのは嬉しい限りである。そして滋賀県と言えば琵琶湖の味覚である。小鮎・ビワマス・鮒寿司は滋賀県の味覚として欠かせないだろう。少し話が脱線するが、この鮒寿司とは、一般的な寿司屋の握りや巻物の寿司とは大きく違い、どちらかと言えば発酵食品の仲間である。鮒のたんぱく質がアミノ酸へと変化したチーズの様な独特の発酵臭があり、人によって好き嫌いは大きく分かれる食品だが、酒のつまみとしては日本の誇る珍味の一つである。鮒寿司に関わらず、琵琶湖の魚を味わうに必要なのが日本酒である。今回は、以前も紹介した愛知酒造が出店しており、フランスクラマスターのプラチナ賞を受賞した「富鶴 純米大吟醸紫雲」や、同じくフランスクラマスター、プラチナ賞受賞・スペイン国際酒類コンクール、グランドゴールド賞受賞の「富鶴 特別純米竹林」などをメインに販売が行われた。私は以前、滋賀県の琵琶湖の味覚と愛知酒造の酒を合わせるイベントをおこなった事があるが、東日本側には少ない重厚な愛知酒造の酒に鮒寿司や小鮎の甘露煮が非常に合うのを体験している。フルーティな酒や線の細い味わいの酒では琵琶湖の生命力あふれる力強い味覚には負けてしまうだろう。その土地の文化と酒の味わいは長年一緒に育ってきたのであるから、地の物は地の酒で飲むべきだと再認識出来るのも物産展の楽しみ方かもしれない。コロナ禍が収まりつつあり、今後も各地方で物産展が再開されるだろう。県をまたぐ移動が出来るようになり、各地に旅行も良いが、久々に地元のうまいもんええもんを探してみてはどうだろうか。

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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Kura Master 2021 Award Ceremony)

By Ryuji Takahashi

The Kura Master 2021 contest for Japanese sake, Shochu and Awamori was held at the Hôtel de Crillon in Paris on September 20.
Japan was under a state of emergency at the time due to the coronavirus pandemic, so fewer breweries from Japan attended the award ceremony compared to the previous year. However, the award ceremony was live-streamed on YouTube for anyone to view.
The Platinum Prize is awarded to each division, one President’s Prize, and five Jury Prizes are presented on the day of the award ceremony. The President’s Prize was awarded to Sawanoi Junmai Daiginjo by Ozawa Shuzo Co., Ltd. in Tokyo. Echi Shuzo in Saga prefecture, whom I serve as consultant, won the Platinum Award in both the Junmai-Daiginjo and Junmai Divisions and attended the award ceremony in France.
The Echi Shuzo garnered the Jury Prize, an impressive feat. I was proud a small brewery I’ve worked with for several years won a Jury Prize they can now use confidently as a powerful tool in their PR efforts. Echi Shuzo now stands at the starting line to compete on the global stage for the survival of Japanese sake. I’m very happy for Echi Shuzo, and hope this prize is an opportunity for the brewery to reveal a fresh new business concept in their upcoming sake products. On the other hand, the award ceremony held while Japan was under the state of emergency may have appeared odd to viewers who observed the careful precautions enacted during the Tokyo Olympics.
Participants attending the award ceremony were required to show proof of two COVID vaccinations. Award recipients removed their masks to receive their awards by hand with commemorative photos taken in close proximity. Not to say close proximity is bad, however, viewers were watching the award ceremony online. How viewers around the world perceived this award ceremony through their respective culture and way of thinking is unknown. Perhaps, the organizers might have considered the cautious approach taken by Japanese, and why some award recipients refrained from attending the award ceremony in France considering the timing (socio-political climate exercising caution against the coronavirus pandemic).
Some may claim confidence in the countermeasures enacted to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, while others may say the threat of infection to the coronavirus is behind us. However, quarantine is required upon returning to Japan. As the state of emergency declared across Japan was lifted, Japanese sake breweries upon their return from the award ceremony in France faced a delayed start to participate in Sake Day on October 1 and Autumn Sake Sale, etc., as restaurants resumed sales of alcoholic beverages. To ensure their timely start upon return to Japan, perhaps more thorough measures to prevent infection were necessary for the award ceremony in France.
Echi Shuzo, a brewery run by a married couple who attended the award ceremony together, also faced delays in their sales plans upon their return. Although some differences are observed between regions in their respective precautions against the coronavirus pandemic, perhaps, it was too soon to exercise minimal precautions during the award ceremony. Next year, I look forward to and pray the award ceremony will see attendees laugh out loud freely as they enjoy samples and discuss business together.



