Learning how to Coach in English ("Brilliant Coaching", Day6), Listening (1)
I am an executive coach supporting and encouraging people who work in companies or organizations.
By reading the book titled "Brilliant Coaching" by Julie Starr, I will continue to put some key points about coaching at work.
The topic is "Focused Listening" and let me divide it into two parts as follows.
Part 1: Good listeners
Part 2: How we should listen
Focused Listening, Part 1
- In coaching conversation, your need to listen goes beyond a simple need to hear information.
- When we listen to someone really well, we can actually help them speak and express themselves. If they recognize they are really being listened to, and so can relax and simply speak.
- Good listeners build rapport and warmth more naturally, through their increased focus on other people.
- The quality of your listening is directly linked to your attention. So, good listening demands that you make a conscious effort to listen.
- You need a clear minds, free of chatter - and that flows more easily from your attention.
- The basic principle of good listening is actually that you need to 'be with' the person you are supposed to be listening to.
- A good way to increase your capacity to create a stronger attention is to practice 'present-moment awareness' - this means you must clear mind and focus on what's happening right now.
That's all for today. See you tomorrow!