ブログルは2004年(19年前)にスタートした Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. が開発した無料のブログサービスです。世の中には無料のブログは山程ありますが、それらのブログに中に広告がない、一切収入を期待していないブログサービスはないと思います。ブログルには一切広告は出てこない、ですから自治体や学校なども安心してブルグルをお使いいただけるのです。
Bloguru is a free blog service that was started by Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. in 2004 (19 years ago). While there are numerous free blog services available in the world, I believe there are none like Bloguru that do not contain any advertisements and do not expect any income. With Bloguru, there are no advertisements whatsoever, which allows government organizations, schools, and others to use it with peace of mind.
Furthermore, users who create blogs on Bloguru go through an authentication process during registration, so there are no anonymous users. Additionally, Bloguru does not compress any photos posted on the platform. You can view the images in the quality you uploaded them. Bloguru also does not delete or compress blog posts from its users for being old. You can look back at my blog posts dating back to 2004.
Finally, Bloguru has a limited capacity. Once 1,000 people have registered, no new registrations can be made unless someone leaves. Currently, we are about 250 registrations away from reaching 1,000 users. For this reason, users who have not made any posts will have their registration and blog accounts deleted if they do not make a post once every four weeks after their initial registration, or at least once a year thereafter.
Enjoy the ad-free and free-of-charge Bloguru experience.

PSPINC の提供するインターネット関連サービスで
- ブログルメンバーの方は下記のページからログインをお願いいたします。
- まだブログルのメンバーでない方は下記のページから登録をお願いいたします。