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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Sake Brewed during the Coronavirus Pandemic)


By Ryuji Takahashi
At the time this article was being written, over half of the Japanese population had received the second COVID-19 shot. As the number of cases started to decline, the state of emergency declaration was soon to be lifted in various areas. Restaurants and liquor shops were looking forward to serving alcoholic beverages soon. The state of emergency declaration being lifted does not mean the number of customers returning will go back to pre-pandemic levels. The corporate year-end parties will not be as large-scale compared to the past. Therefore, liquor shop sales will not easily return to pre-pandemic levels either. However, customers can soon gather openly to enjoy sake together in small groups, perhaps even celebrate Sake Day on October 1. The “Hiya-oroshi, Autumn Edition of Draft Sake” should be delicious right now.
In addition to the summertime when Japanese sake does not typically sell much, the coronavirus further hindered Japanese sake sales. More than a few sake breweries had said they would not release limited summer edition sake in magnum bottles for this season. However, the limited fall edition sake “Hiya-oroshi” already released by various breweries were bottled in 720 ml and 1,800 ml (magnum) bottles. General consumers, liquor shops, and sake manufacturers are each feeling the impact from the coronavirus pandemic. In this issue, we introduce the sake “Kanemasu Red Label Draft Sake: Two Summers Over, Limited Autumn Edition Release,” gradually deepening in umami flavor over the last two years while awaiting release in the midst of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
In this series, we’ve written several times about “Kanemasu Brewery” in Niigata prefecture, characteristic for their expertise in aging sake deliciously. Their representative brand, Kanemasu Red Label, is brewed using the Hashira Shochu Brewing Method from the Edo Period (1603-1867). This shochu brewing method stipulates pouring rice shochu into sake to ensure the sake will not spoil over the ten or more days required for transportation from Kansai to Edo. The Hashira Shochu Brewing Method was officially invented when this practice was discovered to age the sake just right upon arrival in Edo. This is the first shochu brewing method that adds alcohol to sake, like Honjozo. Originally, Kanemasu Brewery distilled whiskey following World War II. Therefore, the pot still distiller in the brewery is still used today to distill rice and sweet potato shochu.
This shochu brewing method was used to add shochu and complete the Japanese sake Red Label. Even the regular sake is aged for a year before shipping. “Two Summers Over, Limited Autumn Edition” is released once very two years. The undiluted sake aged for nearly two years is thoroughly aged with a smooth aftertaste. Industries associated with the sake industry suffered greatly during the last two years. Unfortunately, some restaurants and liquor shops closed their doors and businesses. I look forward to enjoying this sake aged in the brewery during the coronavirus pandemic over the last two years, as I pray for the beginning of a new era for the sake industry and for my sake industry colleagues to resume their businesses.


この記事を書いている時は、日本は2回のワクチン接種完了者が国民の半数を超え、感染者数が下がり始め、各地の緊急事態宣言解除が目前となり、飲食店や酒販店は、間もなく訪れる酒類提供の時を今か今かと待ちわびている最中である。もし解除になっても全ての飲食店の客数が元に戻るわけではない。年末の忘年会も今まで見たいな大規模なものは行われないだろう。それに伴い、酒販店も簡単には売り上げは元に戻らないだろう。しかし、少人数なら堂々と飲食店で日本酒が飲めるようになり、10月1日の日本酒の日を迎えることが出来るかもしれない。そして、今最高にうまい酒は「ひやおろし」だろう。夏はただでさえ日本酒が売れない時期に加えコロナで、一層日本酒が売れなかった。今期の夏酒に関し一升瓶は出しませんという酒蔵も少なくなかった。しかし、既に各蔵で発売が始まっている秋の季節酒「ひやおろし」は皆、通常通りの4合瓶と1升瓶を発売している。一般消費者も酒販店もメーカーもコロナ禍の終了を感じているのである。今回は、この2年続いたコロナ禍の中、密かに旨味を蓄えながら発売を待っていた酒「金升 朱(あか)ラベル 二夏越え ひやおろし」を紹介したい。何度か、この場で紹介させていただいた新潟県の酒蔵「金升酒造」。この蔵の特徴は熟成の上手さであり、代表銘柄の金升朱ラベルは、江戸時代の製法である柱焼酎仕込みで造られている。柱焼酎仕込みとは、酒を腐らせない為に、日本酒の中に米焼酎を入れ関西から江戸に十数日かけ酒を運んだ際、江戸に到着したら程良く熟成し非常に美味しい酒に変化していたことをきっかけに生まれた製法である。いわゆる、本醸造の様なアルコール添加酒の最初の製法だ。元々、戦後ウイスキーも造っていた酒蔵なので、蔵内にポットスチルという蒸留器があり、上手い米焼酎や芋焼酎を現在も造っている。この焼酎醸造技術を生かし完成したのが、米焼酎添加の日本酒、朱ラベルである。この酒は、通常商品でも1年は熟成させてから出荷する。そして2年に一度、「二夏越え ひやおろし」が発売される。二年近く寝かした原酒は、しっかり熟成感が有り、まろやかで後味がスッキリしている。この2年で酒関係業界は非常に苦しんだ。残念ながら店を閉めた飲食店や酒販店もあった。廃業や休業に追い込まれた酒蔵もあった。コロナ禍の2年間を酒蔵で見続けてきたこの酒を新たな酒の時代の幕開けと沢山の酒関係の仲間の再起を祈り、この秋は飲みたいと私は思う。  

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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Kura Master 2021)

By Ryuji Takahashi
Recently, the Japanese sake contest “Kura Master” held annually in France for French competitors announced the 2021 winners of the “5th Kura Master.” The sake contest held annually in France since 2017 is judged by judges based in Europe consisting of members holding the prestigious title “Meilleur Ouvrier de France” (MOF) bestowed by the French government, top sommeliers and bar men of first-class hotels across France, members of the “Le Club Des Cavistes Du Japon” (an organization of independent liquor shops directly importing wine, champagne, and food products from foreign production regions without importers acting as a middleman), culinary school associates, and professionals from the hospitality and food industries.
Kura Master is a sake competition offering an opportunity to pair sake entries with various food products, to promote Japanese sake products to France and the European market through contests, sampling events, and various events; and for small sake breweries to find new sales routes. In pursuit of such opportunities, Echi Sake Brewery of Shiga prefecture (whose operation I help manage) submitted entries in the Junmai Daiginjo and Junmai categories. This brewery with hardly any brand recognition won the top platinum award in both categories with 5 entries selected, the highest number of entries selected in both categories. Echi Sake Brewery’s path to victory was not an easy one.
Echi Sake Brewery visited my sake shop approximately three years ago and consulted me about how to revitalize their business and what type of sake to produce to enhance their brand recognition despite not having any budget to develop new products or sufficient help. As I listened and sampled different categories of their sake products, I gradually started to wonder if the sake brewery was not aware of the high potential of their own sake products. Their sake products stored for years started to produce a sophisticated umami flavor they were not aware of. I suggested they rebrand and promote their sake products in storage and to verbalize their sake flavors, which took three whole years to accomplish.
Changing the brewery’s logo also took time. The brewery required some time to get on board with the decision to change their long-established logo. The brewery’s sake was resold as premium sake targeting their intended pinpoint demographic. Also, I convinced the Echi Sake Brewery interested in jumping on the fresh sake bandwagon to verbalize and promote their delicious aged sake flavor and their local long-established reputation, which took three years to accomplish. These efforts helped to sell their sake in storage and the brewery to win the highest recognition in 2 categories of this year’s Kura Master competition. I feel Echi Sake Brewery is finally standing at the start line. I wish for the brewery to please keep working hard to survive the market. As soon as one gives up on a challenge is when one’s dream ends in my opinion.


先日、毎年フランスで行われる日本酒のコンテスト「Kura Master」の2021年の受賞酒の発表があった。このクラマスター、2017年から開催されているフランスで行うフランス人の為の日本酒コンクールで、フランス人を中心としたヨーロッパ在住の審査員で行われる。フランス国家が最高職人の資格を証明するMOFの保有者をはじめ、フランスの一流ホテルのトップソムリエやバーマン、カービスト、またレストラン、ホテル、料理学校関係者など飲食業界のプロフェッショナルで運営されている。コンクールや試飲会、各種イベントを通して、マリアージュを体験する機会を創り、フランスをはじめとした欧州市場へ日本酒などをアピールする場を酒蔵などに提供してくれるので小さい酒蔵としては新たな販路を見出すチャンスを貰えるコンクールと言えるだろう。そんな、チャンスを求めて今回、純米大吟醸酒部門と純米酒部門に酒を出品したのが、私が運営を手伝っている滋賀県の愛知酒造である。お世辞にも日本で知名度があるとは言えないこの酒蔵がなんと今回、両部門で最高位のプラチナ賞を受賞し尚且つ、2部門とも最高の5本に選出された。この受賞に至るまでは簡単な道のりでは無かった。3年程前に、私が経営する酒販店に蔵元が訪れ、どうやったら酒蔵に活気が出るのか、どの様な酒を造って行けば認知度が上がるのか相談され、新商品を造る予算も無いし、人手も足りないとのことだった。サンプルを数種飲ませてもらい話を聞いていくうちに、蔵元自身が自分の蔵の酒のポテンシャルに気付いていないのではないかと思う様になった。売れていない数年在庫となっている酒に味が乗り始め複雑な旨味が生まれていることに気付いていなかったのだ。私からの提案は、在庫をリブランディングしてアピールする場所を変える事と、自社の酒の味を言語化出来るようにしましょうという事だった。それには丸3年かかった。蔵のロゴの変更にも時間がかかった。長年使ってきたロゴの変更には蔵元もなかなか決断が出来なかった。酒も特定名称の変更をして再販売し、ピイポイントで狙い撃ちの販売を行った。そして、フレッシュ酒の流行りに乗りたい蔵元を説得して蔵の熟成の上手さを売りにする事と昔からの地元評価を大事にしつつ、それをちゃんと言語化してPR出来るようになるまで3年かかったのだ。しかし、そのおかげで在庫として蔵に眠っていた酒は売れ、今回のクラマスター2部門で最高の評価を得ることとなった。やっとスタートラインに立つ事が出来たと私は思っている。生き残るには動き続けよ。挑戦を諦めた時点で、夢は終わるのだと私は思っている。
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Japanese Sake Type Differ According to the Combination of Flavor and Aroma

In addition, Japanese sake type also differs by aroma and preparation method. The Sake Service Institute focused on the sake flavor and aroma to classify sake into four different types.
Sake type is classified by plotting the sake flavor onto the horizontal axis and sake aroma onto the vertical axis. Sake with concentrated flavor and aroma is designated as Mellow Sake, while sake with concentrated flavor but light aroma is Pure Sake, sake with subtle flavor but pungent aroma is Aromatic Sake, and sake with subtle flavor and light aroma is designated as Refreshing Sake.
Compatible cuisines and temperature are indicated for each sake type as reference to select your sake type for sampling.
Refreshing sake with no odd flavor is referred to as clean sake flavor. The lower the rice-polishing ratio, the cleaner the sake flavor. To the contrary, the higher the rice-polishing ratio, the more concentrated the umami flavor in the sake. Generally, aromatic sake is best served chilled, while rich sake is best served hot. Raising the temperature increases the umami and sweet flavors, mellowing the acidity of sake.
Heating both Mellow and Pure Sake produces more full-bodied flavors.
Rich sake refers to Japanese sake light and refreshing in flavor, while sweet Japanese sake is heavy and strong in flavor.



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A place you can enjoy various kinds of Japanese local sake and cuisine to the fullest

A place you can enjoy various... A place you can enjoy various... A place you can enjoy various... A place you can enjoy various... A place you can enjoy various... A place you can enjoy various... A place you can enjoy various... A place you can enjoy various...
By Aya Ota

Its unique exterior; walls without windows, which make it impossible to peek in, and the thick and heavy door, both of which remind you of a kura (an old-fashioned Japanese building for storage); catches your eyes. This is “Sakagura East Village” which opened its door in September of 2018. As soon as you step inside, its gracious interior space decorated with plentiful of woods and stones, and a small Japanese garden-like space open up in front of you, and you feel as if you suddenly stepped into another world.

“I want to pursue the basics of Japanese food culture. I want people to fully enjoy various kinds of Japanese local sake with authentic Japanese cuisine,” says Bon Yagi, CEO of T.I.C. Group. This Group’s motto is “Enjoy Japan without Airfare (You can enjoy authentic Japanese tastes and ambiences without actually going there)”. From true traditional Japanese foods such as sushi and soba to more current foods like curry and ramen, street foods such as takoyaki and rice burgers, Japanese sake bars and tea salons, a total of as many as 13 different kinds of business models are forming their 20 plus Japanese restaurants under the operation of this Group. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the person who has been making the history of New York’s Japanese cuisine scene for the last 40 plus years. He was awarded for his contribution. He was selected as one of the 5 winners in the world for the Minister's Award for Overseas Promotion of Japanese Food in 2018.

This place is positioned as a sister restaurant of “Sakagura” in Midtown, which has been running as a popular restaurant where the high number of customers has been sustained for more than 20 years, however, this place deserves more than positioned as the second location of a popular restaurant because it is filled with its own charms.

The person, who creates gracious dishes with plentiful seasonal ingredients imported from all over Japan, is Masaru Kajihara, Executive Chef. He has been displaying his skills at notable kaiseki restaurants in both Japan and the US, such as “Suzuki” in Tsukiji, Tokyo, and “Kyoya”, a New York Times 3-starred restaurant. The “Sakagura Omakase Course” is offered only at the East Village location. The first item of the course, the “Pintxo with Truffled Chicken Pâté and Pepitas on Rice Bread”, specially baked bread with cooked rice mixed in the dough, surprises you. The “Carpaccio Medley” is accentuated with ponzu gelee and salted konbu. The “Wagyu Ishiyaki”, served with sizzling sound and aroma, pleases your five senses fully. To show their particularity about rice and miso, the Japanese cuisine basics, a kamameshi, cooked super high-quality rice from Uonuma, Niigata, with a lot of seafood such as scallops, Snow crab meat, etc., is served accompanied by miso soup using uki-koji miso and nukazuke style pickled vegetables to finish the course.

The Japanese sake selection of nearly 100 different brands from about 80 breweries have been carefully selected by Ryoma Miki, General Manger/sake sommelier. There is even a premium kind of sake you cannot find anywhere else. Recommended pairing with the omakase course is well accepted, and it impresses you even more when the sake that matches each dish perfectly is served in each appropriate container that matches the sake. Many sake connoisseurs visits “Sakagura” which carries the most selection of sake in New York, and they like to order unique brands such as Nama-zake, Kimoto, and Yamahai. The casks of sake piled up high by the wall at the deep end of the restaurant are donated by the breweries from all over Japan. This display shows their passion and aspiration to convey enthusiasms of brewery owners and masters of sake brewers of each brand, and to represent characteristics of each sake to as many people as possible.

A unique event called “Taste of Japan” which started to realize their hope to introduce Japanese local cooking specialties, is particularly noteworthy. Every other month, one of Japan’s regions is picked, and a special menu is created and offered featuring the picked region’s local specialty food and their local sake. For the first time of this regular event, Niigata prefecture was picked, and the highest-quality Uonuma-made rice and miso made by Hakkaisan brewery was used. They are planning to continue this event featuring prefectures such as Nagano, Hyogo, Miyagi, etc. in this respective order.

One big difference of this place from the Midtown location is its interior space. You can sit alone at the counter, you can enjoy and relax in a semi-private space with a friend, or you can even bring a group of 20 to use a private space for a large group. This place can accommodate almost any situation. There are plenty of spaces among the tables, and they are creating an ambience which draw a line between them and other casual and noisy East Village restaurant.
“Sakagura East Village” which is like a concentration of the wonderfulness of Japanese food culture, is definitely the kind of restaurant you want to visit again and again.







特に注目したいのは、日本各地の郷土料理を伝えたいという意図で開始した「Taste of Japan」という独自企画。約2カ月おきに、ひとつの都道府県に焦点を当て、郷土料理と地酒を組み合わせて楽しめるメニューを提供する。初回の新潟県特集でも、魚沼産の最高級米や八海山が醸造する味噌を取り入れた。この後、長野、兵庫、宮城…と続く予定だという。


Sakagura East Village
231 E 9th Street
New York, NY 10003
Tel: 212-979-9678

Tue–Thu: 6:00PM–10:45PM
Fri & Sat: 6:00PM–11:45PM
#Japanese #NY #alljapannews #eastvillage #sakagura #sake


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